Yeah I think it was just 2 maybe 3 who decided they had to save face. They were blatantly ripping off and repeatedly bashing Alex. Giving your opinion is one thing. All three ordered on a regular basis from Alex. (Even though one said he NEVER used the SY guys he just liked to hang in the SY thread and offer his opinion on every sentence that Alex wrote to him--again even though he never ordered!) The last one said he never received a correct letter from Alex--and he continued to order weekly. Hmmmm.
Then they started trying hold Alex hostage with "Everyone on the board follow me because I am a leader and in one keyboard click I will turn 1200 people against you UNLESS you send me 100 rocksees!"
And it goes on from there. I wouldn't let them bully me. Then they started a campaign that Mr C and I were shills for Alex--they didn't even know the meaning of 'shill' and then started in on Dr. B about us.
I contributed years to that board. If I have to justify myself (I could understand if I had just joined) and motives then I am contributing my time to the wrong place.
If Dr B wants those three on the boards and not me then that is certainly his call. These three are idiots,liars, bullies and thieves--kind of says to me what he wants on his board.
They were irritated with my (and Mr. C's on a smaller scale) characterization of calling the SY guys "drug dealers" and asking them to go to their local drug alley and try to pull their shit there. I for one liked not having to do that!
One of them liked to say he couldn't live with his opiates, another posted he was a vet who couldn't get his PKs through the VA, yadda yadda yadda. Whatever. Doesn't change the fact they acted like dope-sick junkies when there was a blip. And doesn't change the fact that trading with the SY guys is illegal. A medical history showing PK use doesn't change the facts.
Mr C probably somewhat suffered from his support of me.
I just figure they lost two people who have years and years of experience with the SY guys and we helped lots of members, and the trade was these 3 little "girls".
Ehhhh. It is what it is. They were extremely short-sided. It's alright. It's okay. It's no problem. /default_wink.png Karma is a mean bitch.