My personal experience with dependence varies. I just recently tapered from about 5 viKes a day to 0 and went without for 8 days. I had been taking them consistently for about 3-4 months with a few 3-4 day breaks in between. I have found that it only takes about a month of consistent use (for me) to build up a physical dependence. I have conquered a few demons (the big C) in my day so the mental dependence (for me) is not really an issue. The desire is there but I can easily talk myself out of ordering or seeking the viKes. The most recent break I took, which lasted 8 days, was fairly painless. I did lack energy, but I have a friend that I swap KB for adDies and they really helped me through that time period. Other than the lethargy I really had no other symptoms......I did have one miserable night of little sleep, but that was only one night. I am in really good physical shape, have few aches and pains so my use is 98.5% recreational (don't judge please). I realize this is just my personal experience, but I think a month is about right for most people.