Antihistamines, Anticholinergics, and Depressants To Potentiate Opiates, And Dealing With Opiate Side Effects
Antihistamine Aficionado Magazine
No. 3 -- 30. July 2000
by "Dr. Ivo Sandor"
This is the place where I've bought it from@TommyAC thank you! I have actually never tried antihistamines on either opis or kratom, but I will!
Also tianeptine looks really good and interesting! Looks like it isn't available in the US yet? If you have a source do you mind pm'ing me?
Thanks again,
What will turmeric do ? And which strain of kratomUse high quality kratom. (Try ordering some Kratom Divine from Oregon. It's the best I've found.)
Take piperine a few minutes before to help with absorbtion. (Stomach should always be empty or close to empty before dosing).
Take turmeric with the kratom.
Start sipping on black tea or coffee to keep fluids fluids dissolving it faster and get blood moving to your stomach lining.
After about an hour, eat some white rice with butter and black proper pepper and a glass of ginger ale.
Works for me every time.
Stay away from tia, it is one of the most addictive things I’ve ever put in my body. It works great at first. But you quickly build tolerance and need to up your dose. Within a few months you will be taking it just to avoid withdrawals. No high, no feel goods, just staying out of WD until your next dose.@Jiub1 Sure thing, just go slow on the tia, it's not a typical opioid but it's still an opioid and I've heard of people getting themselves addicted so be careful![]()
Crazy how things can be so different for everybody. I got into it pretty heavy. Used the sodium form. In my experience it blew tram out of the water. Regardless, I hate that shit. So much money wasted. Let alone damages to my personal life.@Rustytrombone87 I've heard it can be like that for other people, I've always found it so light (tr@m@dol is a lot stronger for example) that I never thought of using it often, I only bought it twice and got bored of it. Probably a metabolism thing.