I think these are supposed to be popular. I have seen the name mentioned here on a regular basis, along with some positive reviews, but they did absolutely nothing for me as far as anxiolytic effects.
They do have a sedative effect, but I'm very familiar benzos and these do not have any trace of the typical anxiolytic effects you'd expect from benzos.
- They are sold as 1mg alps under the brand Ksalols
- They were loosely packaged
- 6mm in diameter
- Weight of 1 tab varies between .09 - .11 gm
- Weight of 10 tabs is 1.0 gm consistently

They do have a sedative effect, but I'm very familiar benzos and these do not have any trace of the typical anxiolytic effects you'd expect from benzos.
- They are sold as 1mg alps under the brand Ksalols
- They were loosely packaged
- 6mm in diameter
- Weight of 1 tab varies between .09 - .11 gm
- Weight of 10 tabs is 1.0 gm consistently