I was wrong about homeland security notes

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@Biskobro I just received a weird package I did not order from the UK - I saw bright green tape on one end (US customs border control/homeland security) when I opened it there were four empty boxes HS obviously took them out somehow did it in a way where I had no clue they had been opened. The parcel also had a script in it that they left... Has anyone had this experience? Are these scare tactics.. this is not a normal LL. maybe 3X5 and not even cut evenly.  I have a pic of these new LL.. notes... you think this is something to worry about? I don't even know if I should contact my vendor. The note references : 19CFR145.59

There were four boxes of Co D 60 M   g

Thank you - I am a stressed out mess. I don't know what is going to happen. 



@savingtess Ive seen those posted from people for the last number of years.  I remember looking it up and there were reports from way back of people getting them.  For all sorts of things like cigars and pot seeds as well as RCs and other drugs.  Not sure why some seizures get that and others you just never see the pack and get an LL later.  Seen a lot of packs coming from spain that get that. 

@savingtess Ive seen those posted from people for the last number of years.  I remember looking it up and there were reports from way back of people getting them.  For all sorts of things like cigars and pot seeds as well as RCs and other drugs.  Not sure why some seizures get that and others you just never see the pack and get an LL later.  Seen a lot of packs coming from spain that get that. 
Do you know if this is scare tacit? It sat in LA for well over a month. My vendor is in the UK - USC and HS removing all the supplements then just putting the boxes of my supplements back inside with that note - just weird. Terrified me actually. I've gotten many LL throughout the years - but the two sheet ones with that snake on it... Do you know if anything came from people that got that same note? 

Thanks for responding. I am still so freaked out and worried. 

@savingtess  I kinda think all the letters are basically scare tactics.  I assume different agencies go through packs for whatever reason, and thats just HS's way of responding to it.  CBP also will open packs and send them to you empty, and ive heard of a few people that the packs are opened and then sent along full even though the contents were technically illegal.  Who knows the rhyme or reason!  As far as what came of people who got the note.  I only followed up on one of the people and they never received a LL or anything similar. Heres another thread where someone here received the same cut out note: HS Note.  That member later got banned so you cant tag them and ask if anything came of it, but its an example of someone else getting it.   Hope youre able to calm down some as time passes.  Sorry yr so freaked out! 

@savingtess  I kinda think all the letters are basically scare tactics.  I assume different agencies go through packs for whatever reason, and thats just HS's way of responding to it.  CBP also will open packs and send them to you empty, and ive heard of a few people that the packs are opened and then sent along full even though the contents were technically illegal.  Who knows the rhyme or reason!  As far as what came of people who got the note.  I only followed up on one of the people and they never received a LL or anything similar. Heres another thread where someone here received the same cut out note: HS Note.  That member later got banned so you cant tag them and ask if anything came of it, but its an example of someone else getting it.   Hope youre able to calm down some as time passes.  Sorry yr so freaked out! 
Ty so much. I do feel a bit better. Do u think I should reach out to my vendor about this? I have no clue about that. 😟

It’s weird that it seems like there’s a little cut out love letters seem to be coming from Spain and now this one came from London but again no rhyme or reason I am naturally a very anxious I am a worrier so it does not help when things like this happen. I wonder if the person Who is band if they also removed the contents of his package oh or her package and I couldn’t see if it had that US customs green sticker on it I didn’t recognize Spain packaging though. It was just so weird they always come through JFK always I’m on the East Coast I’m not too far from JFK maybe there’s a stop there but there was no scan they were only two scans one and he throw back in May and then the one that was in my mailbox today two days ago. Well thank you again and I’ll keep checking back to see if somebody else is my post. 

@savingtess  I would let the vendor know, especially if its a vendor that does reships.   As for the Spain thing, it probably happens with packs shipping from elsewhere, i just know of ones from Spain.  Maybe HS specifically works customs for shipments from there, so those kinds of slips are more common?  And yes, with all the packs i know of that got the slip, the packs arrived in original packaging with contents removed and the slips inside.  Not all had the green tape tho. 

@savingtess  I would let the vendor know, especially if its a vendor that does reships.   As for the Spain thing, it probably happens with packs shipping from elsewhere, i just know of ones from Spain.  Maybe HS specifically works customs for shipments from there, so those kinds of slips are more common?  And yes, with all the packs i know of that got the slip, the packs arrived in original packaging with contents removed and the slips inside.  Not all had the green tape tho. 
I did inform them. They didn’t say that they knew anything about the note but did ask for me to upload it which I was hesitant to but did so from my phone. I received a response from them . It was vague ( understandable) but here is their response. “ We have decided to reship your order. We need an alternative
recipient and address only for the reshipment. From our experience we see
it takes some time for the situation to come back to normal.
Another alternative is to set a remailer - the packages go smoother through
the customs and from there it is already a domestic service. If you'd like we
can send you more information regarding the remailer option.“ 

i don’t have anyone that I could have it reshipped to. Maybe my husband in the UK..? Don’t understand the ‘ remailer’ option either. Any ideas? 

I’m also really worried this will prevent my passport from being renewed.. anything you or anyone reading this may know about that? I have no record at all besides speeding tickets when I was younger. I’m worried I’m on some blacklist now. Lastly do I think this is just saying FU to scare me? The items were cods and here in the US it is scheduled the same as freaking  blow. 😩😞

@savingtessI have never heard of anyone being on any type of blacklist from receiving a LL or having a delivery confiscated. If you think about the various dark Web markets and the volume of these kinds of deliveries, I would think it would not be practical to do anything unless it's a really big amount of goods and obviously for resale. 

This is just my opinion based on experience - not meant to be taken as fact. Of all the members I have told "don't worry" none have come back to tell me I'm an idiot so far.

@savingtessI have never heard of anyone being on any type of blacklist from receiving a LL or having a delivery confiscated. If you think about the various dark Web markets and the volume of these kinds of deliveries, I would think it would not be practical to do anything unless it's a really big amount of goods and obviously for resale. 

This is just my opinion based on experience - not meant to be taken as fact. Of all the members I have told "don't worry" none have come back to tell me I'm an idiot so far.
it wasn't 'a lot' four boxes of cods that someone ordered for me - I contacted vendor with this tiny cut out piece of paper that had homeland security 'seal' on top then telling me my products had been seized and I'd be hearing from them shortly. I did find something online on an old forum saying that if it wasn't a 'controlled delivery' then they wouldn't be coming to arrest you - but found another forum saying that sometimes they watch you for years.. WTAF? here is what what that steroid place said (this is from 2004 though so - don't know if it's still current?)  I just copy and pasted from the old OP question -which is the first you'll see below - then someone answered with the bold highlights. Doesn't help that my husband just mailed me some of his pain patches (not fent) but bupren for my RA/OA. They are due to arrive today and I don't even know if I should accept them. I'm freaking out. Too much is happening at once. The thing I don't get is when am I going to be 'hearing from them soon' (from that freaking 'note' that looked liked something from windows 95 and someone just printed it out) NOthing at all like the old LL I used to get all the time. My vendor in the UK said they had never seen it before either. They want to reship using some PO box in florida and then a bunch of instructions - I don't know wtf to do. 

I wouldn't worry about it. I have gotten like 4 of these letters in the last 5 years. nothing ever happens. Does the letter look official? some I have gotten were so low class looking I can't even believe they could be from a government agency.
Ignore it, they can't prove you ever got it....kind of like jury duty summons :)
Just google your law code. .. here's why they removed it i suppose. Looks like it says if they do not plan on going any farther with this investigate then they remove illegal items, then pkg with seizure letter is sent to the adressee. Not sure but yall can check it out for yourselves.
I copied and pasted this from the gvmt law site. ..

E. If no controlled delivery is arranged and correspondence is not to be otherwise seized pursuant to a search warrant (see “F” below), the item which constitutes the violation shall be removed and any correspondence shall be replaced in the wrapper, or in a new wrapper if the original wrapper has been seized pursuant to 19 U.S.C. 1595a. The wrapper shall then be resealed, marked to indicate it was opened by Customs, and returned to postal channels. Appropriate seizure notices shall be sent in accordance with 19 CFR 145.59(b).

Your passport will be fine.  Its highly unlikely you will even get the usual notice from CBP, which is also nothing to worry about.  If they wanted to do something to you they would have shown up at your door.   Countless people on this forum have gotten LLs and are fine.  The only ones who werent fine were ordering large quantities they intended to resell, and they got controlled deliveries, not LLs.  If you dont have someone else to reship them and they wont reship to you or you are too nervous about it then i would just count it as a loss.  Moving forward, if you are still nervous about customs you could try getting what you need domestically.   But again, I don't think there's anything for you to worry about.  If they were going to do something to you they would have done a controlled delivery, and i doubt you were ordering even remotely the quantity they bother with.  Unless you are a dealer, they dont have the time or resources to put you on a "blacklist" or "watchlist". 

The "remailer" is typically a facility in another country that they send it to who then resends it to you.  Sometimes, the remailer actually gets it all the way to your country and then sends it to you so you dont have to wrory about customs.   For a lot of sending countries mail is more heavily screened, so remailing from a different place provides more likelihood (theoretically) of shipping success.  Generally its heaps more costly, especially for services that get it all the way through your customs prior to sending to you. 

Your passport will be fine.  Its highly unlikely you will even get the usual notice from CBP, which is also nothing to worry about.  If they wanted to do something to you they would have shown up at your door.   Countless people on this forum have gotten LLs and are fine.  The only ones who werent fine were ordering large quantities they intended to resell, and they got controlled deliveries, not LLs.  If you dont have someone else to reship them and they wont reship to you or you are too nervous about it then i would just count it as a loss.  Moving forward, if you are still nervous about customs you could try getting what you need domestically.   But again, I don't think there's anything for you to worry about.  If they were going to do something to you they would have done a controlled delivery, and i doubt you were ordering even remotely the quantity they bother with.  Unless you are a dealer, they dont have the time or resources to put you on a "blacklist" or "watchlist". 

The "remailer" is typically a facility in another country that they send it to who then resends it to you.  Sometimes, the remailer actually gets it all the way to your country and then sends it to you so you dont have to wrory about customs.   For a lot of sending countries mail is more heavily screened, so remailing from a different place provides more likelihood (theoretically) of shipping success.  Generally its heaps more costly, especially for services that get it all the way through your customs prior to sending to you. 
Thank you for all your support. I am unwell and have been since I was a teen. Since the new war on drugs I couldn't even get my tramadol anymore after taking it for over 20 years. I read something on reddit saying they will watch people for years building a case... but I order small amounts and this one was the largest one I had ordered b/c of covid and not wanting to do another one for a long time (four boxes of cods) UK  - I was worried maybe because I ordered four boxes that was some kind of thing that got them to get a court order to open them....and then  I got that weird cut out note that looked completely fake (saw things online about some of them actually being fake by crooked customs but.. who knows?) I had no controlled delivery - but about a year or two ago I had a package delivered (domestic) and just Stillnox and thought that was weird b/c where I live they just have people use their own cars and don't even wear the postal uniforms   - again thought - that's weird.. never even seen a postal worker where I live in BFE show up in one of the postal cars in full uniform but again this was a domestic from chicago and just stupid ambien. Vendor wants to reship as I stated - I don't know. I am very wary. Maybe have it mailed to my fiance in belfast and have him fwd to me? I get his care packages all the time in about 5 days. That - you will be hearing from us soon is what I am so worried/paranoid about. I can't remember if I attached this but will put it here again - when I found some roid forum from 2004 people were talking about that weird cut out note LL and someone replied with this : my items had been seized/forfeitured. It went on to say (and I just copied and pasted this - ) 

I wouldn't worry about it. I have gotten like 4 of these letters in the last 5 years. nothing ever happens. Does the letter look official? some I have gotten were so low class looking I can't even believe they could be from a government agency.
Ignore it, they can't prove you ever got it....kind of like jury duty summons :)
Just google your law code. .. here's why they removed it i suppose. Looks like it says if they do not plan on going any farther with this investigate then they remove illegal items, then pkg with seizure letter is sent to the adressee. Not sure but yall can check it out for yourselves.
I copied and pasted this from the gvmt law site. ..

E. If no controlled delivery is arranged and correspondence is not to be otherwise seized pursuant to a search warrant (see “F” below), the item which constitutes the violation shall be removed and any correspondence shall be replaced in the wrapper, or in a new wrapper if the original wrapper has been seized pursuant to 19 U.S.C. 1595a. The wrapper shall then be resealed, marked to indicate it was opened by Customs, and returned to postal channels. Appropriate seizure notices shall be sent in accordance with 19 CFR 145.59(b).

Thank you again. I am naturally paranoid by nature but when it comes to things like this my brain goes into over load I sincerely appreciate all your advice. I have known people that have been watched /arrested normally at PO boxes but were ordering from china and selling also. 


I've never heard of it happening besides members with coolchems,so be weary of what is told to you . Does this vendor know a customs agent to support this ?

What kind of proof were you provided. I'd love to see one of these NEW L.L.

I recently uploaded one of these new 'LL notes' If it hadn't had that green customs sticker on one end I would have thought it was printed off by some kind on windows 95. You should be able to see the 'new note' on my thread. Let me know if you would prefer to send it in a PM. *cam from the UK with the script inside) it was a real script. I was still terrified. A bit calmed down now but FM... they just removed all contents except the boxes with that maybe 3x 5 cut out note and cited the seizure /forfeiture note inside. 


someone I know closely may or may not have had this happen...

only about 3 months after receiving the letter, the very same package arrived. Fully cut through all the way to the order, but then taped back up. Bless whomever did that.

I think... just be honest, dont be an idiot, and remember you can always talk your way into a ticket!

Has the pack come yet, and how many days has it been since you ordered?

I'm kind of waiting on your results to place another order.

They did however say if the same thing happened again on the second order they would reship a third one on their own.  I've yet to secure a second location for this package to arrive, but if they are willing to offer a free reshipe I may wave that option if they will send it to you the original location. I still have not received a letter from any government agency, or no of anybody who has, and my shipment was not listed on the manifest of seized items that is published by CBP.
If you look at that list it seems many things are either left out or something is up. I don’t believe they only snag muscle relaxers, tra### ms and roidz. I saw very few others yet on the news they are popping all sorts of things. It’s all very cloudy and I overcast.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?