How hard is it to get your pm doctor to prescribe hldr0c0d0ne?

@sociopathicbombshell Hey I almost forgot to thank you for that little piece of advice. This doctor doesn't work Mondays, so Tuesdays are his first day, that's why I specifically chose to see him today. I have a feeling if I went on a Saturday like I normally do he would have denied my request for the upgrade. Today was a completely different scene at his office then the one I see on Saturday. Lot's of people who look like they are in serious pain. I had to wait 2 hours, whereas on Saturdays I normally get my scripts in about 30 minutes. I can't prove it but I really believe that all that waiting and how many people were in his office today had something to do with him agreeing to change my medications. When I finally got to his office I felt like he was completely agreeable to whatever I was saying. Maybe he was just trying to get things moving as quickly as possible. Now based on what @KAL just said, I am wondering If I could of pulled off getting a script for 90 30mg Rockseas. Too bad I didn't think of asking him that. That would have blown my mind if I could of gotten it. Am I being greedy? What if taking 1 10mg hidr0 every eight hours doesn't work for me? what's the next logical medicine to ask for? I would like to get a script for rocksea 30's. 
Well start off by asking to replace the 40mg daily (when u work up to 4 daily) of hydro3 with 30mg x2 daily of r0xi3. Then after some time of being on 60mg of r0xi3 ask to get bumped up to 3x daily at 90 30s monthly. Just don't display drug seeking behavior and rehearse what your gonna say & ask for ahead of time. Say the hyd03s make u sick, too much acetaminophen in them. That you researched roxi3 which have no acetaminophen in them and how you read they work better.

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@KAL alright I'll try that thanks. Actually now that i think about it 30mg X2 of roxi3 would probably be a suitable dose for me. But if I ever get to that point I will try to bump it to 90 at some point. 

Yea rule #1 Kurt don't share doctors even with the best of friends, it will come back and bite ya. One time a Dr asked if I knew so n so who I knew back in High School, well he ended up writing both of us 1 last script and sending us letters that he can no longer treat us. I think he thought something was up that 2 patients of his lived neareach other  and were there for the same meds. The only person I shared Drs with was my ex fiancé but she was basically getting me things like 3-4 years ago so I never ran out but I basically did the same for her when she had no insurance. I'd get enough of something so she didn't need to pay out of pocket to 

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@KAL what's the difference between Rockseac0d0ne and ockseac0d0ne? aren't they the same thing? with the R- being a name brand? 

0xec0d0n3 is just the generic name as R0xic0d0n3 is the brand, idk everyone calls it by the brand name kinda like x@nax
@KAL okay thanks. So if I ever try to ask the doctor I cans say either or R-Oxcee or Oxcee C0d0ne and it would be the same. Yeah I wouldn't tell any of my friends because if they ever get into the door and they screw up some how, you will probably get blamed too. 

@KAL okay thanks. So if I ever try to ask the doctor I cans say either or R-Oxcee or Oxcee C0d0ne and it would be the same. Yeah I wouldn't tell any of my friends because if they ever get into the door and they screw up some how, you will probably get blamed too. 
My bad, I mis read that but yes they're the same chemical ones just generic without the R in the beginning. Ask for him to write 0xyc0d0n3 on the script cause pharmacies have to abide by what the prescription is for. For instance if it says the name brand then they have to give you brand or vice versa generic for 0xyc0d0n3. I'm half asleep so I can't think but I know some pharmacies have signs stating this.

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@KAL yeah a lot of pharmacies have signs that say "No Ockseec0d0ne" but I think that's just to prevent people from robbing them. Okay if I ever ask the doc I'll just say 0ckseecodone, but this doctor seems to refer to stuff by brand names, like today I asked him for Hidr0c0d0ne and he said I'll give you N0rc0 which is the same as hidr0. I don't know what he wrote on the script because he sent them electronically to my pharmacy. But whatever he wrote I got the Hidr0s  :)  Yeah I'm about to turn in for the night too. Go to go to work tomorrow. Thanks for all the advice, I appreciate it! I'll keep in touch with you. later.


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@KAL yeah a lot of pharmacies have signs that say "No Ockseec0d0ne" but I think that's just to prevent people from robbing them. Okay if I ever ask the doc I'll just say 0ckseecodone, but this doctor seems to refer to stuff by brand names, like today I asked him for Hidr0c0d0ne and he said I'll give you N0rc0 which is the same as hidr0. I don't know what he wrote on the script because he sent them electronically to my pharmacy. But whatever he wrote I got the Hidr0s  :)  Yeah I'm about to turn in for the night too. Go to go to work tomorrow. Thanks for all the advice, I appreciate it! I'll keep in touch with you. later.

He can't send in r0xi3 scripts I had this happen, my Drs always had to physically write out the r0x scripts but they can send in the anxiety ones. Like when my doc would take vacations I'd show up and he would have another doc write them for me and leave them in an envelope. He also would see me every 2 months so although he could put refills on the anxiety meds, I'd have to pick up my r0xi3 script. If I was you I'd just call it by the generic name try to act like you don't know much more than what you've researched online. I found this also to work like kinda act like your a lil oblivious, say you researched this Med and saw the benefits. Or your mother recommended this medication to you as funny as it sounds, it works. An you would like to give it a try for a month and if you had any bad reactions you'd call him. No prob for the advice, I'll see ya around goodnight bro

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@KAL Hey I was at the doctor today and it was a longer wait than usual. I had to wait for about 2 hours. During that wait I was mulling over this topic and decided to ask the doctor if he can give me 90 10mg hidr0s instead of the t4 and tr@madols, when i got into his office, I first asked him to raise my lexapro from 10 to 20 mgs and he agreed, then I went for the leap and asked him to switch me to the hidr0s and he agreed. I was pretty happy about that. so just wanted to let you know I took your advice and it worked. Thanks pal!

Lol. That's awesome. Good for you. 

@sociopathicbombshell Thank you I appreciate your and everyone else's comments on this thread. I don't think I would of had the courage to ask him if not for some of the positive things people where saying here. 

@KAL Thanks for the advice. If I ever get to the point where I can get scripts for ockseac0d0ne I will be sure to specify the generic version, although I think he must already know this because all the medications I ever asked him for were filled as generics without me having to tell him to do that. I didn't know ockseac0d0ne couldn't be sent over electronically, but I guess it makes sense since it's a highly potent medicine. Also I agree with you about trying to act a little naive when asking about meds. Yesterday I kind of brought it up this way, I said " I was wondering if you could give me 10mgs of hidr0c0d0ne in place of the t4s and tr@madol, do you think that would be okay?" and he was like "Sure" (I was doing a happy dance inside my head at that point), Then he said how many times a day do you need to take them, so I said twice a day, and he was like okay, but then I asked him for 90 a month, this is where I think I made a mistake, I should of said 120. I wasn't really thinking, but 90 doesn't really make for an even split if you take 3 per day. But anyway, at the time I was pretty happy with getting the 90. I was really expecting him to say no or something like that. I think after  a month or two I will try to get him to give me 120. Then maybe somewhere down the line I'll try to ask for "Rocsea" but I don't want to push him too much too fast, so I think I'll sit with these Hidr0s for a while, They're pretty good too, I find them effective, only I think I need to take slightly more than 3 per day. 

@Kurt Codean You might want to wait several months before asking for an increase in the quantity.  I slowly worked my way up from 90 to 180 per month (10/325)  And ~ I do mean very slowly ~ even with legit DDD.  I wouldn't dare try to ask for anything stronger for fear of losing what I'm now getting.  Just be careful.  I'd hate to see you come back and post about being denied.  I'm a tad confused though as you stated you told him you only take them twice a day ~ which would be 60 per month but asked for 90??  He didn't question that?  And, KAL is correct ~ don't ever share the name of your dR with anyone.  That can lead to all kinds of hell you don't even want to think about.

@Vapor thanks for the advice. Yeah I think I will stick with this script for a while before trying to ask for anything stronger. I might not even try to get anything stronger but just try to get him to increase it to 120.. but getting 180 would be pretty cool. If I ever am able to work up to that amount I think I would be pretty content. Yeah he didn't question it. When he asked me how many times a day I wanted to take it I got a little confused, and just said the first thing that popped in my head which was twice. Then I asked him for 90 which I thought was a decent amount, but afterwards yeah I thought about it and it didn't really make sense if I was to take it twice a day. But he didn't question it. Everything I said he was like sure sure sure. Darn I wish I would of said 120 but I thought that would be a bit much. But I think he will agree to upping it to 120 if I bring it up in a month or two. 

I think he didn't question it because I was getting 120 tylen0l 4's and 90 Tr@ms before.. either that or his mind was on autopilot. Yeah I definitely won't be telling anyone I know about this doctor. I don't want anyone I know messing this up for me. 

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@sociopathicbombshell Thank you I appreciate your and everyone else's comments on this thread. I don't think I would of had the courage to ask him if not for some of the positive things people where saying here. 

@KAL Thanks for the advice. If I ever get to the point where I can get scripts for ockseac0d0ne I will be sure to specify the generic version, although I think he must already know this because all the medications I ever asked him for were filled as generics without me having to tell him to do that. I didn't know ockseac0d0ne couldn't be sent over electronically, but I guess it makes sense since it's a highly potent medicine. Also I agree with you about trying to act a little naive when asking about meds. Yesterday I kind of brought it up this way, I said " I was wondering if you could give me 10mgs of hidr0c0d0ne in place of the t4s and tr@madol, do you think that would be okay?" and he was like "Sure" (I was doing a happy dance inside my head at that point), Then he said how many times a day do you need to take them, so I said twice a day, and he was like okay, but then I asked him for 90 a month, this is where I think I made a mistake, I should of said 120. I wasn't really thinking, but 90 doesn't really make for an even split if you take 3 per day. But anyway, at the time I was pretty happy with getting the 90. I was really expecting him to say no or something like that. I think after  a month or two I will try to get him to give me 120. Then maybe somewhere down the line I'll try to ask for "Rocsea" but I don't want to push him too much too fast, so I think I'll sit with these Hidr0s for a while, They're pretty good too, I find them effective, only I think I need to take slightly more than 3 per day. 
You could also ask for Dr to start you on 15mg R0xi3s, right now your on 30mgs of hydr03 a day so try asking for 15mg 3x a day. After a few months eventually ask to switch to 30mg twice daily. I think that'd work, just tell the Dr how the 10s are making u sick and your pain keeps u up all night. Tell him how r0xi3 was recommended by a family member who you confided in about your pain. That they contain no acetaminophen that will upset your stomach and kill your liver. After taking 15s 3x a day for a bit ask to just switch to 30s twice daily, tell him how 15s & 30s cost the same at the pharmacy. That you pay out of pocket for your medications and that the pharmacist told you it's a waste when u can pay for 30s and split them in half. Also bring up how if your pain is higher than usual you will have an extra 15mgs to take and won't have to bother him if your script runs out a bit early. Also be careful not to put too much too soon on your Dr cause hell simply think your abusing them. I think he had no problem writing the 10s so far because you never bothered right away for something stronger so you gained some of his trust just try not to act like all the sudden your seeing how much you can get him to write. Stay on your Drs good side, try not to call in that you lost your meds or need to come early( Drs hate that and remember every script he writes puts his license at risk.) 

My bf got his rx doubled today only to find out the pharms not honoring this guys rxs.  One pharm only. 
Not honoring the Drs scripts? So what ending up happening they wouldn't fill it? (My fiancé was a pharm tech so she knows all the rules)  When they did this to me Tuesday she explained to the Pharm Assistant that they have to fill the script since the dose is increased, how I can't use my last pharmacy cause they're out for 3-4 days. I also explained how my last appointment with my Dr he wrote a certain amount and said to come back in 2 weeks to adjust. Thank god she finally listened and called the Dr after my fiancé asked for the head Pharmacist. A lot of pharmacies will say they're out of that medication or don't stock it, few times I had to have a certain place call the owner who I know after them saying they don't have R0xi3. An some will fill one month then act like they don't know ya the next month. It's ridiculous getting scripts filled

I used to write rxs and. Do PRIOR faiths. It's just them not honoring the doctors rxs. Think he's a quack. Despite the rx not being filled for 2 mos and the increase

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I used to write rxs and. Do PRIOR faiths. It's just them not honoring the doctors rxs. Think he's a quack. Despite the rx not being filled for 2 mos and the increase
I've had a few pharmacists say things like where did you find this Dr in a Cracker Jack box. They profile too much at certain pharms so I stick to 1 pharmacy now who I'm friendly with by me. The owner fills all the scripts, she never turns me away. She will even fill different b3nz0 scripts together or fill if I'm early which most pharms won't. I was gonna go to her Tuesday but she closed at 6pm so I was stuck driving from pharmacy 2 pharmacy.

I've had a few pharmacists say things like where did you find this Dr in a Cracker Jack box. They profile too much at certain pharms so I stick to 1 pharmacy now who I'm friendly with by me. The owner fills all the scripts, she never turns me away. She will even fill different b3nz0 scripts together or fill if I'm early which most pharms won't. I was gonna go to her Tuesday but she closed at 6pm so I was stuck driving from pharmacy 2 pharmacy.
Hey @KAL I also found a good pharmacy which is a couple of blocks away from my house. The lady that works there is really nice and doesn't question anything, unlike when I was going to the Wallgreens that was near the Dr.'s office. Those people were so hard to deal with. They seemed to always make it harder to fill my medications then it was supposed to be. They were complete Dicks pardon my french. Also thank you for those tips in your other post up there where you advised me on how to get him to eventually switch over to 15mg R0ckseas. I think using the fact that they don't contain any APAP is a great reason to ask for that. Also your point about telling him I pay out of pocket is also a great tip however would he be able to know if I'm using insurance to fill my meds if he sends my scripts to the pharmacy electronically? Oh and believe me I would never try to get more meds early by saying I lost my meds or something like that, I would rather go without than trying anything like that. I've been as conservative as possible with this doctor and only asked him to alter my scripts after a couple of months at a time. I think I will wait one extra month before I ask him to increase my script to 120, then after that wait a few months and try to get the 15mg rockseas 3x a day. Thanks for your advice again, I think you know what you're talking about. 

@sociopathicbombshellI didn't know a pharmacy could refuse to fill legitimate doctor scripts. 

Hey I was re-thinking this question and I think I'm not going to try and ask my doctor for Hidr0c0done after all. I'm a little worried that he might view it as drug seeking behavior. Also I was thinking I might be able to wean my self off of Ohp8s by using tramad0l strictly for pain and using the Kode@ns once a week or so for the recreational feeling. I do get a pretty good buzz if I take around 4 Kode@ns, but that's only if I haven't taken them in about a week or so. If I take them everyday, I don't really get a buzz, I just get the pain killing benefits, which is good, but I think that using tram@dol for pain would help me keep my tolerance down for 0h-p8s, and give me a better buzz off Kode@n if I want to take it for rec reasons. If I start taking Hidroc0done, I might develop a permanent dependency to ohp8s. Hidr0c0d0nes are obviously superior to kode@n for those purposes, but I don't want to really risk becoming too dependent on ohp8s. Also with Kode@n there is a limit to how many you can take for rec purposes. Once you get an initial buzz I found that taking more really doesn't add anything to it. I think 4-6 Kode@ns is the limit (60mg each) in terms of getting a rec buzz. 
>>Also with Kode@n there is a limit to how many you can take for rec purposes. Once you get an initial buzz I found that taking more really doesn't add anything to it. I think 4-6 Kode@ns is the limit (60mg each) in terms of getting a rec buzz<<

I have to totally agree with the above...I'm a once a week guy (4 Kode@ns @ 60).  It's my reward for working hard all week...I drink those 4 all at once (I dissolve them in water) and then consume 3 beers and 9 cigarettes over the next 6 hours.  I do this at the casino (along with some gambling)...but this reward is only once a week...been that way for 15 weekend mistress... 

By the way, I did try the Kode@ns 60s from S#$%*&^$ and wonder if you find them to be 60s or less/more?

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for