Hello, I have GREAT NEWS to report! I didn't get ripped off! TT is legitimate! I'm so happy! Ordered March 15th, Mailed March 15th, Received today, March 25th. 10 days, with a weekend included. Perfectly fine packaging, no problems whatsoever. Everything I ordered was included exactly as I ordered it. All original factory sealed blister pack meds, vacuum sealed with expiration dates of June 2014. Perfect order!! After getting ripped off of over $300 on my only other attempt to buy meds from overseas, this time it worked and I couldn't be happier. Thank you TT !
P.s.: I hope I did not disclose any bad information or break any rules with this post, if I did please feel free to delete. I only came here to read others opinion of TT to decide if they were legitimate enough for me to make a purchase and I found out yes 100% legit. Sorry, but I am just very happy this actually worked. I assumed it would be another rip-off. But it wasn't!
Thank you.