. It won't let me PM you. If you live in the states I wouldn't know how to get one. Google it i guess. If you live in Canada then I could help.Hey Chris1 thanks for the info. If you could please PM with where to get an international prepaid cc itd be much appreciated. All i can find are for inside U.S. only,
voodoostar nailed it here. Stock up and have some reserve ALWAYS just in case shiz happens.Let's also remind ourselves that we have the luxury of getting meds sent straight to our home.
That's damn near magic if you ask me! /default_tongue.png Even if it does take a little longer than usual.
These vendors take a big risk to help us out so I think they deserve some slack and understanding when things aren't running so smoothly.
I understand the frustration though. Trust me! We've aaall been there!
Opening up that mailbox every day and finding nothing but junk mail and bills....
It's pretty heartbreaking. I call that the "Mailbox Blues" and it's a pretty shitty feeling.
Like @mrcme1, I always keep some extra reserve to hold me over during times like these.
I suggest you all do the same whenever you can fit it into your budget.
EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY. /default_smile.png
. Sometimes takes a while. If its been more then 4 or 5 days email them again and tell them.Hey folks i need some advice if someone could help. I let my registration run out and re registered two days ago it still has not been activated. I emailed ttm they said new registrations are activated once a day? What does that mean its been longer than that. Can anyone help or have had this problem? Thank you everyone.
I've got a 9-15 "mailed"...Will update when/if it shows...I wonder if the ones from 9-12 through 9-15 will make it at all
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same here.Mine was mailed 9-15 as well so I hope I will be able to update soon too !
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