He had some ridiculous things to say when I asked him about DBG and reviews. Super ridiculous to the point I was going to share them but he terminated the convo.
Being stuck making me loco - I miss work. I need a hobby!
@Ringo love your name my husband loves the Beatles as well as I do. I love the super deluxe edition of Abby Road on Spotify hearing Ringo joking between takes. I think Maxwell Silver Hammer had 52 takes you should check it out but you probably have done so.
@iversusvsversusi what a crazy correspondence between you and him. I agree with you I am so sick of Covid-19 I want to scream. I am so sick of being inside. Last year I was bed bound after liver problems and now I can't leave the house because I have autoimmune problems I can't fight any infection I would definitely get it. I have had pneumonia 15 times. I think I am going loco as well. I couldn't wait to see shows at Red Rocks but now they are cancelled! I totally commiserate with you.
Oh yeh definitely stay away! Sorry I did edibles last night so I think thats why I am rambling!