The best place to procure is online = cheaper. There are a lot of vendors so you have to do some price comparison and there are some fancy confusing names vendors make up.Rule of thumb is red vein= sedating, while white vein = energetic, and green vein is somewhere in between. I suggest a sample pack to start out to find out what you like. Most importantly do your research regarding dosages and it is habit forming.i can vouch for that b3nzo withdrawal is worse than smk,m3tadone or any opiate.
ive been told bout that kratam stuff b4 people swear by it but ive struggled to get it in the uk.
I have Post it's stuck everywhere , you know... In case I forget somethingI even ordered a few goodies last week and was pleasantly surprised after only 5 days
shipped 4/22 received 4/28 totally forked up and freaky dudes. Now its time to check the quality! /default_smile.png
Worse than p0ppys33d t3a?! Because years ago when I was drinking mass amounts of that stuff.. God. So, sooo nasty. Order shipped today for me, I went with some d0v4lzzzz 5's, hope they're nice, V4l1um is still one of my favorites, although it takes 100//G to be where I want.. Or at least 70.. About to make another order after this, then get a bunch'o'V's from star! Deff worth the wait! is a great source for Kratom in the uk, I have used them for years and I'm not even in the uk they offer next day postage to uk customers, I recommend the red vein Borneo strain as it is the most opiate like, but you can try all of them different people like different strains. Its a strange substance small doses 2-4g are stimulating while higher doses are opiate like, 8g is like a weak opiate the more you take it becomes more euphoric and sedating, up to about 25g. I recommend getting gel caps of ebay because it tastes horrible.
Just people becoming closer, man.. Nothing wrong with a little bump n grind.. I mean people chatting.Has something changed on this forum? different moderators maybe? back in the good old days when you could find vendors for 80 oc's in the international section there were basic guidelines like a format for reviewing orders, date ordered, date shipped, date arrived, quality... And only ever discussion about meds, and no one would ever disclose so many personal details as has been in the chat in this thread. Have I missed something? What's with all the personal chatter?
Thanks for the info BC - never heard of the stuff before, but I will do some research.Pugwall:
I also find weak opiates very good for anxiety/panic disorders, I suggest trying Kratom in around 8g doses, it's cheap and easy to get especially in the US, all natural, it feels a little stronger than codeine more like dihydrocodeine, and it dosnt have the physical withdrawals of benzos. This is the reason I use it, I've been through benzo withdrawal twice and they are easily the worst drug in world to stop taking, worse than oxy, or it's street version smck (on this I hope everyone realises this, benzo withdrawal will make you want to die 100x over and can last almost a year, if the sources suddenly dry up your in for one the worst things anyone can ever experience just a word of warning) I find ssri's (zoloft) useless for me personally plus they turn you into a zombie... I highly recommend kratam!!
Not me BUT I wouldn't give up hope just quite yet, I had a parcel sitting in customs almost 3 weeks, then passed around by the post people for another couple weeks. So y'kno, stranger things have happened. good luck/remember a watched pot won't boil/ i bet if u stop looking, it'll come /default_smile.pngGetting nervous after seeing your received dates. Placed first order on 17th but haven't received. Is anybody still waiting from that far back?
Same, I had a pack sit in customs for 3 weeks~ and it DID arrive, took forever, though.. Like B77C said, take it as a loss (for now!) and just put it out your mind. No one can rightfully say (Since no one could know!) if it was seized, snagged, or is just waiting clearance. I do, however, wish you luck!Not me BUT I wouldn't give up hope just quite yet, I had a parcel sitting in customs almost 3 weeks, then passed around by the post people for another couple weeks. So y'kno, stranger things have happened. good luck/remember a watched pot won't boil/ i bet if u stop looking, it'll come /default_smile.png
shut up I know we're still bff's /default_wink.pngSherry not every order is going to fly though. I realize lately that the delivery times have been amazing but this could be a fluke. You said you ordered on a certain date. When was it actually mailed? That could be a reason why it's held up. These guy are like 99% so don't give up. And don't listen to blackcat. She hit 100 post and thinks she's a fucking know it all now(kdding). I still luv ya bc
Mine was sent to UK on 17th.Arrived 28th Hang in there /default_smile.pngSherry, I made an order on the same date (17/04), and am still waiting. The Easter holiday will have slowed it down, so it might not be too bad.
I know it's probably wise to see it as a loss, that way you may get a pleasant surprise.
I'm foolish, I'm not seeing it as a loss at all yet, but may get a horrible disappointment.
Of course I'll post back here if I have any luck