I searched pretty hard for a thread about this and didn't exactly find what I was looking for. My question is this:
Based on your experience, how long have you found you have to wait after your last dose of Bup before you can feel other 0pies?
For example, "I took X mg of subs, waited 12 hours before taking X mg of 0×¥ and felt it, but only about 30% as much as I normally would."
I'm just interested in other people's experiences with this. I have read that at doses of 4mg and above your receptors are fully saturated therefore completely blocking most 0pies (with some exceptions) for 36-72 hours. But at low doses (<2mg) the blocking effect may only last for 8 hours or other PKs taken even sooner than that may bind to the few receptors that might still be open.
Just looking for experiences out of curiosity mostly. And I realize that all this varies from person to person based on a million factors (being opiate naive, tolerance level, length of time on bupe, etc.)
Thanks in advance
Based on your experience, how long have you found you have to wait after your last dose of Bup before you can feel other 0pies?
For example, "I took X mg of subs, waited 12 hours before taking X mg of 0×¥ and felt it, but only about 30% as much as I normally would."
I'm just interested in other people's experiences with this. I have read that at doses of 4mg and above your receptors are fully saturated therefore completely blocking most 0pies (with some exceptions) for 36-72 hours. But at low doses (<2mg) the blocking effect may only last for 8 hours or other PKs taken even sooner than that may bind to the few receptors that might still be open.
Just looking for experiences out of curiosity mostly. And I realize that all this varies from person to person based on a million factors (being opiate naive, tolerance level, length of time on bupe, etc.)
Thanks in advance