Wich German Pharmacie are you talking about please? You can also PM me. Is it one of the Airmail Group sites?Here is a small comparison of the different quality diazepam manufacturer:
(My opinion)
Original Valium (Roche) 10mg (bought in a German pharmacy) 10/10
Diazepam ratiopharm 10mg (bought in a German pharmacy) 9/10
Actavis Diazepam 10mg (bought from AMC) 9/10
Pax -10 Diazepam 10mg (bought from T10MEDS) 8.5/10
best regards
GermanDB /default_smile.png
Yes, every time I received several emails, but the first time I to get it out of my Spam Folder.
Just me then lol. Spam filter was my first thought too, but no, checked that out. Anyway like I said, the status is easy enough to check, not worth stressing over.Yeah, you better check your spam filter. Also, if you are like most you have more than one email acct, make sure you're checking the right one and the junk/spam folders on them all.
An lemme tell you my friend the kitty Kat deserves an A+, and this was only the 50mg one, I could just imagine what the 100mg is like, but they always seem to be sold out of that one oh well, it's def worth a go!I'm a softy when it comes to benz so the Mylan footballs work just fine for me. I've tried the next highest priced brand and they put me out like a light. The people who prefer a BZ seem to agree the top dollar brands are as good as they could hope for. Well, as good as they expected anyway. How anyone could take a plank and still function baffles me, but I've only been taking bz stuff regularly for about a year now. For about 10 years I was given V5's 3 X a day and only filled them every 3-4 months.
The only complaints I've heard, as far as being really bad, regarding the products are about the hydro PK. I'd also like to hear some feedback regarding the ket~a~mean. PM me about the shipping method (vials or crystals), but post the quality rating here if there is someone who knows about it. It's not something I'm really familiar with as far as regular use. I do enjoy listening to Kashmir while watching the visual effects option on media player every now and then.
Thanks for the reply, though it left me a bit confused at first. That's not what we call it, in fact that's what I sometimes say when I'm talking about ladies. As in "The absolute worst cat I ever played with was FANTASTIC". lol... The mg information you included helped me figure out the difference. /default_smile.pngAn lemme tell you my friend the kitty Kat deserves an A+, and this was only the 50mg one, I could just imagine what the 100mg is like, but they always seem to be sold out of that one oh well, it's def worth a go!
Yes you are right you can get it whit a prescription from a doctor. But its hard to find a Doctor here for those Meds...Thanks for the reply, though it left me a bit confused at first. That's not what we call it, in fact that's what I sometimes say when I'm talking about ladies. As in "The absolute worst cat I ever played with was FANTASTIC". lol... The mg information you included helped me figure out the difference. /default_smile.png
@ Singularity - GermanDB said he bough it IN a German pharmacy, not From one. If my guess is correct you could order the same thing from any pharmacy in Deutschland, given the proper prescription, and as long as you ask for the name brand. That's my take on it anyway, but I was wrong once before. /default_wink.png
Go to the first page of this topic, you will find it there.can someone PM there site thx!
I had to check your profile, I thought I had a cat calling me. /default_sad.png No problem though, I've got some blister packs of catnip.MEOWWWWW!!!!!!
Very Nice indeed!I had to check your profile, I thought I had a cat calling me. /default_sad.png No problem though, I've got some blister packs of catnip.