@LatsDoodis that's interesting stats. I just know I am so over it listed under "pain reliever" in instructions after surgery.
Can't use an FDA approved opiod but they will use a horrible drug that has done more harm that good as an off-lable pain medication. What if I went to the doctor and said I need an opiod because it treats my depression? You know the first thing I would hear would be that's not what opiods are labeled for.
Y'all know the point I'm making here. A lot of docs would kiss me if I said I was there for something to treat my pain pancreatic cancer pain and ask for gabapentin. I would have unfettered access to that insidious drug from most perscribers.

Even though by a wide margin gabapentin could do--has done-way more harm than the gold standard medication approved by the FDA many, many, many times over.
No matter how many times I rant about this bullshit I still cannot wrap my head around it. I look at the alcohol morbity stats and it floors me that NOT ONE FUCKING legislator is concerned enough to bring a bill forward. Why? Well, a lot of reasons. I would like to think it's because we have learned that prohibition/rationing doesn't work. Nope, can't give that much credit.

It's because of the tax revenue generated. It's because of what society would look like if we ripped the scientifically proven, most catastrophic drug known to humankind, away from tens of millions of people in this country. It's because the alcohol lobby would stop giving funds. It's the number of people employed in the alcohol industries. It cracks me up that there are a few crazy doctors who espouse that one opiod--for every person-- pill will create an addiction that a person loses all their free-will to.
But not alcohol. Let's leave that bullshit money maker alone. Don't look over there in the corner where we see the billions of dollars lost in wages, profits, insurance loss, early on-set diseases, property damages, murders, and so many deaths of their addicts. The story is in the cartels feeding Americans bootleg fent because they are dying to get their pain treated. Unfortunately alcohol doesn't kill their pain like it does for millions and millions and millions.
This all stems from a work bestie who had a double mastectomy done Thursday. She is a tough gal. 34, 3 kids. Amazing in all aspects. 10 years ago she had breast implants. She got 30 perks. Shit, her husband went to the ED earlier this year because he hurt his back from lifting weights--he got 20 narcos.I told her to ask for her meds beforehand. She hasn't had any opiods really (got trams for a c-section 6 years ago) in years. Didnt need them.
She told me the doctor assured her that she will treat her pain "very well:"
She called me 6 hours after getting home and said her chest hurt so much that she couldn't describe it. I asked what she got for pain. She said 4 different PAIN pills. She sent me the list.
1. Tramadol 50 mg taken every 8 to 12 hours
2. Gabapentin
3. Celebrex
4. Robaxin
Jesus FUCKING Christ. She had her breasts cut away from her body. With a knife. Down to muscle and bone. And this is treating her pain "very well". She is now throwing up, which causes more pain and has a rash on her checks. She called the surgeon and she said "Stop the Tramadol. You probably don't even need it any longer. Take Tylenol "
Reason 130976 of why I will continue to have as much medical care as I can get in Mexico. This would be seen as torture there. Go figure, right?
To the OP: I can't imagine getting gabapentin would be a problem. But just to guarantee it, have a double mastectomy.