I think you might be referring to the comment made by myself? How can it be "that was that" if you make a separate thread wanting to discuss it?
Fact of the matter is, if I was to post exactly what I'm thinking when I see posts like the one made by yourself, the post I did make would seem like a birthday present.
Unnecessary? I wish. I see 2E's post at the top of every vendor thread and its very clear what can be posted there and the reason why. I see PTFC having to clean up posts in the vendor threads nearly every day. Normally I ignore it, the reason I made a comment on your post is this: When I place a order with a vendor with a specific delivery day and I come into the thread with someone posting the vendor has guaranteed that day for delivery, that is so not cool you have no idea. When you draw attention to your package, you are attracting attention to mine.
Sometimes I wish they would just let everybody post what day they are ordering, what day they expect touchdown and which shipper has their package and what the shipper says when they call concerned that tracking hasnt updated for over a hour. That way I could just order on a different day and request a different shipper.
I understand you are new here. When I was new here; it was much more wild west than it is now. I didn't even post but once or twice for at least a year because I didn't want to be chastised by the vets. And yes, I have posted the same thing you posted before, we all have. We have also learned over the years why sharing certain information is a bad idea. I've personally had to learn the hard way. Some of us have placed hundreds of orders over the years. And we share what we have learned with you to help you have a successful order. But I'm the bad guy? I don't want you to post information that puts your, mine, or anyone else's order at additional risk than what is usual. If you really felt my comment was some sort of attack or out of line, just report the post for moderation.
The vendor thread rules are posted at the top of every page and completely ignored on the daily, even by veteran posters who know better.
So I'm sorry that you obviously (by making this thread) feel offended or whatever you feel. You might want to make a big deal about it, start a discussion, maybe the consensus will be that I am just rude a.f. to a newbie who only did the same thing 6 different people did on the same day. I don't care. We don't have a problem. Unless you insist on it I guess.