Hi From The Irish Girl :-)

 I kinda feel sorry for her this morning, I was a little too loud in that post. She put that up the same day I said I couldn't ride unless it bareback,  but I went out and got me a big box of Trojans this morning. 

The thought of that crotch rot made me think twice about things. 

On a different subject, I think we need to be looking out for Cheftell, he isn't paying enough attention to be left alone. Yesterday he walked right past a masturbating Wookie, and was going to give some chick $5 for her blistering snatch medicine.

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Cold sores are herpes too guys... she didn't specify genital or not, let not be too quick to assume.

On another note, I will go above cheftell's offer, and offer $7.32 shipped/paypald. LMK Irish lady.

Cold sores are herpes too guys... she didn't specify genital or not, let not be too quick to assume.

On another note, I will go above cheftell's offer, and offer $7.32 shipped/paypald. LMK Irish lady.
Indeed, you are correct on the herpes- cold sores vs genital, however that being said, when referring to this in an introductory post or any post for that matter, it would be best to specify WHICH one it is you have...

Right or wrong, people tend to make the "genital" assumption with this one! /default_smile.png

Then the eBay and selling part...

LOL- @$7.32 offer!

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Very true H-Man. It's also used to treat Chicken Pox and Shingles. The best advice I would offer to somebody taking it for ANY reason would be to say it's simply an antiviral medicine or not even mention it. Someone with that many health problems should have figured that part out, especially before posting it for sale. People see the word herpes and only one thing comes to mind despite the fact it could be any of those different ailments. If the info on that link is correct the 800 mg dose is for chicken pox and shingles. If that's true, in all likelihood shingles is the actual ailment she has.

I wouldn't mind if my second and third posts were removed. I think we all got caught up in the fun and games a little too much because it was just too easy given the circumstances. I personally thank her for the laughs we got at her expense, and reminding me it's not wise to take chances when it comes to sex.

She's obviously very sick, and I don't want it to look like we have no sympathy. I doubt she would want to show up here again, but she only asked a question and the Grand Poohbah gave her a good answer. 

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You lot should be ashamed of yourselves, I came on here looking help, I asked a simple question, which only one of you had the decency to answer. My mother always told me if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything.

I live with chronic pain every day, most days it gets that bad I want to die, even the morphine has built up a tolerance. I was hoping that someone could benefit from my illnesses and to get rid of all the excess meds before I go rather than them just be dumped afterwards.

FOR WHAT ITS WORTH- I am allergic to the herpes virus after a cold sore ended up poisoning my blood and almost killing me, I have to carry them with me at all times incase I ever feel a cold sore coming up, as well as an epi-pen for the same reason.

Get you minds out of the gutter!

You lot should be ashamed of yourselves, I came on here looking help, I asked a simple question, which only one of you had the decency to answer. My mother always told me if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything.

I live with chronic pain every day, most days it gets that bad I want to die, even the morphine has built up a tolerance. I was hoping that someone could benefit from my illnesses and to get rid of all the excess meds before I go rather than them just be dumped afterwards.

FOR WHAT ITS WORTH- I am allergic to the herpes virus after a cold sore ended up poisoning my blood and almost killing me, I have to carry them with me at all times incase I ever feel a cold sore coming up, as well as an epi-pen for the same reason.

Get you minds out of the gutter!
I apologize on behalf of all DBG members for offending you. Please know that no one had malicious intent, and we frequently have a go at one another's expense, but it's all intended to provide laughter in what are for many otherwise dark days. The theory being that humor is often times the best medicine. You would have no way of knowing that of course, being a new member, so once again, please accept my apologies. In any event, please do take care and use extreme caution if you move forward in an attempt to sell your medications. While our humor may be a bit over the top at times, we never intend to harm anyone, unlike many who would likely respond to for sale ads for prescription medications.

Best of luck, and be safe.....

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You lot should be ashamed of yourselves, I came on here looking help, I asked a simple question, which only one of you had the decency to answer. My mother always told me if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything.

I live with chronic pain every day, most days it gets that bad I want to die, even the morphine has built up a tolerance. I was hoping that someone could benefit from my illnesses and to get rid of all the excess meds before I go rather than them just be dumped afterwards.

FOR WHAT ITS WORTH- I am allergic to the herpes virus after a cold sore ended up poisoning my blood and almost killing me, I have to carry them with me at all times incase I ever feel a cold sore coming up, as well as an epi-pen for the same reason.

Get you minds out of the gutter!
Please read the post above your Flo. I was trying to explain the the reason for our replies. We had already began talking about the possible mistakes made and our over the top replies. Hopefully you'll see the second page was a lot different than the first.

Best wishes, H~T

I am never a hard ass....but

Let me be the 2nd to say....SORRY! MEAN IT!

There are many of us on here who deal with chronic pain...every day. So you are amongst good company.

2nd...did you read your 1st post? WTF did you expect us to think? If you had read more than 3 sentences on this forum you would have seen the people who commented on your post are some of the most caring on this board and DID YOU SEE anyone else trying to push their shit on here? You’re lucky we have AWESOME mods or you could have been banned from your 1st post.

I am one of the most easy going (want you to feel good) guys on DBG but I'm sorry I smell a lil BS. Granted it could be my shorts, but something isn’t feeling right. Time will tell and if I am way off I will make amends. BEFORE you even know who we are or what we are about you offer to sell shit? So if you are legit…I have  feeling in a few months you will have free health care provided by the authorities. You don’t go selling illegal shit on eBay or here...not like that any ways.

Ashamed of ourselves?? yeah ok...get in line honey.

Minds out of the gutter? sure thing...right after you realize you posted on a DRUG website.... not a support site for orphaned puppies.

If I am wrong…I will beg for forgiveness.

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I apologize on behalf of all DBG members for offending you. Please know that no one had malicious intent, and we frequently have a go at one another's expense, but it's all intended to provide laughter in what are for many otherwise dark days. The theory being that humor is often times the best medicine. You would have no way of knowing that of course, being a new member, so once again, please accept my apologies. In any event, please do take care and use extreme caution if you move forward in an attempt to sell your medications. While our humor may be a bit over the top at times, we never intend to harm anyone, unlike many who would likely respond to for sale ads for prescription medications.

Best of luck, and be safe.....
Jewy is always a classy cat....

Posted Yesterday, 05:31 PM

Have been searching for a forum like this for weeks, but not sure if anyone can help me or perhaps direct me to the right place.
I have been ill for the last few years and on a lot of different drugs, I get my drugs free on the British NHS, not just pain meds, have tried selling on eBay and have been lucky a few times that the items tablets where bought pretty soon after being listed. 

So what I want to know is there a site, forum, group where a joe bloggs from the street can just go on and sell their drugs. 

These are all extra drugs and I am not doing without, they double up during my hospital stays. Over the last year. I am on get codiene, paracetamol, morphine patch, thyroxine, diazepam, , lyrica and these

Blood pressure

amolpdine, ramipril, simavasten 


arcoxica, amitrypline, sertaline 




Aciclovir 800mgs

Thank you in advance if you made it this far! Really am a mad Irishwoman
6/6 You lot should be ashamed of yourselves, I came on here looking help, I asked a simple question, which only one of you had the decency to answer. My mother always told me if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything.

I live with chronic pain every day, most days it gets that bad I want to die, even the morphine has built up a tolerance. I was hoping that someone could benefit from my illnesses and to get rid of all the excess meds before I go rather than them just be dumped afterwards.

FOR WHAT ITS WORTH- I am allergic to the herpes virus after a cold sore ended up poisoning my blood and almost killing me, I have to carry them with me at all times incase I ever feel a cold sore coming up, as well as an epi-pen for the same reason.

Get you minds out of the gutter!

I do not believe anybody said anything to be intentionally hurtful towards you or your situation. This is a great forum, with many knowledgeable and helpful members as well as a lot of useful information. As I mentioned before, right or wrong, many people are going to make the assumption that the herpes you were speaking of was not the cold sore kind. 

Having said that, the first post ever that you made here to introduce yourself, included statements such as  "I have been ill for the last few years and on a lot of different drugs, I get my drugs free on the British NHS, not just pain meds, have tried selling on eBay and have been lucky a few times that the items tablets where bought pretty soon after being listed. "  "So what I want to know is there a site, forum, group where a joe bloggs from the street can just go on and sell their drugs."   sHad you read the rules of this forum prior to posting that, you would have known that posting about selling drugs is completely against the Forum Rules- suggesting or encouraging any illegal activity is out of bounds. That is something you could have been banned immediately for.

Then, after this very sentence  "So what I want to know is there a site, forum, group where a joe bloggs from the street can just go on and sell their drugs."   you know, where would Joe from the street go if he wanted to sell his drugs, perhaps there is a website.

You proceeded to post a list of the following  medications: 

"These are all extra drugs and I am not doing without, they double up during my hospital stays. Over the last year. I am on get codiene, paracetamol, morphine patch, thyroxine, diazepam, , lyrica and these

Blood pressure

amolpdine, ramipril, simavasten 


arcoxica, amitrypline, sertaline 




Aciclovir 800mgs

Thank you in advance if you made it this far! Really am a mad Irishwoman"

How do you expect people to react to a new member that posts for the first time to introduce themselves to the entire forum, and instead of "Hi my name is"  they post "who can I sell my drugs to, eBay has worked in the past, but what website can Joe from the street sell his drugs from?" Followed by a list of medications, and a vague statement about being " ill for the last few years" 

This forum has a lot of dedicated members that care about the safety of this forum, and if the first thing a new member does is join, blatantly break the rules and introducing themselves by posting mainly about selling drugs- any member is going to question their motives.

And you are offended that people assuming your Herpes was genital, and not a cold sore- we all need to get our minds out of the gutter? Sure, people made that assumption, but given the type of information that was in your first post, what did you expect?

AND, you return to post again, shaming us for making assumptions, having our minds in the gutter, and not being sympathetic towards your pain issues, stating "I live with chronic pain every day, most days it gets that bad I want to die, even the morphine has built up a tolerance. I was hoping that someone could benefit from my illnesses and to get rid of all the excess meds before I go rather than them just be dumped afterwards."   

WHAT??  Sorry but you never mentioned anything like this in your first post other than a vague reference to being " ill for the last few years."  And YOU are shaming everybody ELSE for not being sympathetic to a pain issue you never mentioned that you even had? 

THEN shame us for assuming your herpes was genital, how insensitive because you are allergic to the herpes virus, blood poisoning and THIS is why you need to have those medications on hand. AGAIN, you never mentioned this in your first post either, but SHAME on us having our minds in the gutter, and not being sympathetic about your cold sore blood poisoning episode that we never knew you had. In your first post it is simply referred to as Acyclovir, but today, it is "FOR WHAT ITS WORTH- I am allergic to the herpes virus after a cold sore ended up poisoning my blood and almost killing me, I have to carry them with me at all times incase I ever feel a cold sore coming up, as well as an epi-pen for the same reason."

YOU are the one that ineffectively communicated in your first post, not mentioning ANYTHING about chronic pain makes you feel like you are going to die, or the cold sore blood poisoning experience you had. No, you were too busy wanting to know where you could sell your meds, and where Joe from the street could too.

Perhaps you need to read the rules and work on communicating more effectively when you post. You cannot shame anybody here for not being sympathetic to what you are going through, when you failed to mention anything about these life altering experiences in your first post. You were focused on selling medications, eBay works sometimes...

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To be perfectly honest, and Flojomo, I don't mean to sound blunt or brash but there is not one sinle thing about this that doesn't sound like bullshit.

You want to help some other poor souls with your stockpile of extra meds in the same way that the royal prince of nigeria wants spread around a billion pounds so it doesnt go to watse.

I can think of no more direct way to say that this is either a scam or a set up.

But I diegress, if EVERYTHING you say is true, then........ ya know what, I'm just gonna leave the rest.

Good luck

I am never a hard ass....but

Let me be the 2nd to say....SORRY! MEAN IT!

There are many of us on here who deal with chronic pain...every day. So you are amongst good company.

2nd...did you read your 1st post? WTF did you expect us to think? If you had read more than 3 sentences on this forum you would have seen the people who commented on your post are some of the most caring on this board and DID YOU SEE anyone else trying to push their shit on here? You’re lucky we have AWESOME mods or you could have been banned from your 1st post.

I am one of the most easy going (want you to feel good) guys on DBG but I'm sorry I smell a lil BS. Granted it could be my shorts, but something isn’t feeling right. Time will tell and if I am way off I will make amends. BEFORE you even know who we are or what we are about you offer to sell shit? So if you are legit…I have  feeling in a few months you will have free health care provided by the authorities. You don’t go selling illegal shit on eBay or here...not like that any ways.

Ashamed of ourselves?? yeah ok...get in line honey.

Minds out of the gutter? sure thing...right after you realize you posted on a DRUG website.... not a support site for orphaned puppies.

If I am wrong…I will beg for forgiveness.
@ Flo - Just to show we are compassionate and like to help people, look into T~O~R (remove the waves, and I know it's called tilde people. With the High Tide, I like to ride "the waves") and then check out the S!lk R0@d (again, spell it correctly, we try to be discreet). I don't do it myself so you will have to learn it on your own. I will only tell you anything can be bought or sold there.

Others here have more experience than I do, so it may be a scam, but I've never hurt a ladies feeling without trying to make amends. The fact LWD is female makes me trust her intuition, but I don't like taking chances, so that's the best advice I can offer. 

Actually, I can't verify LWD is female. All I'd need is a F2F and a quarter way down to be sure. That goes for all the ladies. Just be warned, if I see, I want it, I want it really bad. Mustache rides are free if you can walk away. IME, they always lead to pole dancing anyway. Relationship status is of no concern to me, I've got references that will assure you I only borrow it, and return in as good or better shape as it was lent, undoubtedly better. 

Good luck, H~T

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@ Flo - Just to show we are compassionate and like to help people, look into T~O~R (remove the waves, and I know it's called tilde people. With the High Tide, I like to ride "the waves") and then check out the S!lk R0@d (again, spell it correctly, we try to be discreet). I don't do it myself so you will have to learn it on your own. I will only tell you anything can be bought or sold there.

Others here have more experience than I do, so it may be a scam, but I've never hurt a ladies feeling without trying to make amends. The fact LWD is female makes me trust her intuition, but I don't like taking chances, so that's the best advice I can offer. 

Actually, I can't verify LWD is female. All I'd need is a F2F and a quarter way down to be sure. That goes for all the ladies. Just be warned, if I see, I want it, I want it really bad. Mustache rides are free if you can walk away. IME, they always lead to pole dancing anyway. Relationship status is of no concern to me, I've got references that will assure you I only borrow it, and return in as good or better shape as it was lent, undoubtedly better. 

Good luck, H~T
@HT- LOL! I am in fact a female, I assure you! It probably would have been easier to have posed as a male though, I don't know? I was unaware that female gender status verification was required on DBG! /default_smile.png You learn something new every day!

As for Flo, I can't say with 100% certainty why or why not "she" is here, just pointing out that post #1 was the complete opposite of post #2. And after posting post #1, "she" had no right to come back, shaming us all for not being sympathetic to her chronic pain issues, that she had never even mentioned. Flo may well be here for all the right reasons, and if so that is great, but Flo then may need to take the time to read the rules and communicate more effectively in her posts.

@ Flo - Just to show we are compassionate and like to help people, look into T~O~R (remove the waves, and I know it's called tilde people. With the High Tide, I like to ride "the waves") and then check out the S!lk R0@d (again, spell it correctly, we try to be discreet). I don't do it myself so you will have to learn it on your own. I will only tell you anything can be bought or sold there.

Others here have more experience than I do, so it may be a scam, but I've never hurt a ladies feeling without trying to make amends. The fact LWD is female makes me trust her intuition, but I don't like taking chances, so that's the best advice I can offer. 

Actually, I can't verify LWD is female. All I'd need is a F2F and a quarter way down to be sure. That goes for all the ladies. Just be warned, if I see, I want it, I want it really bad. Mustache rides are free if you can walk away. IME, they always lead to pole dancing anyway. Relationship status is of no concern to me, I've got references that will assure you I only borrow it, and return in as good or better shape as it was lent, undoubtedly better. 

Good luck, H~T
@HT- I thought I had successfully edited my previous post and already added this LOL, anyway... That is quite the list you have there! One minute my female status cannot be verified and the next minute a F2F is needed minus the face part, then on to free rides, pole dancing, references and the promise that whatever is borrowed will be returned in even better shape!!

/default_blink.png  Wow.......

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Awesome verse!  You show some love triumphing over our stupidity.  Way to go.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: We been rocking kinda hard since the day we begun, yo ready-c man, play Sanford and son....
  2. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: "Well his name is ready-c and im tellin u, he can play the beat forwards a d backwards too...
  3. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: @LatsDoodis maaan funk d.a.t!
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  5. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  7. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  9. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  10. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  11. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  12. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  13. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  14. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  15. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  16. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  17. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  18. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  19. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  20. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ