Not doubting Gator here, but I encourage EVERYONE to proceed with caution. We have seen it many small source pops up and all is well for a bit then 15 people are ripped off.
Once again, no offense, but neither Gator nor GSD have been around long enough for most of us to feel comfortable with an email only source referral.
Please proceed with caution.
end transmission.
Just a brief update for anyone with an interest in this email vendor. As 99 aptly pointed out, we have certainly seen our share of issues with new, small email vendors, and it can be difficult for members to develop a comfort level related to taking a risk on a potential new vendor. That being said, I have given the matter a great deal of thought over the past week, and I kept coming back to the knowledge that many of our members struggle to afford these types of products via the SY vendors. I don't personally use the products offered by this vendor as part of my pain management program, at least not for the past few years, but I know that many do. In light of these factors, I make the decision to place a small sample order of this vendor's products. Upon receipt, I will provide a detailed review of my experience, both in terms of vendor communication and product quality. While my experience, whatever it may prove to be, will not serve as any assurance of future performance, nor a formal endorsement of the vendor on the part of myself or DBG, my hope is that it will serve as, at the very least, a reasonable piece of feedback where this vendor is concerned.
Ultimately, my goal here is to mitigate at least part of the potential risk that goes along with a new email vendor for our members, and if proven authentic and professional, that this vendor might be of benefit to some of our members (to the extent that this small vendor's capacity allows anyway) who need these products to live full, productive lives, yet who lack the financial capacity to source them via the SY vendors, or at least in sufficient amounts to meet both their medical needs as well as household budgets. It certainly won't be a cure all for SY vendor pricing for all of our members, but for a small group anyway, it might prove to be a modest difference maker in their lives. So, from my point of view, the small financial risk on my part is worth the potential reward for some of our members.
As for my experience thus far, I made contact with the vendor yesterday afternoon, and provided payment information as requested in the form of Green Dot Money Pak. Shortly after noon eastern time today (Friday), I was provided with a TN, so I presume that I will receive the order early next week, and as stated previously, I will post my review of the products and service upon receipt.
Have a great weekend everyone!