I understand what you feel, that helpless feeling in your gut everytime you slam the empty mailbox and have a panick attack on your way back in the front door. I've actually gone through that for a few months now waiting on two different packages that were long overdue. Then one day, I opened the mailbox and there was one of my packs with a gleaming green piece of tape wrapped around the side that customs had torn open to dump out everything I had been waiting ,what seems like a lifetime for, and neatly replaced it with a letter informing me how dangerous it is to order meds online (although they were nothing more than for the relief of anxiety and sleeplessness) and explaining that they were going to do me a favor and dispose of them for me, unless I would like to set up a hearing with the DEA to explain why I should, from a legal stanpoint, be able to have and pocess the letters contents returned back to me, assuming I have a DEA control number and the proper noterized documents to provide them at a hearing that they would set up for us all to meet and quietly work ot out. I'm currently waiting on the second letter that was mailed the first week of July and never showed up, so my vendor was awesome enough to re-ship once more, however it too never showed up so he has now res-hipped one last time, only this time I have a remailer and the letter is expected any day now and I think the odds should be in my favor. So things aren't that bad in your corner...yet..I've been running back and forth from the mailbox to the house since July.And I understand the shitty feeling of loosing $200. After a few failed attempts and that first love letter, I had to shell out $100 for a remailer just so when I did buy something in the future I would actually have a chance of receiving (without that damn green tape and obnoxious letter). And you cant win them all in the IOP game. I doubt ANYONE has a perfect record./default_wacko.png
You just ordered from the right place at the wrong time.