My name is a savanna. I'm new to this community but excited to join. I've already made a donation and I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you.
Welcome @Sav! Great to have you aboard! Check out the rules and the quoted info for new members thread in the introductions section, pinned at the top! Hope it is of use to you! Thank you also for generously donating.
Hi @Sav Welcome. PTFC gave you the best advice. Lots of good info in there.
I might add to be careful and read as much of a vendors thread as possible before taking the jump. Circumstances change quickly sometimes and good folks go bad. On that note, I would not trust any leads offered by PM. It's a common way to get scammed. Good luck and happy reading!
Hi how's it going, I'm new too. Been doing some research on pharmacies and online retailers. I'm currently studying public health and safety and have a background in business.
Welcome @Sav I've been in the boards for years now and always return to see friends and get information when I need a good read. It never disappoints me when I read the threads to find what I need. Make sure you read the rules. Even I have to since they change every now and then. Hope to see you in the threads.
@Sav Hi Sav, I'm new here too. Everyone seems so friendly and helpful here and I hope you get as much out of membership as I have already. I am very pleased to meet you!
@Karens, your donation is much appreciated no matter how much, it all helps to keep the site running and providing a great resource to those who require something to help. If it's any use, you will find stronger PK's in the Mexican/ US sections, (if you are not I'm the US then ignore that) and most other things are in the email/international sections. Keep reading though, doing your own research allows you to make an informed decision. We much prefer this, please be wary of anyone contacting you saying "xxx vendor is amazing", indeed, please report any private message of that ilk! If you get stuck, you can get myself or 2earls attention by sticking @ in front of our usernames. Don't forget and check the rules, and the quoted info for new members thread pinned at the top of this section has some good info too.
Welcome @Abigail072281! Glad to hear you have been reading! Don't forget the rules! There's also an informative thread for new members posted at the top of this section!