I've never research cannabinoids at least synthetic ones. What is the appeal? I heard they all give bad results... anyone tell me what they find in research?
Bad results are often due to not titrating dosage properly. People need to recognize that cannabinoids of the synthetic variety have very low dose thresholds and their dose curvatures are steep. When people smoke them without having the respect and fear of them that they deserve and demand, and thus get irresponsible about it...that's when shit goes wrong. I've used synthetic noids for years and the only times shit goes bad is when I knowingly get too ballsy and don't approach them carefully and wisely.I've never research cannabinoids at least synthetic ones. What is the appeal? I heard they all give bad results... anyone tell me what they find in research?
My worst reaction in research was throwing up while only semi-conscious. My dog actually may have saved me when he licked the puke out of my mouth, thus preventing any risk of choking. That was when I'd been smoking daily straight chem. I'd gone from vaping on foil to putting a bit on a bowl of weed or tobacco as a screen, and ripping from that. I took one too many hits and hadn't waited for my prior hit to fully kick in to ensure I was at a known level of impact first. Had I waited, I'd have known better. I've known others to hallucinate (not surprising since noids are psychedelics as well) as well as puke and pass out, some to have minor short-lived seizures. People just need to titrate dosage and I have never recommended to others to smoke/vape straight chems, as most can't judge accurately dosage visually. The best method is to lay it on plant matter just like ķ2, but very very conservative with it so that the recommended dosage is on 0.25g to 0.5g of plant material, that way you can safely smoke that and more while being able to increase dosage by a hit or two at a time, which is usually far less than 0.25g of material per hit (it varies from person to person what a hit equates on average to, obviously, and for me it's probably about 0.1g per hit that I burn). I almost never follow my rules I recommend to others with anything because I have a FUCKTON of extensive history and experience with chems of all types, and I research shit into the ground, so even though I seldom follow my own rules I give others, I am typically very calculated with my own methods I employ. Probably should still follow safe practices, but I never said I wasn't stupid. Lol. I do, however, follow basic harm Reduction practices such as allergy testing and each new batch of a chem I start out with much smaller doses than I anticipate using normally just to ensure it isn't a different chem or unusually strong. Also fentanyl testing is a must, of course.@LysergamideLandscapes1938 What are some of the worst reactions youve gotten from noids? I havent smoked noids since 09 back when it was jwh18 and it was solid but I know things have changed a lot since then.
Smoking raw chem I only had to wait about 30 seconds to a minute to have the initial impact, and 5 minutes or so to reach peak of a new hit. And yeah, I'm lucky for my fur baby. My pupperz is a good doggo.@LysergamideLandscapes1938 Jeez dude thats horrifying thank God your doggo was there to help you out. Yeah I remember someone years ago I knew smoked straight chem and it didnt turn out so good , Ive heard of seizures before. It makes sense that it would be psychedelic , shit even delta 11 with edibles are psychadelic af , I cant imagine an analog 100x stronger! Yeah dude JWH was absolutely wild , I smoked that stuff silly.
How long do you usually wait to see how it impacts you? I wonder if I would even be able to handle noids , Im sure its changed a lot since Ive tried them.
Just do a simple search for them. Plenty of options verified by the forum members as legit to be found that way.gelentix14 said:So...anyone know where to get synthetic cannabinoids? My job tests randomly for weed and I'd like to give them a try.