It's been awhile since I've cycled HGH, in fact I have a kit stashed away that I forgot about until I came across this post. When you hit 40 (not that I'd know lol) an HGH cycle makes a huge difference in your sex drive, over all outlook, complexion, etc.... awesome anti-aging benefits. There are variations of HGH,.. patch, nasal spray but the real deal is the sub-q injection using a slin-pin (insulin needle). Pinch a little fat on your belly and seriously, you do not feel it. There are a few different types of HGH, Beach Bum referred to "blue tops, red tops" etc.... back in the day (5-6 years ago) the color of the top would tell you the quality of the product but these days I'm not sure it matters. Jintropin (Somatropin) was always good to me, it was a little more money but said to be the best "real" 191 amino. It has been awhile since I've researched HGH but 192 amino (if memory serves) added an additional amino acid (methionine) and came with mixed results/side effects. I'm not even sure 192 is still on the market and I recall reading something about 191a, 191aa so I'm sure there have been some advancements since I was "in the game". HGH is also a very very fragile compound. Know what you're doing when it comes to storing, injection, mixing, etc. or you are literally going to be pissing away your money.
For the 40+ active adult looking for a youthful supplement <2IU per day would be fine and a "kit" would last 6 weeks or so, so Beach Bums price of $200 is less that 200$ per month. I pay more than that for 1378 channels of mind-numbing useless premium cable tv. It is worth noting that injecting HGH alone is not going to make you a young, fit, horny twenty-something... use it like any other supplement along with a healthy diet and exercise.
On a side note, I supplement with B12 injections too. That's another thread but B12 is a real mood and energy booster. It can also help you shed some lbs.