You are the only one that can decode it but it is encoded with your public key which everyone has access to. How does that prevent me from pretending to be someone I'm not?
Oh sorry Just seeing this I dont get out my thread often lol well i guess it would have to go both ways, If you cant sign a message saying that you are Calfresh then Im not working with ya. So both have to have PGP encryption. Only I cann sign this message like this (To do so you would have to have my personal laptop, beat my password and 2fa. Lol and they would have to have my persistent storage password which is normally many words long.)

Hash: SHA512

I am the only PHX and I am signing this message to prove it.


So hypothetically if you both are able to do this and one of you is false, well then someone must have a gun to your head. @CalFresh
Only my public key would sign that way to prove to one person or the whole community that i am who i say i am and vice versa if you do the same with your account.
I always like the traditional style of just smoking some crack on live video while I lay out today’s newspaper to sleep on. I find it buys me some credibility, but I lose confidence in my future with the bureau. They already pulled me from cybercrimes to work the field...outside, where the grass needs clipping. But even here my boss won't cut down on the work I have to cut down. Like, it's always greener across the fence but it never stops growing and I'm getting tired of being read my Miranda Rights just for showing up undercover and investigate the landscape for threats against its top Elle Eee agency's lawn. I got in this business to arrest big, notorious people who had dreams and used to read "Word, Up" magazine; people who were just hustling trying to make enough money to feed their, I'm not even sure who cares or what I'm taking about. It's almost like I don't even remember what I came to do here. Oh, renew my membership, then I saw some privacy discussions and got absorbed, had something thoughtful to add, and instead rambled on about music and landscaping, and Big League Chew, or something. i miss Big League Chew. That was my dog. He never could quite finish his tobacco but he enjoyed other things. RIP.
Maybe ask them to “like” a specific post on the forum, even in an obscure thread, with that account?

Only my public key would sign that way to prove to one person or the whole community that i am who i say i am and vice versa if you do the same with your account.
I'm always trying to make sure I'm running on vpn or encryption active. I'm totally green / new at understanding this type of stuff. Totally necessary.
I'm more of a blue collar type but have the intelligence and patience to learn anything ... just
Any tips for safety are always welcome and appreciated my man :)
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. cannedgoods @ cannedgoods: Hello and good morning everyone! How yall doen?
  2. Telp @ Telp: @SeaDonkey for real. I been chillin for the past two days and completely forgot to start up and run my car. That little fucker is gonna need to hear some sweet nothings before I try to start it this morning.
  3. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @xenxra you can have as much as you want, my remote start won't even work in this -20 bs
  4. Dannyo1311 @ Dannyo1311: Thank you @Deepnorth
  5. Deepnorth @ Deepnorth: @Dannyo1311 contact a mod 🙂 they will help! Good luck.
  6. Dannyo1311 @ Dannyo1311: Probably not the place to ask, but how does one gain access to the password protected section?.. Thanks
  7. Ogrefoot @ Ogrefoot: chemcabinet54 is a scam.
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: if anyone in here wants to share some of that cold with me, i'll take it off your hands no sweat
  9. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Stay warm out there it's brutal y'all
  10. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: I think I almost got frostbite just in the time it took me to air up my tire
  11. M @ Mammasboi123: Stanky stink?
  12. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: Odoriferous emination
  13. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @SoopaFireGuy8 as in smell or is that some sort of substance?
  14. SoopaFireGuy8 @ SoopaFireGuy8: Anybody know the scientific name for Stink?
  15. G @ GABAtastic: Good morning all you beautiful souls here at DBG!!!
  16. Leet6 Leet6: @rockychoc hey I know my own buffoonery cost me what it did you, didn't have to lout man and I really appreciate you didn't have to do what you did and that speaks to who you are that you did anyway I appreciate that and that speaks volumes about you as a person
  17. P @ psychedpsych: Whhh, with me doing rideshare and if I had a way to know where to go, I’d gladly travel a little just to get out of this area for a bit and feel some freedom.
  18. Leet6 Leet6: Hope everyone had a great Sunday and I hope they continue to have a good Sunday night
  19. rockychoc @ rockychoc: Damn.. everyone thinks of everything!
  20. P @ ponglenis: @rockychoc there is an app to find someone to shovel snow, like uber for snow shoveling