lol... mileage may vary. I was looking at your info and see you live with the Simpsons. Either that or you are one of the characters in the house. With a post count of 22 after being a member for so long you probably just use their address to avoid having them deliver to your own house, or perhaps bar. Using Moes Tavern would be a good idea with so many of the shows characters frequenting it. Sorry to go off topic, I just happened to see the info and had to comment, it's one of my favorite TV shows of all time.@ Dkaramazov- I use mine more to protect myself from credit card theft, and also because I'd just as soon not have those charges on my regular cards. Yes, you do have to use the one they mail to you as I understand it, and once in a while I use mine to park so there are some random charges on it, but mainly to use up any $ left on it after a purchase. I don't mind the few extra $'s for the peace of mind, your milage may vary.
I tried the c0d60 and I was not pleased in anyway. But just to note. I have extremely high t0lerance for this sort of thing. However my wife does not and they never helped the slightest bit with her monthly cramps. Just one persons opinion though!I've read that the PKs from TTM are controversial. I'm considering placing an order for the white 30 mg c0deine caps (COD30) they offer. Are they any good? How do they compare to USA brand T3s? What's the absolute best c0deine product that TTM offers for my money (excluding the "dicod301" product)? I'm sure it's been discussed at some point in this thread, but it's rather long and I currently have the attention span of a gnat, so if someone could answer my question directly or at least point me to the exact page(s), I'd really appreciate it.
Personally the empas are the only ones I would consider. But that's just me. I understand the low amount of active ingredient and the high amount of APAP would be a turn off for many. I just don't really trust capped pain meds, or capped meds in general from abroad. But that's just IMHO.Thanks. What about the Empac0d tabs, are they any good? I don't mind the paracetamol as I don't plan to take more than 2-3 a day, maybe twice a week or so.
TTM also has a forum that you register separately.Is it www? Some IOP sight but did make me register ...idk if it was top10 ....Seemed like a forum. ...But did say administration has to review it and email back. ..
Thanks H, I'll heed your advice (again!). I feel the same way you do about overseas PKs that come in caps. Reading around (particularly on Erowid), the Empas actually seem to be pretty well liked, so that's a plus.Personally the empas are the only ones I would consider. But that's just me. I understand the low amount of active ingredient and the high amount of APAP would be a turn off for many. I just don't really trust capped pain meds, or capped meds in general from abroad. But that's just IMHO.
  I would definitely say the brocleer is there best c0deine productI've read that the PKs from TTM are controversial. I'm considering placing an order for the white 30 mg c0deine caps (COD30) they offer. Are they any good? How do they compare to USA brand T3s? What's the absolute best c0deine product that TTM offers for my money (excluding the "dicod301" product)? I'm sure it's been discussed at some point in this thread, but it's rather long and I currently have the attention span of a gnat, so if someone could answer my question directly or at least point me to the exact page(s), I'd really appreciate it.
TTM def makes you register. It scared me off at first but it seems that these have these people shit together really good. When the site was back down it was up shortly after under a new name... They will email you back if you have questions of the availability of some of the other medicines they carry.Is it www? Some IOP sight but did make me register ...idk if it was top10 ....Seemed like a forum. ...But did say administration has to review it and email back. ..