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@Heavenlee You are  beautiful young lady, inside and outside. I feel very honored to get to know you! And I'm very proud of you of what you did (actually what you didn't do!). You make this world a better place, let alone the forum. If you feel like you have cravings, or about to use, call or text me anytime, and we'll talk about stuff to derail your attention from the drugs. :)  

Hugs and good vibes from all over the Cosmos! 

@Jackie Chiles my angel. @Smoka90 you know how much I adore you! And we have so much in common I'm so insecure also. @aintnouse you don't know how much you made me feel like a better person, @two @2earls for reminding me off the important things in life that I couldn't see, @Back2Good who has helped me dealing with struggles with God. @sociopathicbombshell Love you, you are such a beautiful person and you make me happy just reading you're post @Bugatti making me laugh everyday which was rarely before i met you guys, @Fargo you been with me for years! @PTFC also for always being there for me. I'm finally able to writing part two. I've wrestled with it because I've only disclosed my life to two people but I've come to trust you and consider you my family since my crazy mother makes it impossible to have any relationship with my dad. I told others on the VIP section that she won't let me see my dad because she thinks we are having an affair!

        Sorry so long but I'll try to make short. So anyways I move back to Cali remarry my husband after he said he missed me and couldn't be with anyone else because he missed me so much. I did ask if he ever got involved with that crackwhore again and assured me and promised on his life he would never hurt me. Not long after I moved back I started having female problems again. I asked my husband if he was with anyone that it was ok because we were divorced. He kept telling me no but his behavior was strange. I guess love is blind because I kept diagnosing myself for two years and buying drugs on the Internet. I finally got too the point I looked in his emails which I never have done before. There I found the same crackwhore named Tina blackmailing him for money not to tell me things.

        I emailed her back and told her to leave my family alone. What I received back was a video of her and my husband having more intimate sex than he ever had with me! I believe I had a nervous breakdown because I honestly lost my mind and my heart was shattered. I couldn't understand how my husband could endanger my life yet again and lie about it and let me sit there for two years driving me crazy what was wrong with me. I have never heard of a man being so selfish to worry about getting caught than my life.

        First of all I have only had sex with seven men all my life in committed relationships. I always practiced safe sex. I worked at an AIDS clinic so I knew prostitues were dangerous and shared that with my husband. Didn't he know that the first time he did that to me.

       I immediately went to the doctors and was just kind of empty. I did everything right and still found out I had herpes and HPV. What was worse because my husband had no regard for my life not telling me to see a doctor for two and a half years is that they found cancerous cells in my cervix. The HPV had turned into cervical cancer. I had to go through chemo and radiation immediately and had a total hysterectomy. It's like it was a total whirlwind and I had no time to deal with his lies and betrayal. He promised me to protect me when we remarried. 

     I tried with my husband to make it work but I just couldn't get over what he did to me. To his credit he has become a new man trying everything he could do to make it work. He helped me and stood by me during my cervical cancer and was wonderful.

         So now I struggle with major trust issues. I swear my heart still feels like it's been shattered in a million pieces and just can't be fixed. To this day the hurt and pain he caused me is so unbearable. I can't handle it that's why I think I turn to cocaine. By the way I was a heroin addict and always hated cocaine.,I guess it my mind I wasn't worth a $5.00 crack whore so why not be one, without the sex part. I started shooting cocaine which is very dangerous for me. I have a pig valve in my heart keeping me alive after almost dying from endocarditis which kept me in the hospital for two months. It's safe to say I have no business shooting cocaine because my heart is not in great condition to be doing that. I have attempted suicide 5 times only to be brought back with multiple shots of narcan. I have been in and out of psychiatry wings of hospitals.

        Mostly @Smoka90 and others I deal with insecurity all the time. I look in the mirror and don't see the beautiful girl I used to be. I just see myself as a disease. I feel so ugly on the inside and outside and I feel I'm unloveable and feel like damaged goods. My self esteem and self worth is gone. To make everything worse this girl Tina would send other videos while I was going through all of this. Yes I blocked her but she would make fake accounts from my Facebook friends to send to me. And no I stay away from Facebook and all other social media sites. This is the only place I post on and feel safe. It's the first time in my life that I feel like I can trust you guys. Everyone is so kind and I feel for once in my life I can share my story with all of you and not be judged.

    Recently I found out my ex has stomach cancer and let him move back to me. This is when I started relapsing again. I had been clean for over a year. So I'm sure it has brought these feelings I ran from. 

       I just wanted you to know who I am. What I have gone through. Why I keep doing dangerous drugs and feel suicidal at times. It never felt like I would get better. But there is good news at the end of the story. I have talked to a few people that have told me more that has helped me than my psychiatrist has ever helped me. I am starting to see that these diseases don't define me as a person. I know I am a good person with a good heart. I don't want to keep destroying my body. My entire body arms and legs look like WWll! I guess I was damaging my body on the outside because of how I felt inside, ugly. 

       I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart how much all of you mean to me and everyone of you I value greatly. For the first time @2earls and @two @Jackie Chiles All told me how beautiful life was. I only concentrated or was obsessed with the negative side and feeling sorry for myself. I should be grateful I'm alive not what could have been. I told this on the VIP side, I have been taking walks with my son playing Pokemon Go, it's just our way of spending time together. Last night I cried or rather sobbed at all the beauty there is in the world. I was just so wrapped up with feeling sorry for myself to see it. But I did, and for the first time I feel like a human being again. I know it's a process but it's a hell of a good start. I am sitting here crying with tears of joy and happiness this morning for meeting some of the best friends I could have ever met! I love you guys! 

Thank you again for sharing such an intimate and private experience with us. Usually the problem with drug addicts, that they develop self-resentment, self-hate, and the forget how to feel. You crying an having fun with your son shows, that you have feelings, and your soul and heart aren't just a dark void. I thank you very much for giving me more credit, than I deserve! If I saw my current girlfriend's crackhead lover sending me videos like that, I would've totally broken down too... That is the most cruel shit that anybody could do to another human being. You are worth so much more than put dirt in your body, especially that you have heart problems, and pig valves usually give out in about 10-12 years, so you will need a replacement. That's no big deal, almost an everyday procedure, but when you use, you basically give a winner card to your ex and his crackhead mistress, because I'm sure that's what they tried to achieve, since they knew your week point.

You have no idea how many "good" guys would want to be with you, or I should say get in the line to ask you out. You are so young, your whole life is ahead of you, don't let crackwhores and @sshole exes take that away from you. Your son loves you and needs you, so if you really want to be part of his life and start with a fresh blank page again, now is the time! You are truly a treasure on this board, a very special person, who doesn't come by everyday. I think we all collectively can say, that we appreciate you, your strength, and your trust.

You can always turn to us if you feel otherwise! You are very much loved here, and always welcome to write about what's on your mind, what bother you.

Just take it one step at a the time, and you will shine even more than you do now!


You've come back @Heavenlee! When someone so close betrays your trust it does indeed shatter your heart and can literally kill you, from your own admission of dangerous drug abuse to possibly even more extreme and self made decisions. I'm glad you're here, and I'm glad you feel safe here. I'm fond of saying it and have done so on here on more than one occasion,  but now and again it's good or cathartic to look back and see how far you have come. This time last year I was a mess for various reasons, and now I'm the happiest boy I've been in years thanks to my own hard work, and the love of my life with a new girl, (but an old friend). The future is everything, the past is done, and it is amazing to just look around once in a while and enjoy being alive. @two is spot on!!

@Heavenlee Thank you for sharing such a personal story with us, and I do my very best to help and understand.

I just read it and I just think... why do all the horrible things in life happen to the best people? The cheating, the illnesses, the deceipt, it's all horrible and I'm so sorry that it happened to you. You're the last person who would deserve such things...

But I'm also happy to read how you feel like things are getting better, and I'm proud to be part of the community that you feel so comfortable in. =)

As you say, you are a good person with a good heart!

No, actually, more like: You're a brilliant person with a fantastic heart! *hug*

Keep safe and stay positive! =)

@Heavenlee, dear lady..I have thought for years that all of the anger and violence was drained from me, one can't maintain the capacity to live a normal life with that sort of..."situational awareness", as my mentor, the great (and thrice divorced) CSM (SF, RET) Billy Shaw told me at a reunion just a couple of years ago.

And it was hard to stay married during my career, it's still hard to look at my wife and see her smile at me, but not with that light she used to have in her eyes when we were young and carefree, before I dragged her into the life of an Army wife.  I'd forgive her anything, given the months long absences I put her through, with no way to contact me, the weeks upon end in the field even when we were back in garrison, keeping our skills sharp...The calls from a friend that I was back from some ungodly place, but in the hospital, if she wanted to see me...And during all that, she raised three perfectly normal kids who adore her, but are never quite sure what to expect from me - I see respect, and gratitude, but nothing resembling love when I spend time with them.  So I let it all go, as Billy advised..."maintain the capability to defend your family, but shit, Sir, I'm going to tell you - our time to be bad men is over and long done with, and if you don't let go of the mindset - Your body will be in the grave before you lose the skill set, that's just natural...but if you don't let go of the aggression, the hatefulness, the need to maintain constant "situational awareness", that woman WILL leave you."

So it took a couple of years, but going back to church, focusing on my new career, finally seeing a VA Doc about PTSD (then tossing his benzo advice to the wind and promptly self medicating - I'm old enough to tell what helps and what doesn't), and above all, giving all my attention to my wife after work (the kids are all grown and gone) drained the "bad man", as Billy put it...from me - My God, I haven't even had a drink of hard liquor in I don't know how long - I'm as "normal" as I'm ever going to be, and far more tired than someone my age should be...But that light in my wife's eyes, while very dim now, is brightening every day.

But my God, put me in a room with that man for just two minutes and he'll suffer far, far more than the suffering he's put you through.  I hate the sonofabitch just from your description!

As my far more intelligent than I friend @Jackie Chiles so eloquently put it:

You have no idea how many "good" guys would want to be with you, or I should say get in the line to ask you out.
Jackie's 100% on the money - You are the type of lady that 100% of the "good guys" would get in line for the opportunity to make that light in your eyes shine.  Keep your eye out for them, leave the past where it belongs, in the past, and just keep being @Heavenlee.  Good people deserve good things, I've no doubt they'll find their way to you.

- b2g

@Jackie Chiles I swear you are my angel sent from above@PTFC thanks for sharing you were as miserable as I was just a year ago and you seem so happy now it honestly gives me hope. @Smoka90 I miss you we haven't touched base lately, @aintnouse you have been a tremendous help to me., @sociopathicbombshell You always brighten my day as well as @Back2Good giving me faith @Bugattiyour humor brightens my day! @two @2earls thank you for your advice, you gave me something so great I can't describe it, I really forgot how beautiful this world is . I just was consumed by my own self pity and anger at the world to see it.it. @Fargo you have always been a great friend for years on this board, @dave2013 you have always been a great friend, I need to catch up with you,@runnerlk I'm getting to know you better and hope to get to know you better. I  wrote my story to you all because I didn't want pity, I just wanted you to know who I really am. Why I go to one extreme to another. Why I seem such a mess. I swear I feel so much better talking and sharing with you all then paying my psychiatrist who just listens and prescribes antidepressants! He doesn't give me advice at all except to keep a journal. I swear that's the honest to God truth. Well having my ex isn't a good thing let stay with me. When I relapsed he was calling me a crackhead and actually had my son calling me names. I actually left my own house! He's gotta a lot of nerve to call me that after he hurt me so much by a crackwhore! I used to say he ruined my life. I told him he needs to find another place to live. I am giving him until the end of the week to get out. But I don't know why I feel bad still because he's sick. But for my own emotionally stability I think it's best. Now with your help I see I'm not a lost cause and my life is just beginning. I really didn't think as me as a strong person. But looking back I can see how strong I really was. I'm still alive and kicking. Just a week ago I was shooting coke and for the past few days now I'm taking walks with my son and playing Pokemon Go, which by the way he's a cheater! I didn't know how he had so many more than me because I found out he's been purchasing incense. Little Jerkwood! As I told everyone i think my cat hates me! For three days my cat has been pooping at the end of my bed right where my feet are! I think when my husband ex I mean and son were picking on me he joined their pact. Bad Kitty! Anyways, I just wanted to thank you for your love and support. This week has been the best week I've enjoyed in a long time. I've actually been happy for the first time in a long time! I know it will be a process but I don't take any of your advice lightly I actually use it. I'm so grateful for this community. I love you all  and thanks for all the support. You guys and girls are my family!

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Remarkable - @Jackie Chiles may have started this thread, but in scanning through it (the first time I've been able to since reading @Heavenlee's earlier contribution made me lose my temper worse than I have in years...Let's just say this - I went through what at retail would have been $100 worth of NATO chambered 5.56mm cartridges -  (Oh, don't worry for the b2g household fiscus, I haven't purchased pre-loads for personal use since 1988 - I load all of my own cartridges now, much cheaper), tossed my favorite blade (yes brother @PTFC, that one) at about 50 targets, and now I sit here exhausted - but with 90 minutes of weapons cleaning to do before I can put them away and go watch "The Notebook" with my wife.

And upon reading it again as I cool off, I don't see a single member posting or listed that I don't really, really like.

You all may think I'm joking when I tell you I'm a grumpy old man, but oh, it's true.  I haven't had to use a cane in years (it sure came in handy after that heart surgery, but I had a private "cane burning party" on the evening of the day my Doc told me it was no longer necessary - I lost 64 pounds in 7 months just by walking on my own two feet), but I'm the guy at the park that both kids and parents cross the street when they see me headed towards them.  There's a story behind that that I'll impart to you one day, but for now just trust me...I'm a grumpy old coot.

Now, don't take that as 'b2g's a mean old coot", because I'm not.  I've eaten the majority share of the shit sandwich I was issued at birth, sometimes in large bites, and sometimes in smaller ones, but there are only a few tiny pieces left on the plate - For which I'm glad, because once you've eaten the last bite, it's off to Fiddler's Green to put a few boots up a few Armor / Cavalry officers asses, then off to the fields of Elysium, where all of my friends will laugh at me for my halitosis until I can swill enough Artillery punch to clear it [DAMN!  HIT THE POST BUTTON BY ACCIDENT!].

Anyhow - Here at DBG I don't have to be the grumpy old man - And that, along with all of you, I treasure.



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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. CnC5 @ CnC5: Hope everyone has had a great weekend! Check out our new post on our thread ✨️✌️
  2. A @ AnnaSofia: Hi all hope everyone’s having an above average weekend.
  3. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: We been rocking kinda hard since the day we begun, yo ready-c man, play Sanford and son....
  4. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: "Well his name is ready-c and im tellin u, he can play the beat forwards a d backwards too...
  5. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: @LatsDoodis maaan funk d.a.t!
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  7. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  8. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  11. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  12. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  14. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  15. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  16. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  17. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  18. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  19. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  20. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣