Actually, my first post was a hypothetical meant to get back on topic, my second post said A strip with two zolps and I could still type. If I'd had local generics or, heaven help me, they sold Wallace it would've been much better. Not trying to argue for or against TT or you. I took 6 earlier today, which I don't recommend, and feel pretty good right now. For some reason, unlike almost everything else, the very nature of that particular product can be totally unpredictable. Some find it works best after eating, some say don't eat, etc., and that's when using local generics. It goes with the territory, which is why people often find they took too much. A while after that post that I woke up spilling my soda in my lap. /default_ohmy.png My statement about the higher the price the better the quality is based on my experience and others posts. TY, in my case good luck would be SDS shipping again. Good luck to you too.