Haha Robin Hood, I never thought about it like that. Can you imagine the lovely feeling of waking up a few hours after passing out thinking you are gonna have the most awesome sleep ever and are just furious haha? Well I've got a few of my good dudes advising against so I'm officially scratching Halcion off the list. It was definitely just the novelty & rarity of it all too and I knew it would be legit. I'm kinda thinking of the sample pack of Dormicum now too haha, that looks like 5-6 hr half life? Am I correct on that RHster?
Especially in blisters and this IOP has -never- done me wrong. They are professional & absolutely everything you'd expect from a well run IOP with exquisite staffing. They always answer emails and I actually like their practice of limited customers. I think it's a safeguard from corruption on both ends. 3/3 thus far and if I do place an order hopefully it all works out as usual. Everytime I see that damn insurance option, hah, and it drives me nuts guys. I know I'm gonna regret it one of these days.
All 3 times though they mailed it out by their deadline that day or the day after if I missed it (it's 7:00am SAST I do believe, which is about midnight here on the east coast of the USA). Even when I've missed the deadline they send me an email right away along the lines of "Sorry you've missed the deadline for today but we'll be sure to process your order first thing tomorrow morning". Tom and Dick actually seem like genuinely hard working good people, the same kind of vibe I get from Jim.
HT /default_unsure.png damn it, that's a bummer to say the least about the Soma man. Atleast the Meprobromate is sounding really good? I was thinking of that one too but I was never terribly fond of Soma itself, I mean it really messes you up, a bit too much for my liking (the Watson brands that I've tried once before).
Do you think you could function during the day on the Mepro my sir Screwball & my always good man H~Tide?
Sounds quite sedating from what I'm hearin'. Does anyone know what the original Miltown dosage was? 400 or 450mg seems like alot but I honestly have no idea.
Keep in mind I've never ordered anything but benzos and probably won't but like I said before that Codeine/Mepro/Diaz combo looks SO appealing. The price is a bit rich for my blood though but it could be like in all in one med. Decisions, decisions. Gotta say the favorite that I've ordered so far is the Bromazepam. I've gotten the Betapams twice, think it's time to give the Pax a jolly good go mates.