You aint the only ones in that situation,exact same for me,hence we end up here trying to sort it out ourselves.
Thats a real shitty thing that doc did to you,those anto-sicotix are imho awful,make me feel like one of the walking dead.
When will the doctors accept that some people can live a better quality of life,contribute to society etc etc with ceratain meds.
i suffer constant varying degrees of pain,last time i saw the quack i got my once every 3 months supply of tr dollies and a 3 page booklet how to manage pain.
I have no doubt that because i am an ex H user(none for years now) that they think i just want something to get out of it on.
I just want to be able to be able to do stuff without being in pain and without feeling constantly nervous,on edge.
I have been honest and told the doc i take a low dose of dpam and am trying to get it lower,am doing it by trying to come down 2 and half mil every month or 2,she could help by giving me either,5's or 2 mil tabs on prescription but there is no way its going to happen.
i probably will be taking some med or other for the rest of my life,maybe not everyday but there will be days when i will need to open the jar.
Do doctors think that we should all be carbon copies of them?
Imagine that eh,welcome to Stepford we are all so happy here 24/7.