Just Small Trend I Have Noticed My Short Time Here


Jan 1, 2014
I have constantly come across threads about vendors (IOPs) that were chugging along great getting people their orders left and right...until the end of the year. BAM. Gone. I am not sure if it's a common scam practice and that time of year is when most people make large orders, or LE tends to catch onto them at this time of year. 

Anyway, the trend seems to be that vendors 'dissappear' or begin to not send out orders around this time. Again it's a small trend (just happened this year and last) so I would be careful. Unfortunately I already committed before I found out this news. But I never put anything in that I will miss so I expect to just be slightly angry if it doesn't go through - not financial and emotional devastation. 

Please let me know if this just the select few vendors I checked out - I would love to find some reputable vendors for the new year!

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   Interesting observation... I cant say the same myself but its interesting to say at least. I know that this time of year (Christmas and New Year's Eve) - winter holidays, mail is getting kind of slow/overloaded and maybe some of these guys are in vacation or taking some time off to spend with friends and family and might get slow with communication so there are 2 vectors that can lead one to think certain vendor turned scammer ... Just my 2 cents here! /default_smile.png


   Interesting observation... I cant say the same myself but its interesting to say at least. I know that this time of year (Christmas and New Year's Eve) - winter holidays, mail is getting kind of slow/overloaded and maybe some of these guys are in vacation or taking some time off to spend with friends and family and might get slow with communication so there are 2 vectors that can lead one to think certain vendor turned scammer ... Just my 2 cents here! /default_smile.png

That is true - however I would prefer to use a vendor that lets his/her customers know when they are going to be out of town! Otherwise it's just unprofessional to me. 

This has been the case for years with (most) all of the vendors I have used.  Not so much that they are scamming anyone, it's just that the volume of mail is exponential over any other time of the year.  I have learned to take that into account and make arrangements by the end of October to get me through the end of the year and into January... 

Like I said, it isn't necessarily a matter of scamming, for the most part I've experienced it being a delay issue.  Make sure you read back into the fall and, if possible, look at the trend from year(s) prior during the Holiday season before making any conclusions.

100% agree with above poster, my joke for years had been people get their tax returns and buy them out, LOL

Yous guys need to read Jewy's post in the Mexican Pharmacies thread. No speculations please.

No speculations here and I'm not specifically referring to the Mexican section, I have noticed this trend with all companies both domestic and abroad after many years observing, and like I said, I make a "joke out" of it, no idea the real reason...and I did read Jewy's post last week when he posted it, thanks for watching our backs just the same 😃

No problems CPPt, all of us here are trying to fly under the radar until the issues work themselves out so we all can resume to our normal hobbies.

Yes i notice this is well, but there are some faithful that have stuck around these are the ones you want to stay faithful with or at the end of the year go back to the ones that have stuck around because we cannot control we are just pawns. We are not names we are dollar signs that is it so keep that in mind

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. T @ timyboy: @xenxra I thought I was the only one that noticed about em bins. What trash bins does he want?
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: there is literally a "Who Offers It?" section. The shoutbox is for banter, not browsing.
  3. R @ RussianRambo: who has best pyros? no mdphip or 2-me
  4. R @ RussianRambo: Opana who has it
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: im gonna just say no
  6. J @ justsayno: Who has bin #s?
  7. xenxra @ xenxra: bin #s for what? you asked this like 10 times without any clarification.
  8. J @ justsayno: Who has bin #s?
  9. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @DerailedFisherman That’s no fun. You probably barely escaped death. You get the license or ID the driver? Or hit and run? Sorry to hear that, glad you’re taking it so well! This life is so absurdly stressful and frustrating and funny and beautiful all at the same time!
  10. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @druuls Oh, yeah, I’ve been there. No sweat, I was just giving you a hard time. My bad!
  11. DerailedFisherman @ DerailedFisherman: Got hit by a car going 55. Couple bruises. Should be dead. Hows yalls days going?houd
  12. D @ druuls: @LatsDoodis I mistook it for the seach bar, was wondering what the process is
  13. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @druuls those are two words, yes. Will they be attached to the rest of a sentence?
  14. D @ druuls: sorry about that
  15. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  16. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  17. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  18. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  19. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  20. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?