I can't even look... looks as if they deleted my account.. hmmm... Something is NOT right when they delete you before you get an order.. I highly doubt mine was shipped, if it was.. and they don't get paid.. or haven't(cuz that card was canceled and they know it) PLEASE BE CAREFUL.. I still have no charge from the 12/29 order but an email that stated they DID take the $ and DID ship the order.. I would never just not pay.. but if they did somehow ship, how would yinz guys react?? Would you wanna repay them? Or should I just put them out of my mind completely cuz I was honest w/ them.. IDC if they charge me if the order does come in.. but if not.. I'm glad it was a PPal card, cuz w/ them.. I can make a claim stating I bought supplements and vitamins from them and I'll win. It's why I use them.. TBH what my ins/dr did to me was illegal.
I know not related but Buyer2015 if you could message me I'd appreciate it before I go pay for an order tomorrow.
As said everyone be careful.. I can't believe they shut me out before an order came w/ no emails.
- Ok 10 mins later, I realize they changed my password and address?? This is getting very strange /default_wacko.png/default_unsure.png/default_sad.png