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- Aug 27, 2016
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Man, you're lucky to have had the opportunity to try all of those pharma grade products - Then again, you're situated well to do so. I set aside about $5,000 a couple of years ago to do a long, low dose HGH run, what I was planning was 3iu first thing every morning for the first 6 months, then 3iu first thing in the morning and 1iu immediately after training for the last 6 months to help me lose about 12lb and tighten my skin up (boost vascularity)...But it turned out I could have paid $100 a kit (10x10iu vials) for what I suspected was junk (blue tops, yellow tops, brown tops, black tops), $140 a kit for what I knew was bunk (Kigtropin - The guys at the gym who were using 15iu a day didn't even get swollen ankles, much less numb hands or bloating anywhere else, they didn't recover any more quickly from training sessions than they had before, none of the classic results of that large a dose of GH presented themselves). With all of the other shitty "GH" coming out of China at the time, I didn't even trust Jintropins, so I figured I'd wait for a legit vendor of pharma grade kits - And spent most of what I had saved on Euro pharma grade gear, PCT supplies, and a killer home gym in my basement for those days you just don't want to deal with people who have no idea what gym etiquette is.I find no difference between Saizen, Humatrope, Genotropin, Ansomone, Norditropin or even Nutropin AQ (the once I did use it)
It still gives me the sads when I look at the 20 bottles of bacteriostatic water and the blister pouch of insulin needles on the top shelf of my bookshelf.
People always ask, when I tell this story, why I planned to use such a low dosage (low dosage! The anti-aging clinics give you 1iu every other week). Well, the dosage of GH has a lot to do with the result you get, and consensus among the cognoscenti for the past several years is that a low dose, long duration run of pharma grade GH does burn fat, even in couch potatoes who only raise their heart rate go leave the couch for another bag of Cheetos or another beer, but it doesn't happen overnight, even for bodybuilders, who can expend 800 - 1000 calories on leg day, and 600 or so calories on days where other muscle groups are trained (all depending on the intensity with which they train, of course). Six to eight months seems to be optimal for fat burning, and if you're going to do 8 months, why not do a year? It doesn't hurt to run it with the right gear as well...Masteron and Primobolan with some Anavar for, say, 8 weeks, PCT for two weeks and then an 8 week break from gear, then maybe Prop and EQ (again with Anavar) for 8 weeks, followed by 2 weeks PCT and an 8 week break - You get the idea, no bloating androgens. I would probably also use Arimidex during the eight week cycles, and it wouldn't hurt to use maybe 10mg Nolva per day during the off-cycle weeks just to ensure that you stay dry.
There's obviously other uses for GH - Combined with IGF-1 and a bit of insulin, and running 8-10iu (12iu if one can afford it, but that's serious money) of the GH, and running big stacks of Sust, Enanthate, or Cyp (at least 750mg a week), 400mg of Deca, and 50mg of Anabol, doing your PCT, and taking some time off, then running the same stack, only with a gram instead of 750mg Test, and replacing the Anabol with Anadrol @ 100mg a day, doing your PCT and taking some time off, rinse, wash, repeat will probably give you a huge increase in mass, along with a nice, permanent GH belly to go with it. Of course the bodybuilders running it in this manner have all sorts of tips and tricks they use along with it - SARMs, multiple daily doses at specific times, you name it - I don't know all that much about using GH as a mass gainer, as I've never considered using it in that manner, but the BB forums have tons of info on this method of GH use.
Damn it, I'd about given up on a nice, low-dose, year long GH run @trinity, but your prices for pharma grade GH just might make it possible.