Human Growth Hormone

I find no difference between Saizen, Humatrope, Genotropin, Ansomone, Norditropin or even Nutropin AQ (the once I did use it)
Man, you're lucky to have had the opportunity to try all of those pharma grade products - Then again, you're situated well to do so.  I set aside about $5,000 a couple of years ago to do a long, low dose HGH run, what I was planning was 3iu first thing every morning for the first 6 months, then 3iu first thing in the morning and 1iu immediately after training for the last 6 months to help me lose about 12lb and tighten my skin up (boost vascularity)...But it turned out I could have paid $100 a kit (10x10iu vials) for what I suspected was junk (blue tops, yellow tops, brown tops, black tops), $140 a kit for what I knew was bunk (Kigtropin - The guys at the gym who were using 15iu a day didn't even get swollen ankles, much less numb hands or bloating anywhere else, they didn't recover any more quickly from training sessions than they had before, none of the classic results of that large a dose of GH presented themselves).  With all of the other shitty "GH" coming out of China at the time, I didn't even trust Jintropins, so I figured I'd wait for a legit vendor of pharma grade kits - And spent most of what I had saved on Euro pharma grade gear, PCT supplies, and a killer home gym in my basement for those days you just don't want to deal with people who have no idea what gym etiquette is.

It still gives me the sads when I look at the 20 bottles of bacteriostatic water and the blister pouch of insulin needles on the top shelf of my bookshelf.

People always ask, when I tell this story, why I planned to use such a low dosage (low dosage!  The anti-aging clinics give you 1iu every other week).  Well, the dosage of GH has a lot to do with the result you get, and consensus among the cognoscenti for the past several years is that a low dose, long duration run of pharma grade GH does burn fat, even in couch potatoes who only raise their heart rate go leave the couch for another bag of Cheetos or another beer, but it doesn't happen overnight, even for bodybuilders, who can expend 800 - 1000 calories on leg day, and 600 or so calories on days where other muscle groups are trained (all depending on the intensity with which they train, of course).  Six to eight months seems to be optimal for fat burning, and if you're going to do 8 months, why not do a year?  It doesn't hurt to run it with the right gear as well...Masteron and Primobolan with some Anavar for, say, 8 weeks, PCT for two weeks and then an 8 week break from gear, then maybe Prop and EQ (again with Anavar) for 8 weeks, followed by 2 weeks PCT and an 8 week break - You get the idea, no bloating androgens.  I would probably also use Arimidex during the eight week cycles, and it wouldn't hurt to use maybe 10mg Nolva per day during the off-cycle weeks just to ensure that you stay dry.

There's obviously other uses for GH - Combined with IGF-1 and a bit of insulin, and running 8-10iu (12iu if one can afford it, but that's serious money) of the GH, and running big stacks of Sust, Enanthate, or Cyp (at least 750mg a week), 400mg of Deca, and 50mg of Anabol, doing your PCT, and taking some time off, then running the same stack, only with a gram instead of 750mg Test, and replacing the Anabol with Anadrol @ 100mg a day, doing your PCT and taking some time off, rinse, wash, repeat will probably give you a huge increase in mass, along with a nice, permanent GH belly to go with it.  Of course the bodybuilders running it in this manner have all sorts of tips and tricks they use along with it - SARMs, multiple daily doses at specific times, you name it - I don't know all that much about using GH as a mass gainer, as I've never considered using it in that manner, but the BB forums have tons of info on this method of GH use.

Damn it, I'd about given up on a nice, low-dose, year long GH run @trinity, but your prices for pharma grade GH just might make it possible.

When it comes to GH its 100% about the comfort with your source, how much you trust him and how long you've delt with him. Fakes are everywhere, I've been in that game a long time and been beat before on a 25 kit order of what was prob just worthless random powder. It doesnt matter if its pharma or not if you dont trully trust your connect 100% dont waste your money. 

Well said.  It's a lot harder to fake a pen than a vial of powder, though, which is why @trinity's GH products are intriguing.  I'm going to have to ask if he has an updated list and get out the old calculator...Pens, like Sustanon or Deca Redijects are so expensive to fake convincingly that it isn't worth the effort.  I see a lot of products on that list that aren't worth the effort it would take to fake them - You'd spend more on crafting the fakes than you would make selling them.

I personally have used generics off (3) separate providers over the past several years (occasionally I'd ordered branded shit like Rips when they were still being produced). Any dipshit can create his own serum test to "prove" the legitimacy of the product an throw a few bucks to 2-3 members to do the same. The 3 I use now will be the last 3 I ever use again. One guy I use solely for domestics, bc when I need it in 2 days its in my mailbox, the two others are pretty similar in all regards, I like both but my personal relationship goes back the furthest with the guy I use for dom's and hes a great guy but he just cant compete on the bulk pricing of the other 2. For most ppl looking for hgh they are looking for this miracle substance, which sorry to tell yah fellas couldnt be further from the truth. I honestly can say it has the LEAST bang for the buck of all products, HOWEVER it can do things no other products can do, especially in knowledgeable hands combined with log. I think at least 90% of forum HGH users are so not ready for that step its not even funny. Its a part of the bodybuilding tool box but its in the MASTER MECHANIC'S box only. Save ur money guys unless your either stepping on stage or you have physically reached the limit (ur limit isnt reached in 5 years sorry to tell ya). I'm a rather young guy, imo, considering my experience level and knowledge in the sport but I've been lifting now for 20 years, and serious lifting I never just went thru the motions not even as a child (started at 10 y/o), These days I'm just a standard weight lifter, I quit BB after unfortunately experiencing kidney failure at 25 which resulted in potassium levels in the heart stopping area. I say all that just to say really evaluate ur situation and really bring ur expectations into reality if you are going to use HGH. 

"Any dipshit can create his own serum test to "prove" the legitimacy of the product "

to clarify this I mean copy and pasting a real one into a program even as simple as paint and editing it to work for you.

@alluprbdy, I'm not disagreeing with you.  The problem I have is with the Chinese "GH" kits, they pull the same scam over and over - Spend the money to produce a reasonably good batch (GH is expensive as hell to produce, that's why it's expensive as hell to buy - real GH that is, it is a very fragile, large molecule which is comprised of 191 amino acids, linked in very specific order and shaped to very specific form. In that regard there is no room for differences - of a few hundred kits, then crank up the GHRP-6 or GRHP-2 equipment and produce a few thousands of boxes of peptide vials labeled as GH.  "One kit $300, 5 kits $150 per kit ($750), or buy ten kits for $900).  They aren't stupid, they make sure the Mods and advanced members of the big BB forums get the real kits, then those guys rant and rave about how great the latest shit from so and so in  China is, it's a government regulated pharma company, so it's guaranteed to be real!  Do you know how much the Chinese give a damn about patients who would actually benefit from GH therapy?  They'd just as soon  put a bullet in the back of their heads and send the family a bill for it.  Anyway, the mods and advanced members who got the good shit hook up their favorite sources with bulk supplies of this fantastic new "GH" (there's always 100 or so kits of the real "first run" product left, and for a few months, people spend their entire paychecks on the latest and greatest "cheap, awesome Chinese GH".

First it was the blue tops that IP sold hundreds of thousands of, then the yellow tops (unbranded, "generic" HGH, your typical 10 vials of 10iu each, I don't think any of those had a speck of GH in them - The Chinese were just experimenting to see if American bodybuilders were stupid enough to believe that GH was available that inexpensively). 

When respected guys like Bytor, or Tempest, or Train, or Ry Roid, or GRK, or Raver, or Willi, or Ragnar, or Warpig, on the old school sites like (the original one that CT wrote in Cold Fusion and managed with a handful of crazy mods for 5-6 years, not the one some dickhead is running now trying to wear CT's laurels), vAriX, Anabolex,, (which I actually think is still around...the first generation (outside of USENET) of BB forums, started pimping the shitty blue tops and yellow tops, people couldn't by them fast enough - And they had no idea how to use them even if they had been real.

All this was around '99, way before the Chinese figured out that "branding" their "GH" - "Kigtropin", "Igtropin", "Gentropin", "Riptropin", and putting together pretty packaging for the box that contained the supposedly 10iu vials, slapping a hologram on the box, and putting labels with batch numbers on the vials themselves would let them jack the prices up even higher.  Once they figured that out in 2008 or so, hell, you'd even see Anti-Aging clinics with cabinets full of Kigtropin - A totally fake product.

And the guys who started the GH craze, those mods, and admins, and senior members, were laughing their asses off, flying to the Keys, or to New Orleans, and setting up deals with AIDs patients to buy their scripts of Humatrope and Saizen and stock up enough to do a good run every year.

I'd agree as well that 99.9% of BB forum users have no business using REAL GH - As far as performance enhancing drugs go, it is like a sculptor's last, tiny tool, used to make a piece of art that is almost perfect, perfect.  And in the BB world, you're rarely perfect right when you need to be, when you step on stage - The last two weeks of prep before a show are where you make it or break it.   So many factors go into maintaining as much mass and fullness as you can, while staying as lean as possible and as dry as possible (that's where a lot of guys get in trouble - starting Lasix too early, not drinking enough water, consuming too much sodium, etc., etc., etc.)  Starting a GH run two weeks before a show would be like shooting yourself in the foot.

or you have physically reached the limit (ur limit isnt reached in 5 years sorry to tell ya).
Once I got serious about the sport (and I was past 20, but had not yet turned 25 at that time), five years is more or less exactly how long it took me to get all of the pieces in place to try for a placing in the top 10 of the Midwest NPC bodybuilding light-heavyweight competition.  If you look at my planned upcoming cycle, it isn't gonzo at all compared to some of the cycles I've seen guys  planning out online - And it's only my 8th cycle in 2.75 years.  I understand that you don't start using gear until you stop growing naturally, and I understand that insulin and IGF-1 are tools I'm far from ready for - If I ever decide to use them...insulin all by itself can kill you if you don't use it right.

I think for your average person, five years  of bodybuilding at the highest intensity level you can maintain, adding weight to the bar or machine every week, eating clean, getting enough protein, carbs, Omega III fatty acids, getting enough sleep, and staying consistent - Never missing a workout unless you are at death's door, switching up your routine for smaller muscle groups frequently, but always leaving the holy grails in their appropriate training sessions - squats, deadlifts, barbell overhead presses, bent-over rows...Yeah, you can reach your natural peak in that manner within five years, the problem is most guys don't have the discipline to choose the right foods, be consistent with their workouts, stay out of the clubs and the booze, and stay away from amphetamines, coke, and weed.  Oh, you can look good if you half-ass work out and are naturally lean, and do all those things - But you'll never step on a stage.

Jeez.  All that to say that the GH run I described earlier in this thread is primarily a last gasp for me - Compared to most folks, I have thick skin, and while I'm vascular enough, I need one of the (supposed) effects of GH - tightening the skin against the muscle.  If it will help me drop 5-10 pounds with spot injections as I see so many claim it can do, even better.

Some good posts here
@trinity, Thank you, sir.  I have a shopping list I'd like to run by you if I could, along with a couple of quick questions - Let me go back to the first page and see if I can find your email.

And yeah, that @alluprbdy dude is a pretty smart cookie.  I think I'm going to like it here.

38 yr old male about 30 lbs over what I should be, want to feel and loak younger.   Hoping for someone who can help me weed thru the hundreds of post I've read saying what is the best way of using hgh and combo of others. I'm just getting more confused as I read one post say one thing and another say exact opposite.  Thanks and look forward to hearing from you guys

38 yr old male about 30 lbs over what I should be, want to feel and loak younger.   Hoping for someone who can help me weed thru the hundreds of post I've read saying what is the best way of using hgh and combo of others. I'm just getting more confused as I read one post say one thing and another say exact opposite.  Thanks and look forward to hearing from you guys
Check out @Hammerblow, posts, provides very informative and in depth posts. 

38 yr old male about 30 lbs over what I should be, want to feel and loak younger.   Hoping for someone who can help me weed thru the hundreds of post I've read saying what is the best way of using hgh and combo of others. I'm just getting more confused as I read one post say one thing and another say exact opposite.  Thanks and look forward to hearing from you guys
what exactly do you want to know??  I can probably answer just about any question regarding growth hormone.  I have used both generic kits and pharma grade.   There is so much more to say about performance enhancing compounds than is available on this particular site.  

Like for one thing, I completely disagree that unless you are some kind of big competitor in BB'ing or other sports than you should forget about using GH.  Crock of shit cuz basically EVERYONE can use it and its not so harsh on your system compared to other peds, roids in particular.  There are more sources than ever where you can find quality growth...sources aren't really here tho, gotta go to specific steroid boards.  Its a nice start here and there are some good sources here I did not know about, but we can always add more!!  

I have a pharm grade source, and several "generic" producers 

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I have been interested in HGH for many years, but find the pharmaceutical products pricy and difficult to obtain.I have tried the synthetic (mostly various types of the chemicals mentioned in the Dr's book, but you have to have access to tons of drugs that allegedly stimulate HGH, like Melatonin and assorted similar HGH stimulates your body tends to stop producing as you age. These are usually available in pill form, but who knows what you are actually taking. The highly recommended product s I used simply didn't produce the advertised effects in my case. Please feel free to pm me with more information if you like. Thanks 

I don't body build or compete athletically but I've heard that hgh is good for women's skin and can be helpful to get best gains from cardio. Also. I feel old as fuck

I don't body build or compete athletically but I've heard that hgh is good for women's skin and can be helpful to get best gains from cardio. Also. I feel old as fuck
You need to research HGH on the whole. It can increase collagen production in both men and women, it is not gender specific.

Is it available as an injection only or is there another option?  Edit to add:

I've been doing online research and I would recommend others who are interested to do it as well to know the positive as well as the negative.  For instance:

Use of drugs associated to the growth hormone may lead to soft tissue swelling, joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, breast enlargement in men, and diabetes.
Other side effects include heart and liver enlargement, increased pressure around the brain, and high blood pressure.
It is also known to cause hypoglycemia, as HGH drugs are known to increase the production of insulin in the body. This leads to dangerously low sugar levels.
HGH speeds up the process of acromegaly, that is, abnormal growth of the bone.
If it is not used as prescribed, it leads to extended belly in bodybuilders. It may also cause joint pain.
HGH is the cleanest Anabolic Out there.  The hardest thing to do is get legit HGH bs the rap from China. Low does 1 to 2 II shouldn’t experience any side effects When I was competing at the national level I was getting the Sorano kits from the pharmacy and using 8 to 10 is a day.   The key to using HGH is slow and low.  Use low doses for long periods of time.  By its self is great for fat loss but when adding testosterone and other steroid and insulin is when the miracles happen ( I.e  20 lbs muscle in 6 weeks).  Please feel free to contact with any questions. Might be able to share some wisdom.  I competed for 9 years and leaned from two friends that both held pro cards. 

HGH is the cleanest Anabolic Out there.  The hardest thing to do is get legit HGH bs the rap from China. Low does 1 to 2 II shouldn’t experience any side effects When I was competing at the national level I was getting the Sorano kits from the pharmacy and using 8 to 10 is a day.   The key to using HGH is slow and low.  Use low doses for long periods of time.  By its self is great for fat loss but when adding testosterone and other steroid and insulin is when the miracles happen ( I.e  20 lbs muscle in 6 weeks).  Please feel free to contact with any questions. Might be able to share some wisdom.  I competed for 9 years and leaned from two friends that both held pro cards. 
Your thoughts and protocols on insulin with HGH?

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  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  5. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  7. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  8. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  9. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
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  13. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  15. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
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