I always like the traditional style of just smoking some crack on live video while I lay out today’s newspaper to sleep on. I find it buys me some credibility, but I lose confidence in my future with the bureau. They already pulled me from cybercrimes to work the field...outside, where the grass needs clipping. But even here my boss won't cut down on the work I have to cut down. Like, it's always greener across the fence but it never stops growing and I'm getting tired of being read my Miranda Rights just for showing up undercover and investigate the landscape for threats against its top Elle Eee agency's lawn. I got in this business to arrest big, notorious people who had dreams and used to read "Word, Up" magazine; people who were just hustling trying to make enough money to feed their daughters...now, I'm not even sure who cares or what I'm taking about. It's almost like I don't even remember what I came to do here. Oh, renew my membership, then I saw some privacy discussions and got absorbed, had something thoughtful to add, and instead rambled on about music and landscaping, and Big League Chew, or something. i miss Big League Chew. That was my dog. He never could quite finish his tobacco but he enjoyed other things. RIP.