I don’t think I can equate my experience with yours, but I too find the idea fascinating and wanted to share my own experiences with the way psychs have affected me long term.
I have a similar but lower caliber history with psychs, mainly cid and less so shrooms. I’ve gone through periods of months of taking everyday (usually less than 50 mcg but sometimes between 50 and 100) towards the end of the end of the binge, if I decide to raise dosage to accommodate tolerance, I’m often left with 2-3 weeks of noticeably psychedelic thought patterns and strong, very real sounding auditory hallucinations. These fade in a couple of weeks though rarely disappear completely before I begin to take psychs again (maybe a month break before I almost feel like my disinterested pre-psych self again).
these long lasting effects on me have never had the visual specificity you described but I too feel a long afterglow of expanded consciousness (or ego inflation

) and it does interfere slightly with daily work life (mostly just me coming off as a spacey goof) and it’s constant presence does aid in creative thinking tremendously. For example, I like to make music, and during these periods my mind is usually perpetually humming/creating endless melodies for days that build off of each other and are totally retrievable when I remember to record them on my hand recorder, no effort necessary - just free art from the universe I can’t claim to have intentionally composed,
I wonder if taking macro dosages are absolutely necessary to induce the level of hppd you experience. Despite hundred of days spent mildly tripping, I very rarely take over 50-75 mcg
And don’t believe I’ve ever experienced more than (guesstimating on the high side) 200-300 mcg of l.
One last note, I’m not a visually oriented person, I generally am listening to music in my head or deep in thought and I have to really try to see what’s in front of me. I was like this as a child pre drugs as well. Unsurprisingly I seldom experience anything beyond slight waviness and color enhancement even on a full trip after a tolerance break.
thank you so much for sharing I find this kind of thing so fascinating and wish you the best of luck and health. My hope is that you’re simply chipping away at the illusional borders of the linear time trap dimension we all seem to inhabit
love to you and welcome! Would love to hear updates on this thread