Hi Heisenberg ~ good to know. Thank you & Happy Holidays!This vendor does not use tracking #s.
Is there anyone else - besides me - still waiting on an order shipped 7/8th Nov???
Dear Sir
The following items, namely, xx di@ze tablets, are liable to forfeiture on the grounds that they are controlled drugs and were imported into the United Kingdom from XXX, contrary to section 3(1) of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, blah, blah, blah.
Yours faithfully
Border Force Officer
I agree the sample packs are a good idea. "Try before you buy".I finally got into the site and it is very interesting. I ordered samples and the prices are very fair. I am glad to see all the posts about successful mailings and their shipping practices appear top notch.
Way useful information found here - you all rock!
just looked a my cc statement order was shipped 12/17,but they charged me twice,oh woe is me,sent an email and waiting on a response.just made my first order with this iop will let every one in on the dirty details as they unfold.
p.s. i am really loving this forum thanks everyone
Whereabouts in Australia are you, just outta curiosity? /default_smile.pngYeah!
Ordered 4/12, Mailed 5/12, Received 16/12, in AUSTRALIA!
Pretty funny and smart packaging, these guys are cool /default_smile.png
After Christmas will definately be ordering again /default_smile.png
nah too risky. Customs might confiscate it for lunch. /default_sad.pngDid they throw in some complimentary Vegemite for a loyal customer down under?! LOL
johnnog said:i know this is the thread for top10 but who are DDS24 anokky?
I'd really love the answer to that too
Have used top 10 exclusively since I joined about 4 months ago and I could not be happier with their service & product quality... But I Wudnt mind having a backup as well as checking outt their supply