maltodextrin + opiate analog to make smokeable

Dec 13, 2016
ok so I had a chemist friend who unfortunately passed away recently. he was making a mixture containing 45 parts maltodextrin to 1 part (something), mixing it into a paste with alcohol and then spreading it flat on a baking sheet and baking at low temps until it was dried out and then he'd scrape it off and chop it into an off-white powder that could then be smoked. it was super smooth and there was an immediate euphoria after hitting it. does anyone have any idea what that analog could possibly be?? he said it was something like 200x the strength of morphine, hence diluting it so strongly with the maltodextrin.. 

Sounds like a fentanyl analog to me, not many other opiates 200 times the potency of morphine. Pretty sure most, if not all, fent analogs have been banned by now, and rightfully so, if you even breathe wrong too close to that stuff in its pure form it can kill you. I got to try some acetyl-fent gel tabs once back before the fent bans like a decade ago, things were powerful, and a little terrifying because I enjoyed it so much, only bought 10 of them thank fuq, and they were banned shortly after. Only opioid I'll touch these days is kratom, but thats basically medicine for me. Best if you just stay away from drugs like that, or try to get off of them if you're already on them, but I'm sure you don't need a lecture about it. Is this opiate malt mix what killed your chemist friend?

Here's a wiki link to a list of fent analogs, some can be thousands of times stronger than morphine. Scary shit.

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Sounds like a fentanyl analog to me, not many other opiates 200 times the potency of morphine. Pretty sure most, if not all, fent analogs have been banned by now, and rightfully so, if you even breathe wrong too close to that stuff in its pure form it can kill you. I got to try some acetyl-fent gel tabs once back before the fent bans like a decade ago, things were powerful, and a little terrifying because I enjoyed it so much, only bought 10 of them thank fuq, and they were banned shortly after. Only opioid I'll touch these days is kratom, but thats basically medicine for me. Best if you just stay away from drugs like that, or try to get off of them if you're already on them, but I'm sure you don't need a lecture about it. Is this opiate malt mix what killed your chemist friend?

Here's a wiki link to a list of fent analogs, some can be thousands of times stronger than morphine. Scary shit.
no, he actually died in a freak fire when his whole apartment building went up in flames... thanks for the 411 though, I appreciate it! 

Holy crap, that's awful! Sorry to hear. My bad for making the assumption, unfortunately its common enough that when someone says "I had a friend pass recently" and "He was making an opiate mixture" in the same paragraph, more often than not, they're both related. 

No prob on the info, hope it helps. Stay safe.

@lilgypsyfirefly  My condolences about your friend. 

If it was recently that he was making this mix it was more than likely something from the nitazene family.   I have no idea which one there are so many now and i dont keep up with them or which ones are smokable.  You might want to search on r/Opioid_RCs on reddit, or make a post there.  Someone may have a better idea.  It goes without saying to proceed with caution.

@SlackyMcSlackerson There's been at least a dozen new RC opis releaased in the last year or so.  New ones weekly it seems.  Filling the void after all the fentalogs got banned in Ch!na. 

It's not the best cut for smoking... Erythritol would be better but I do urge anyone doing a mix from super potent chems without experience To just skip it..  it's not just as easy as mixing them powders by far and a hotspot may easily be fatal so yeah... Just don't.

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Also I'd wanna add every chemical or even batch has different traits and particle size, density, it can be statically charged etc (not all sure that is actually the observed behavior but what I mean is it behaves as if it has a static charge and causes a weird clinging to itself and other materials) 

All this is very unpredictable and vary from powder to powder and making a. Paste in alcohol will in many cases not at all make an even mix and also it will be impossible to judge from looks.. there's ways to do this very much safer and pretty reliably but I still would not be wanting to explain any of it simply due to the extreme dangers.

Please take great care and even when buying a mix made by someone else be damn sure them ppl are trustworthy and skilled.

An alternative way to extremely accurately smoke is going volumetric in water, in a sprayer even wud work, then just spray on preferred smoking gear and just vape as usually.. the water will evap first and after it the very exact Amounts of chemical .

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  10. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @druuls Oh, yeah, I’ve been there. No sweat, I was just giving you a hard time. My bad!
  11. DerailedFisherman @ DerailedFisherman: Got hit by a car going 55. Couple bruises. Should be dead. Hows yalls days going?houd
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  14. D @ druuls: sorry about that
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  19. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  20. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?