Well the site could be DOA while they are creating a new one, you know to stay ahead of those "prying eyes". Ouch, my girlfriend just slapped me outta my dream. Still, a man can DREAMmwell, they have my full trust now knowing that they link their emails to a documented scammer site thats on our blacklist.
Bye Palmira, it was fun while it lasted!
@FG I used to be friends with both of your faces.
Yep. Just placed a new order. Received confirmation email instantly and CC was charged also. Should be a few days nowHiaceric said:Sites back up.
I just hope everyone took me seriously about that other site. I think FG will want to look into what happened, we're good friends and are working things out. She makes fun of me and I always take her seriously, then she smacks me down and says I'm too sensitive. Me, sensitive? Ready to fight? No! Anyway, she has a curious mind and we may just get to the bottom of it. Maybe the other site was hacked, I don't know. But please only order fromWell the site could be DOA while they are creating a new one, you know to stay ahead of those "prying eyes". Ouch, my girlfriend just slapped me outta my dream. Still, a man can DREAMm
Wow, your link is the only site I had ever used to make orders from and I have made at least 45-50+ orders from this place. I hope everything is on the up and up as I would like to place an order, but feel a little sketchy now... Soldier, could you PM me with some details and if it is 100% ok to order? Thanks dudeI just hope everyone took me seriously about that other site. I think FG will want to look into what happened, we're good friends and are working things out. She makes fun of me and I always take her seriously, then she smacks me down and says I'm too sensitive. Me, sensitive? Ready to fight? No! Anyway, she has a curious mind and we may just get to the bottom of it. Maybe the other site was hacked, I don't know. But please only order from
On DB, they were toprxsavings.com which has been down for a while. I had to search far and wide to find this address and was so happy when I did. Somebody asked me if I thought these guys were done, no, I seriously doubt they'll ever go away.
I tried to PM u but it said you cant receive any PMsCan someone please PM as to wtf the Garlic + Parsley is? I know what the garlic is, but what is the mix all about? Lemme know please, and thanks in advance everyone! /default_smile.png
There is no mix, garlic and parsley is garlic.Can someone please PM as to wtf the Garlic + Parsley is? I know what the garlic is, but what is the mix all about? Lemme know please, and thanks in advance everyone! /default_smile.png
Tydal, is your inbox full? Clear that shit out!Silly Palmira....I feel like...Bond...James Bond, when ordering from that site. LOL .....DILLY TIME!!!!!!
I did too for a couple days but I think the server was having issues or thee were switching domain records?I am getting this error:
Vuelva pronto.
What's weird is their site was already infested with bugs, redirects, who knows what, and just funky stuff. A few links take you to a bogus search engine. WIth the amount of money they must make you would think they woudl fix it. Their site needs a rework for sure. Anyway I am done with them. Like I said I was getting zolpidem and theirs takes 2 to work. I got my last ones from J at SL. I just have to be smart and plan ahead.
Just received a TN, showing my mud worms in Miami(always through Miami). Scheduled for deliver tomorrow(10/25/2012)
Sorry, didnt know i was being too specific. I cant find how to edit the post though...TyDaL said:FULLTILT, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF US ALL, ABSOLUTELY NO PACKAGE DESCRIPTIONS!!! PLEASE GO BACK AND EDIT YOUR POST IMMEDIATELY!!!
Moderator or anyone who has the ability to do this, please delete his post ASAP if he is unable to edit it, or it is up for view too long..
Thank you! (from all of us here at DBG)
Well I hate being told what I can and can't post. My last order came in something people use to ship items in.Hey FullTult - How much does FT owe you? I can't wait for the refunds to begin. I have a small car stuck on there.
haha, man that sucks. I actually received my $$ back in February, it wasn't much maybe like $850. Luckily I had a large withdraw a few days before they shut down. I was a black card member or w/e they called it so maybe thats why I got it quick then most??Hey FullTult - How much does FT owe you? I can't wait for the refunds to begin. I have a small car stuck on there.