My total order could have fit in one letter. For some reason this one was split. One pckg rec in 7 days and the second half MIA? Me thinks one item was not in stock, so they sent what they had. For those with huge delays, and those with multiple orders received at random dates, maybe it's an issue of what's in stock. Hard for me to understand 5 weeks, then 7 days, then 5 weeks again. These dates being all over the calendar make little sense, if any at all.Two packages
Mailed 1/21- pending
Mailed 1/22- Received 1/29
Instead of state codes, the state was spelled out. Maybe they always spelled out the names? Either way, this one came 22 days earlier than the last. Cheersâ„¢
Thanks for the response, you're definitely right on that everyone's different. I had completely run out of di@z and had some kl0ns left that I stretched out until my delayed order finally got here about 1.5 wks ago. I based my analysis of the new kl's on how I'd felt on them after being detoxed from di@z. Not scientific at all, but that was my method.I've ordered the kpins many times, twice received this year. They have always been the same quality, equillivant to any US brand or generic. Kpins treat anxiety and convulsions and can't be compared to val. They're a specialized benz. I use them for panic attacks, while val does little for me. Val are more sedative than kpins IMO. Also when switching from one Benz to the next vs the same one all the time, the effects are different. Those equivalent charts I have little faith in. Each person's reaction is different. Until one benzo is completely out of your system could you compare one to another. Clowns keep me anxiety free with very little sedative effect compared to val which usually just knocks me out.
my thoughts exactly. i recall members saying stock up before the holidays, but i really did not expect it to be this bad. we have to plan for not only holidays, but also random post office strikes and riots :/I plan to never withdraw as a result of poor planning again. While the mail can be unpredictable, TTM has been a lifesaver. Gonna be restocking much more frequently to avoid any future problems.
Dicod are real? Had bad experiences with the pk's, so I don't order, coedeeen made me sick like hell. Are the dicod's real h-y-d-r-o-c-o-d--o-n-e?D1c0-301 got a sample pack. They work for me. Killed pain and can feel them a little. I have absolutely no tolerance though.
X*n0r vs.mY1@n. Much better. Sounds like others are right you get what you pay for. Medium Tolerance
$0m0. Ok. Medium tolerance
I'm a 100% with these guys. Around 30 letters in the last couple of years.
No, they are only codeeen and anti-histamine.Dicod are real? Had bad experiences with the pk's, so I don't order, coedeeen made me sick like hell. Are the dicod's real h-y-d-r-o-c-o-d--o-n-e?
They really LIE about that one, don't they?No, they are only codeeen and anti-histamine.
yeah, they are listed as hydro- but they at least put a disclaimer on the page stating that test results have showed they contain codeine... so it's not a complete lie.They really LIE about that one, don't they?
Effects are just like codeeeen?