Green dot is despicable. How are you going to allow international orders for months on end then out of nowhere you just stop?
I went through all the bs of applying for a card and waiting for it, used it 3 freakn times and now they just pull the plug on international payments?
I seriously hope that Greendot fails and goes into bankruptcy. I hope the owner winds up on the streets and dies from malnutrition.
And while I'm at it, I'm absolutely sick and tired of this US Patriot Act .... & the DEA.
I'm sick and tired of all these pompous, corrupt agencies trying to tell me how I can use MY OWN DAMN MONEY. This is the United States. If I want to put cash on a prepaid card and send it to Mars, I should be able to do that WITHOUT going through all the nonsense of applying and waiting for a card.
So what's gonna happen next? Am I gonna apply for a NetSpend card then 3 months later they're gonna stop international payments as well?
It's not just that, but seeing other people get their mail seized just pisses me off. The DEA is laughable. They really are the most pathetic organization to walk the face of Earth. They burn so much freaking money & time on 1 failed mission after another after another after another. They're continually raiding homes, they'll get together 38 people from 3 different agencies, preparing for the largest bust of their life, and 90% of the time they go into these houses and don't find a damn thing. They are waste of money, a waste of time, and a waste of common sense.
They'd probably have a higher success rate trying to stop people from shitting.
I know those losers come on this forum and read these posts. They probably hired an entire team of agents to stalk this thread. And they'll name their mission something cheesy as hell like "Operation Top Ten Takedown". Sitting back on their fat asses with donuts dribbling down their faces crying at the screen like "OH NO! Look at this boss! Another potential 'victim' just ordered 200 xanax online! LOOK at all these people illegally relieving their anxiety and improving the quality of their lives!!!!! Little do they know that .0000000001% of all of them are going to OD and DIEEE! We must stop this madness now. If anyone is gonna OD it must be legally through their own doctor! Go tell customs to start cracking down on all brown packages immediately. We will stop this war on drugs any day now" LMAO.
I'm sorry guys. I don't mean to bring any heat or controversy to this thread. Sometimes I just get infuriated by the gross hypocrisy of the nation I live in.
We mass market these drugs, big pharma spends billions of dollars giving samples away, doctors get incentives, the FDA approves it all, then we get hooked on this crap and become chained to some stupid, inexperienced doctor who basically holds your entire life in their hands. All they have to do is say it 1 time, "Hey, I have a miraculous cure for your addiction. I'm gonna stop refilling your meds tomorrow... and when you're writhing in pain for the next 3 months straight, please don't call the office unless its an emergency, ok?".
Gee, thanks doc.
Anyway, let me shut up. This thread is suppose to be about TTM.
ON TOPIC - Let me ask all of you a question. I see a lot of people placing orders as usual. But I also see a spike in seizures and now greendot isn't working anymore. So I will be insuring all future orders before any get stolen and used by a customs agent. But very few people ever mention a word about how they are actually paying for their orders. Are most of you people using your banks debit card or are you using NetSpend now?
I do not want to apply and wait for a NetSpend card just so they can pull the same crap Green Dot did.
And up until now I haven't used my banks debit because.... well, I'm just paranoid. I know when IOP's get shut down it's common for them to sell off peoples credit card info. This happened to me after "halfpricedmeds" got shut down (I think that was their name, this was like 5+ years ago).
So do you guys think it's safe to use my banks debit? I want to place about 6-7 orders because my gut tells me TTM isn't going to be around for another year. So what I'm thinking of doing is putting all the orders through, seeing if they clear, then calling up my bank a couple weeks from now and telling them to stop any future international payments unless I authorize it.
But for mere peace of mind, it would be nice to hear how people are paying for their orders. And if you're using your banks card has ANYONE had ANY weird charges?