
I am so sorry if this messed anything up on you @Darlink  my friend..

The link, as explained in my PM to you was from my OWN Openload account and can't understand what happened.

Said link has now been removed, and i can only reiterate my apology to anyone it affected.. 

Again i am really sorry if it caused you ANY problems whatsoever..😕

However for anyone that wants to see it, here's a Tried and Tested working link..

Once again, please accept my apologies as there was absolutely no malice or bad intent on my behalf.

Regards,  T. 

Last edited by a moderator:
@Toker  Thank you for replacing the link. It was alarming but I don’t think there was a terrible virus. Sorry if it came across that there was anything malicious. I promise-that thought didn’t even cross my radar. 

Now about that awful Krocodil!

wth? How terrible could life be to watch your body go through that? And get more?

Hi there @Darlink 

Please make Sure your Browser (Especially Flash Player) is up to date, as it seems this may be where your problem arose..

I will make a thread in the Security forum explaining how to keep things updated as it's Imperative that you do..


The XTC as we call it here was of far superior quality back then,the pills were made with much more mdma back then. Once the rave craze kicked in the quality of the dance drugs took a nosedive and became cheaper and of less quality obviously.One pill could last you all night in the late 80s early 90s at around £20 a tab.Later on you could get 2 for £20 then 3 ect (the quality had dropped) dramatically with so many "dealers " trying to outsell each other. Now you may find good quality MDMA and ive heard you can buy more expensive pills with a higher amount of MDMA included.When I was in Ibiza recently I got some nice MDMA shards and it brought back many good memories and feelings I'd forgotten about .It was nice to re-visit those feelings for perhaps the final time (I'd never expected to revisit) my MDMA days but it was very nice I must admit 🙌🙌🙌😊. Bliss.....

Hey there @blissopifree 2  brother..

Yes my man, i'm sure you remember White Doves..  🛫

I used to pay 25EUR each for them and one would last you the whole nite.. 

Then there was Disco Biscuits, another of the famously good XTC tabs that were around in our day..

Ahh,,  those were the days alrite. Excellent Memories that i will bring to the grave.

Easy,  T.

Hi there @Darlink 

Please make Sure your Browser (Especially Flash Player) is up to date, as it seems this may be where your problem arose..

I will make a thread in the Security forum explaining how to keep things updated as it's Imperative that you do..



Hey there @blissopifree 2  brother..

Yes my man, i'm sure you remember White Doves..  🛫

I used to pay 25EUR each for them and one would last you the whole nite.. 

Then there was Disco Biscuits, another of the famously good XTC tabs that were around in our day..

Ahh,,  those were the days alrite. Excellent Memories that i will bring to the grave.

Easy,  T.
Of course @Toker my brother, I also rem que tipp doves basically a thicker dove that seemed to be cleaner with more mdma in them?.Maybe a myth but yeah the disco buiscutes were good aswell.But  the specked ones seemed to floor me more than th e white doves that said you were allways better to dance as you were "coming on" the normal disco buiscutes that semmed more euphoric and I FAR preferred them to the speckled ones which I didn't like so much?.

Seems like an eternity away now but it definitely was a movement in time that played a BIG part on my life as an adolescent where  we thought we were part of a movement  in time that changed the life's of many involved.It made some VERY rich promoters and club owners but back them it was much more than the franchise type dance events I'd happily have no part off as i don't uctually like what's it's grown into!.I loved the fact that the real scene charged a minimal fee or were in fact free (I'f you knew the right people) and really were about the music😊.


Hi there @Darlink 

Please make Sure your Browser (Especially Flash Player) is up to date, as it seems this may be where your problem arose..

I will make a thread in the Security forum explaining how to keep things updated as it's Imperative that you do..

Hey there @Toker-that very well may be, may need updating. I'll definitely check on my end.   fwiw-A short while after that incident,  I wrote admin and admitted that I felt badly and had a real "freak-out" right here in public. lol  Know what happened then? She said;

"Ahhh Freak out!

Let's freak!

C'es chic.

Freak out!"

haha (she knew all the words too, but of course!) So I went to sleep singing that song. .................nice that one can have an 'episode' among friends.

I didn't know there was a security thread here-we are certainly a well-rounded group if nothing else. Thank you for thinking of it and letting me know.

HaHa @blissopifree 2   You sound like one of my best mates..  🤣

Reason being is he used to say Exactly the same thing about the 'speckled' disco biscuits'.  He used to say they made him feel drunk, cos of the potency!

We Were part of a movement that shaped Dance Culture in my country, and it also rose to an explosion of 'E-Babies' been born across Europe..🐣  LOL..

Don't forget the DJ's that were made these rich 'God type' figures too..  Your right about it becoming too commercialised, that was our time to bow out gracefully!

Nice one for taking me back to a place that will always have a 'Special' place in my heart..🕺

Seems like we grew up in a parallel universe in different countries..  

Take care pal..

Regards,  T.

Yeah m8 quick reply so sorry for that but the term brother from another mother springs to mind.

Seems like we were "there as it was (HAPPENING) man lol.


@wolverine It really does depend on your test results. You’re right. DNM vendors will have the real deal. At least the ones with over 200 reviews. I feel like a lot of them take the risk, buy bulk international, and resell in either grams or press pills. 

Thats cool that you have access to anything like gc/ms-type equipment. It’s not exactly something you can easily purchase. I’ve used them to test them and calibrate or fix them but never had the privilege to use one for personal reasons. 

Real MDMA, will change your opinion in all the cathinones. Once you feel that crazy intense come up and you peak for 4 to 6 hours and you have that unique feeling you’re good. There’s MDA but you can tell the difference the next day if you took more than like 80mg, that shit gave me such a nasty hangover, but it was worth it for the feeling. I never tried the other, MDEA but I’ve heard that’s pretty good in its own. Once I can get that I’ll try it. 

Whatever the OP does, please don’t call the whole max of 1-3xs a month a bluff. It isn’t. I got really crazy ordering from Agora (rip) and would take it way too much. I’d have a g on hand at all times and sometimes would only wait a day or two, then one day that bliss was gone. It’s been around 2 years since I’ve touched any of it, so I’m assuming my next buy will satisfy me. Ooo I’m all sorts of fucked up emotionally and have horrible anxiety and depression. I’m worried about what damage I may have done. Also, grab a reagent test kit, or send out a small sample to a lab for testing if you’re willing to. 

Hope you all are doing well. 

ANY UPDATE ON THIS? i HADE PURE awhile baack the friend gave me two mags free kindly had much more wouldnt sell for any price! I felt like I spent a week on beach in maui and sunshine waves and wind an dcuddled with cats on bed eyes closede so elaxed and ptsd all gone I had 2ned dose no desire at all to use it and was elated non depression anxiety and pain decreaqed for at lease 2 weeks I need this for medical chronic pain 224 seven reasons as im buped out mostly know by my own choice as feds tied my docs hands. ANd ket seems too exp. I cant afford 250$ for 5 doses???

BTW if you seen v i c e reeport on this topic by h am il it  o n M , the ch#@mist he intervi@wws got popped ahile back with giant drums of methy) AM@n@ , did years in prison. Is on interview. A mutual acquaintence to get calls from jerry whenever jerry wanted to roll that s who he called. no names

More later on book im writing in midwest stories including my family of great grandmom using invasive sassafrass tree roots to brew home made sassparilla and in a fermientation breing crude process and no family arguements thanksgive or xmas and every one loves on each other including crazy uncle! seems to have been lost 100 years ago  hio wisconsin micgihan penn. anyone know of story or family or recipie please let me know for my actual not metaphocal book im writing to print in actualb ookstores.

Other thing in gold rush country local bar i saw a black and white  ppphoto of mean cowboy murder types at bar giant spitons huge  plugs of chew in each cheek and one hand on holser with gun eyes on guy taking phot like saying buyddy you sure you wnna photo us! They look nmeanacing! But curious on wall three choices of beverage taps "whiskey" "beer" and "sasprilla" ???? I can guarentee these hard core uber cowboy gold mining murdering types were NOT drinking root beer as we know. Probably a crude amph@t or salts of molly or mandy,.RIght? Drink your whiskey or biolmaker huge plug of chew in each cheek snuff pouch ever tried sniffing pure tobacco yuck! makes sense if they ordered root beer it wasnt for sugar. Probably a crdue amphet molly cross  pictures a thousand words I'll try find postcard and load it up to stie anyone have family stories or reciepie or info im a writer for real and am researching to write a historical reiew of society 100-1500 years ago and misconceptions. Id personally love a family gathering with grandmas uber brownie ranger rick style sasparilla mandy molly brew! best christmas ever! Ive seen this so many times now I'm conviced truth to it and  it seems lost to time except 3rd gen memory oral stories still passed down and occassional phot like that marinos bar example. Theres my two bits. Now since my bouddy cant touch anything after jail and supplying dead scene and america 100s of kilos for about 25 years , I'd love in time a souce of personal as it helps my pain longterm. I'm making actual psy. apppt with dr for ketamine. Igot itin hospital and helped reset my chronic pain for about a weeek. Fun therapy but that's not why I did it. Peace love Mark sorry shityy spelling Iwrite publish for living and hate editing and retyping and plus good way o f@#k up any search es too right. :)

Your MDMA may not be pure, and you may be increasing your risk as a result.

 Always re-set your dosage with a new source. It would be highly possible for someone to be used to taking ~250 mg of “Molly/MDMA” (that unknown to them) is fake/impure and actually methylone or similar, and then to get a new MDMA source, and then take 250 mg of what is now actually MDMA and put yourself at greater risk because MDMA has stronger effects at lower dosages than methylone.

After being robbed by many fake vendors with wrong shit.

I have no risk getting my stuff from my new source.

it just what i will like anyone to look for,my vendor do it only on command

you can get right stuff here.
Most people that take molly often text it simple easy a Marquis test and then Simon A & B and you will know if you have mdma and by the color r intensity and quickness of reaction to tell if purity is good but also jusT looking at your product sand smelling will tell you a lot. Clear clear. No tint and no smell. Root beer smell and sassafras is present which is a carcinogen. Be careful and stock up when High quality is around if you plan to dabble 

@Sp3cialK99 you know That they are finding that the active ingredient in mushrooms is able to help fix damage done to people who have abused and way over used mdma. I didn’t take mdma for many years and I got a z of some mol that had insane purity and was pure mol crystal clear as I had ever seen. Washed with no hint of sass or even a tint of brownish color or any color (I’ve seen some goofy stuff from the new precursors they are using.... but point is it still was nothing like back in the day. Although I am working on a psilo microdosing schedule to hopefully help heal some of those areas. Basically psilo works on many of the same receptors and can help create new neural pathways inside your brain and letting the old damaged ones heal. Ketamine is also an incredible tool in depression and I do highly recommend pure S+ Isomer 

@Sp3cialK99 you know That they are finding that the active ingredient in mushrooms is able to help fix damage done to people who have abused and way over used mdma. I didn’t take mdma for many years and I got a z of some mol that had insane purity and was pure mol crystal clear as I had ever seen. Washed with no hint of sass or even a tint of brownish color or any color (I’ve seen some goofy stuff from the new precursors they are using.... but point is it still was nothing like back in the day. Although I am working on a psilo microdosing schedule to hopefully help heal some of those areas. Basically psilo works on many of the same receptors and can help create new neural pathways inside your brain and letting the old damaged ones heal. Ketamine is also an incredible tool in depression and I do highly recommend pure S+ Isomer 
Ket-A-KEEn! Depression? Not to surprised. But do it's Precursors and active metabolites have the effect?

  There is a big difference something to do with the precursor used. Watched a documentary about it angd the tree used for the precursor is almost extinct.
The name of the tree is comes from is called ‘Sassafras albidum’ and it mainly grows in Brazil, although many reports speak of over-harvesting (same issue in India, the other main exporter)

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  2. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  3. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  4. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  5. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  6. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  7. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  9. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  11. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  12. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  13. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  14. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  15. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.
  17. xenxra @ xenxra: @SeaDonkey you're probably not wrong
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: @Moonkey you're fine, i've learned to live with it at this point. it's not the worst spot to start scaling into a position here imo - just don't sell the house yet.
  19. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Ugh I wish I was in a position to gamble some muns, I personally think there's a huge potential in the dip right now
  20. M @ Moonkey: Oh jeez @xenra I apologize for asking advice after your post about the loss! I didn't look down far enough, just saw the comment about the dip. That's messed up that happened to you man, my heart goes out to you! Didn't mean to sound like a selfish arse asking for advice after you just shared that