I am sorry for not answering your questions sooner but here we go:
The site was recommended to me by one of the Mexican vendors (1 of the top 4 or 5 that is used a lot) they told me to see if this place to see if they had a certain type of a "Blue Smurf " and they did. So, yes she was recommended by one of the top vendors the people are using. I did test V out with about 4 different orders to see if she was legitimate or not. V, did come through with my orders and all was correct, right product, none missing..You can trust me or not but I would not have posted her as a new reliable source on this board. I even contacted one of the Moderators to make sure that this was going to be ok to list V as a new source. I hope that helps some of your concerns. Now for the issue that I received an order from V and R with in 15 mins. of each other is somewhat correct. I did order from both of them, I ordered from R at healthprovidersrx and V at i-pillsrx one day apart from each other and they both arrived on the someday at the sometime.
PS. I hope my explanation is not to confusing because I am driving and using Siri on my Iphone to get this posted for everyone.. I hope this helps answer some of your questions and PM if you have anymore....Have a wonderful rest of the weekend..