@meddirectThanks-honest typo. I order Phenibut from a place that has other nootropics but if I saw noots listed in an RC site along w/zany's I'd probably be like, "Hey that's good business!" lol So, do you not see RC sites with other scheduled items much? When I think of it, seems they want to stay with what they know I guess. It's been either/or but not both. At any rate-thankful to have you and others who are not only paying attention to these things but recognize them for what they are.No problem. It just threw a red flag for me and so I googled and even contacted the vendor before posting. It was a very clear scam. Obviously I didn't send money but prices were too good to be true. I declined and then prices magically dropped to 25 buck for 10 grams of a 150 dollar substance. If I sound like a shill I'm sorry just sharing some places I've ordered from but the RC game is dangerous right now. Lots and lots of scammers looking to just take advantage of people. Just because I get an order doesn't mean someone else will. It would be nice if vendors would contact the admin here or something? But lately they pop up and then disappear just as quick.
Also the site list Xanax bars and MDMA. I've never seen that on an RC site. Just too many whaaaa?!? Moments haha