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Good to read that packages are starting to land again. For everyone's benefit could posters also list their approximate location when confirming delivery? Cheers. 

I had 2 reships (>?) One said the March 31st - that was one with the insurance

Then they said they reshipped on the 6th of April in the auto email most every has gotten.  Mod/admin knows where I live so if NE has gotten theirs, I should have mine today or tomorrow

ordered one 3/27

mailed 3/29

received today  4/11

everything accounted for there packaging kinda upgraded and happy about that. and has a return address on mine as well. 

wondering how are the pax vals? trying those 1st time and of course the kpins roch3 always gr8 and recommend.  

thank you saint alien for being on top of this and despite making me worry:) I know all will turn out for you and if u don't get your reship I got ya just PM me.  and socal bound
I am happy to hear you have gotten yours!  Supposedly my reship was the 31 of March (then I had some weird email saying the 6th of April - when that makes no sense if it was already reshipped).  Anyway, I'm thinking I should see mine within the next few days IF they did mail.  Glad you're accounted for

Well whatd'ya know--didn't expect this today!

Original mailing date -- 2/28

Actual mailing date -- 3/31

Rec'd -- 4/11 

I'm in the NW

Wow, I didn't even get an e-mail about a reship so I was surprised as heck to see this. Actually I tried re-registering so I could see if anything had been shipped and haven't gotten any response back on that. Hopefully they re-register me soon, everyone gets what they have coming, and perhaps TTM can be a viable source again. 
Okay so we have the same mail date - let's see if it's here today :)  sorry I had a wreck and have slept a day away so I didn't see this stuff.  If anyone is on their board can you check midwest?

I had 2 reships (>?) One said the March 31st - that was one with the insurance

Then they said they reshipped on the 6th of April in the auto email most every has gotten.  Mod/admin knows where I live so if NE has gotten theirs, I should have mine today or tomorrow

I am happy to hear you have gotten yours!  Supposedly my reship was the 31 of March (then I had some weird email saying the 6th of April - when that makes no sense if it was already reshipped).  Anyway, I'm thinking I should see mine within the next few days IF they did mail.  Glad you're accounted for

Okay so we have the same mail date - let's see if it's here today :)  sorry I had a wreck and have slept a day away so I didn't see this stuff.  If anyone is on their board can you check midwest?
From TTM forum to USA Midwest, posted today:

Order reshipped on 3-31

Arrived   4-11

Hope this helps.

Thank you!!!

PM me if you know the city - or can figure it out.  That's my reship date and I received nothing so I don't think it's coming.  However us in a certain city all get it the same day or the day after / before.  It's a major city 

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I am no longer counting their April 6th "mailed" reship email that they sent to me as it seems it's not on my account ANYWHERE.

Reshipped mailed: March 31st

If people are receiving theirs for that date near me - where is it?  I will gladly post proof of this and mods have proof of it all so there's that.  I will happily announce it's received if it gets here but right now I don't think it will.  Everyone else gets theirs but I get skipped and the April 6th email of being reshipped (after using my insurance March 31st to reship) doesn't appear on the account list - I don't know what to think.

I am unable to see their board so I don't know the Midwest person's handle to know if it's someone I communicated with or not :(  

IF you received an email stating they reshipped it, please go to your acct and look for it and the new order #.

It's alright for people who paid for insurance but what about the poor people with no insurance hard earned money down the drain and no medication and the company couldn't give 2 f@cks

the amount of money I have spent with this vendor and feel very badly treated and there customer service is a joke so damn rude

Lost a loyal customer hear I'm afraid

That's my thing with all of this.  I've bitched a lot because I want to be heard and others to chime in.  I did pay insurance but they sent an email out just a few days ago stating that they were reshipping ALL of the packages from Feb (date I forget) - March 12th whether or not a person paid insurance.

Ok that sounds wonderful right?

Except I paid insurance and had mine "mailed" (which never happened - so they just wrote that I guess) and reshipped on the 31st using my insurance.  there wasn't a need for an April 6th reship if the 31st one happened.  

Yesterday (since suddenly people are reporting receiving although none of those who complained have, yet) - and all around or on my reship date, I took a glance at my account and screen shot everything as I do.  Well,  there's no April 6th reship.  So either:

A) They emailed everyone the same thing and just changed names that's it


They realized I was reshipped and didn't mail - but I have an email with an order number that says "Mailed"

So which is it? and yes - I have everything saved / screen shot / uploaded to admin and mod. I didn't even think to check my acct till today to see if April 6th mailed would be there.  It isn't and that means those emails are bogus. I wouldn't dare say they were bullshit if the person who sent the mailed one had contacted me and told me why it's not on my acct or whatever.  At this point it appears like spam.

To those that are known here and have reships: Look at your account to see if it is listed because it should be.  My March 31st is.  It's long past the date it normally would arrive and I do not think I will ever see my stuff.

@gc1967 you do have an option though; chargeback. Do not let them bully you and keep your funds!  It's highly ruthless to call you a scammer and falsely accuse you if you charge back on items YOU PAID FOR AND DID NOT RECEIVE.  that's not a scammer!  A scammer is someone who gets their shit and charges back in order to keep the money.  Considering you have to register to see what they offer inside the store, I wouldn't be scared at all to charge back if you did not get a reship that's really reshipped or your items.

I assure everyone that now I see a midwest date on the SAME reship date as mine having landed, I will give it till Weds.  Otherwise I am charging back because March 1st was a long fucking time ago and March 31st wasn't but seeing how they type in mailed and didn't before, they have it out for me it seems AND the April 6th didn't appear on my account..... I give it till Weds / maybe Thursday if I feel nice

Are you saying if you had insurance or not they are supposedly going to reship everyone's order ?

Are you saying if you had insurance or not they are supposedly going to reship everyone's order ?
That's what they are saying through March 8th, maybe beyond.  They are at least updating their system with new reship/mail dates even with no insurance and no request from customers.   That's a lot of trouble to go to if they are not trying to keep their business going. I would still wait to order until a majority of the re-ships show up. 

Are you saying if you had insurance or not they are supposedly going to reship everyone's order ?
Depending on the dates, that was supposed to be the case. As SaintAlien said however, don't be afraid to chargeback if you don't receive anything. They've lost the goodwill of many. I don't even order from them anymore, though have many times in the past, and successfully too.The CC option is very convenient for people however, and is a draw for those who don't want to go down other payment routes. They've certainly mishandled this situation and that's what disappoints me, because they have always been a trustworthy established vendor. Anyway, hopefully more reviews will show up over next few days, but I would still urge caution with regards to placing orders for now. (see pinned post above)

I do NOT trust the reship email that's going out - the mod has viewed my order history with nothing edited, there is no reship for April 6th (and they've viewed the emails too that state mailed).  March 31st people are receiving and yet another day has come and gone IT IS NOT HERE

Sorry, until my insured reship shows up it's not real to me or until I see someone else who was missing theirs at that time say they received

Chargeback and literally move on but I want product or funds by tomorrow - I'm done

Hey folks,

Just an update I've received today from ttm. I've removed my name and there's for obvious reasons. I have two outstanding orders with them one reshipped 06/04. Time will tell if it makes it to these shores I'm based in the UK so it would be good to see.

As it stands all orders up until the 15/March will be reshipped *insert name*So that includes this order.Kind regards

*insert name*

ive moved on and I highly doubt I'll be using this vendor again or until atleast they prove themselves again which I think is the biggest factor. 

**mods if this post is unacceptable or already been covered then I apologise and please remove there's just so much traffic it's hard to keep track. I'm trying to keep it informative and in the loop for those that aren't receiving updates directly**
word for word same email I have - go look at your acct and see if it shows up on the actual order part of the site

I paid for the item with my debit card linked to my bank - do I just ring bank and say I ordered something and it never arrived - what if they check the site and see what they sell, I know on my bank statement it comes up as herbal,health or vitamins , can't remember exactly 

Any help any one can give me in how to do a chargeback correctly it would be much appreciated 

I have sent TT a good ten emails saying I had spent a lot of money with them and I was a loyal customer and if they rectified the situation and reshipped what I ordered that would be the end of it

but hey ho there not interested in little me

I paid for the item with my debit card linked to my bank - do I just ring bank and say I ordered something and it never arrived - what if they check the site and see what they sell, I know on my bank statement it comes up as herbal,health or vitamins , can't remember exactly 

Any help any one can give me in how to do a chargeback correctly it would be much appreciated 

I have sent TT a good ten emails saying I had spent a lot of money with them and I was a loyal customer and if they rectified the situation and reshipped what I ordered that would be the end of it

but hey ho there not interested in little me
Yeah, it's a little bit different regarding a debit card, but have no fear about what the bank does, they see what's on your statement, and it has nothing to do with what they sell. Let us know how you get on if you proceed though. 

word for word same email I have - go look at your acct and see if it shows up on the actual order part of the site
if this is the concern:  My re-ship showed up right away on the "my account" part of TTM. 

02/27/2016    Pending    

02/27/2016    Processing    

02/27/2016    CC Authorized    

02/29/2016    Mailed

01/Apr reshipped    

04/02/2016    Mailed  


my note:  received in western US Apr 11.















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wait it shows received?  The mods have viewed everything but my butthole and i've never had a received or did you add it and I'm reading this wrong?

Mod can vouch that my reship looks this way


Order Status




THIS ORDER IS I.R.O MY INSURED xxxxxxx (stuff that is removed by me)










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wait it shows received?  The mods have viewed everything but my butthole and i've never had a received or did you add it and I'm reading this wrong?

Mod can vouch that my reship looks this way
sorry, yes... I added the received date, which I had posted yesterday. I'll add a note to the above post to clarify.

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I paid for the item with my debit card linked to my bank - do I just ring bank and say I ordered something and it never arrived - what if they check the site and see what they sell, I know on my bank statement it comes up as herbal,health or vitamins , can't remember exactly 

Any help any one can give me in how to do a chargeback correctly it would be much appreciated 

I have sent TT a good ten emails saying I had spent a lot of money with them and I was a loyal customer and if they rectified the situation and reshipped what I ordered that would be the end of it

but hey ho there not interested in little me
Just call the bank (I use debit too) and let them know that you ordered and never received and that you'd like a chargeback. Explain that previous orders weren't an issue and it's this one with zero communication (whatever the situation is with them) and how long you've waited.  Takes all of 10 mins via phone and 

It's Herbal and I'll msg you what it comes up as :)

I do NOT trust the reship email that's going out - the mod has viewed my order history with nothing edited, there is no reship for April 6th (and they've viewed the emails too that state mailed).  March 31st people are receiving and yet another day has come and gone IT IS NOT HERE

Sorry, until my insured reship shows up it's not real to me or until I see someone else who was missing theirs at that time say they received

Chargeback and literally move on but I want product or funds by tomorrow - I'm done

word for word same email I have - go look at your acct and see if it shows up on the actual order part of the site

I do NOT trust the reship email that's going out - the mod has viewed my order history with nothing edited, there is no reship for April 6th (and they've viewed the emails too that state mailed).  March 31st people are receiving and yet another day has come and gone IT IS NOT HERE

Sorry, until my insured reship shows up it's not real to me or until I see someone else who was missing theirs at that time say they received

Chargeback and literally move on but I want product or funds by tomorrow - I'm done

word for word same email I have - go look at your acct and see if it shows up on the actual order part of the site
Hmm. I checked as soon as I received the reship email and it is on the invoice, mine is also the 6th but we are on different continents so we can't really gauge t/a. At this stage I don't know what to believe anymore. I've not been notified of the reship for March but I expect they will probably send me something. I'm taking every communication with a pinch of salt. I'm giving them 1 week extended grace because of their track record with me, if I then still have nothing I'm recouping my money.

I'm lucky enough to have found other vendors who are a little more expensive but a shit load more approachable or 'customer friendly' if you will. You can't put a price on that! and I'm listening to those more experienced than me and spreading my orders I can only urge everyone else to do the same research, listen and don't be foolhardy. Ttm have burnt many bridges including mine regardless if they eventually deliver or not. But I'll refrain from ripping them and just note it's great to see some positivety on this thread again with some reviews, I hope to post my own soon and see more from the EU. 

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!