You just gotta love people who think that typing in 'code' with missing letters or words spelled backwards, etc; actually think they are cleverly outsmarting LE. LOL
I know for dam sure, and it's NOT just me thinking this, but there is WAY too much being said, or indirectly said, or in retarded/ass 'code' being said, about 'stuff' which should NOT be discussed on the public forums - such as certain vendors packaging being similar to others vendors, or places of export, or the names of certain meds, etc.
Why people don't make better use of PM"s or email, is beyond me. Truthfully, I'm rapidly losing faith in what's taking place on this forum and like MANY other key, longtime, and reputable members of this site whose names shall NOT be mentioned, already have positioned one foot out the door and the other is no doubt soon to follow, if it already hasn't.
And as for why I don't bother posting much these days as a few of my sincere, kind, and wise DBG friends have asked me, well it has a lot to do with what I just wrote about above and the recent sour, know-it-all, arrogant, and overly pretentious tone being emitted by (a) certain player(s) in this overly obsessive 'hobby' of theirs.
If I'm not mistaken, I think it was Lord Acton who expressed in a letter to a Bishop in the late 1800's, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Just something to think about....