Hey S thanks for the feedback but I think you're being a little too generous. I do my best but I don't think I deserve an 11/10 just yet. I appreciate the kind words from you as well jewy, my main goal was just to become a trustworthy and reliable vendor, I had no aspirations of becoming a "model" vendor and I don't view myself as being one. However, if any member, especially a moderator considers me as such I'm glad to hear that.
Recently one of my new customers, who I won't name (you know who you are) has had a less than desirable experience with me and I'd like to apologize one last time to you. Although our interaction has been very limited you were certainly a model customer as far as I'm concerned. Hopefully we can give it another shot in the future, until then I sincerely wish you better luck with whomever you chose next, they'll be lucky to have you.
I know I previously said I'd be taking another break soon but I've got some new opportunities on the supply side, if they play out as expected I may pick up a few more people in the next couple weeks..
BTOH if you need any additional info that you can't get via PM you can always shoot me an email and get an honest answer.
Mr.Fisher if you happen to read this my last few emails to you bounced back so try a different account, I'm not ignoring you. Have a wonderful weekend DBG and I hope the few members still waiting on their packs will see them soon.
All the best ~ Hydreauxman