Well said my young buck!Man, selfless acts like this give me hope for humanity. This kid didn't have to give this guy who's down and out a job.. But, he did.. He didn't have to start a fucking fundraiser for him, yet he did.. He spent valuable time in his life just o help this one man who happened to be in need.. It touch's my heart on a deep level.. If there's a god, he's blessed their hearts. I know there's something, a greater power, but couldn't tell you who ho, she, or it is.. But this proves to me we're not completely fucked as people.
Good lookin' out bro, and I totally agree with that. If I won the lotto... Man, I'd have my family, friends, my DBG family, and charities all well off.. There's only a small percentage of people who have kind hearts, and are willing to help others in need. The rest.. Like someone very close to me said it'll turn you into a monster, thinking / doing whatever the fuck you want just because you're rich and the rules do not apply to yourself anymore.. Shameful.@Ykmmmmmm that's great to see ,instead of the RICH always getting RICHER As Always .....Lottery winners always seem to be the OLD PPL ready to be 6 feet or someone already well off ...That's Great ....
I give u a rep on dis my Mang .......
You too, cat, you too <3It is a privilege to know you ykMMMMMMMMM
Well, I have my moments /default_wink.pngWell said my young buck!
I was in AA for a couple months, never been to an NA meeting, they're difficult to find oddly enough, yet there is an AA group everywhere. Thank you, John! As long as I sound like a good person, my work here is done. LOL. /default_smile.pngjohnnog said:yeah,thats a nice post ykmmmmm,twanged my heart strings,do you go to NA?it reminds me just a little bit of the way a friend talks who attends.
you sound like a good guy.