Meprobamate Vs Carisoprodol Vs Zanaflex

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That interesting, I'll need to look into it myself. But I'd rather have the soma unconverted as long as possible, so I be sure not to take any aspirin with mine. /default_wink.png

I've actually been doing pretty well, thanks for asking. I am still trying to get my friend clean, or at least not screwing around and getting in trouble. Things are going so well they invited me over for Christmas. Somehow it brought the entire family together for the first time in over a decade, so I can't help but feel good about it. Although I only knew a few of them it's always nice to see a family get together for the holidays.

Good luck with those sales! I hope you get whatever Santa couldn't deliver to you. 

Zanaflex is definitely sedating. Some more adventurous docs use it off-label for treatment resistant insomnia. But you can get used to it. First time I tried 2mg, I could feel the sedation. A few times after that, very little. 

S0m@ is also very quick to build a tolerance. Like a bz it's best to try and use different products now and then to help prevent building up too much of a tolerance. Of course there are some who need to take it for relief, but just cutting back and supplementing it with another product, vals being a good choice as they are indicated for use as a muscle relaxant, can help keep tolerances low.

Soma is from what I have heard dangerous when it comes to addiction. Some people think because it isn't a benzo it won't give you addiction problems, or at least nowhere near as bad as benzos. Care needs to be taken with this drug.

I used to be really into s0m@, as in gobbling down 10-12 tabs at night, every night. Hubby got really pissed as I was a complete zombie and told me quit or rehab. I quit cold turkey and had no issues. I think it can cause addiction problems, but more psychological addiction with this med.

I had a doc give me Zanaflex to take !/2 tab but I didn't read that part & took a whole one . I was in Freds when it hit & thought I was going to pass out.I finally looked at the bottle & realized what I had done. What a putz. Soma is a much better feeling in my book.

Without zanaflex I wouldn't be able to sleep.

Although I find myself waking up all hours of the night

& taking a half then going back to bed.

Any one try/like Baclofen?? It's my go to, I have Eq@nil, I like it but it's too strong.. I don't like the feeling, I stopped S0m@ 20 yrs ago when it made me shake so bad... I refuse to take it, even fill scripts of it.. I'll stick w/ Baclofen, IMO it's the best relaxant w/ no severe effects unless you take 30-40mg, and that WILL knock you out.. I take a 10m in the am w/ my coffee.. If I take more, I'll end up sleeping 14 hours.. I like MTown, 1/2 taken 2x's in 4hrs helps my sciatic pain some.. and the ones I just got are name brand, but I get name brand Baclofen..

Any one try/like Baclofen?? It's my go to, I have Eq@nil, I like it but it's too strong.. I don't like the feeling, I stopped S0m@ 20 yrs ago when it made me shake so bad... I refuse to take it, even fill scripts of it.. I'll stick w/ Baclofen, IMO it's the best relaxant w/ no severe effects unless you take 30-40mg, and that WILL knock you out.. I take a 10m in the am w/ my coffee.. If I take more, I'll end up sleeping 14 hours.. I like MTown, 1/2 taken 2x's in 4hrs helps my sciatic pain some.. and the ones I just got are name brand, but I get name brand Baclofen..
No!! It sucks. It is a very old med (50's). It didn't do a damn thing for me. At the time (2yrs ago) was on 5 perk 10's& 2 morph 30z a day + muscle relaxer 3x day. I tried a diff one each month trying to get soma. Didn't work, and Dr. FeelGood is in the state iron bar hotel for the next 7 yrs. The jerk was slangin scripts 4 cash but wouldn't give me soma. Btw I was paying cash but legitimate cash.
Fyi baclofen is being used in France being studied on ppl suffering from alcohol withdrawal, with so-so success. Diff strokes 4 diff folks. I just didn't like it, felt nothing.

No!! It sucks. It is a very old med (50's). It didn't do a damn thing for me. At the time (2yrs ago) was on 5 perk 10's& 2 morph 30z a day + muscle relaxer 3x day. I tried a diff one each month trying to get soma. Didn't work, and Dr. FeelGood is in the state iron bar hotel for the next 7 yrs. The jerk was slangin scripts 4 cash but wouldn't give me soma. Btw I was paying cash but legitimate cash.

Fyi baclofen is being used in France being studied on ppl suffering from alcohol withdrawal, with so-so success. Diff strokes 4 diff folks. I just didn't like it, felt nothing.
you do know of the "Baclofen pump" right? It's for spinal cord problems therefore it probably works for me.. cuz that's my problem, I have DDD, stenosis, and other fancy words? Mepr0bam@te is great tho, I wish I could get it in the US, it helps my sciatica.. only thing that does.. but take 2 of the 20m baclofen and ya, you're not gonna be able to move.. most Dr's give the 5-10's.. W/ relaxants I hate the way allll of them make me feel.. that maybe another reason? I need to reup on Eq@nil, a few sample gets me by a while, going in for a MRI/CT scan in a few hours.. left side went numb on me.. JUST like before I had my 1st plate put in.. at this point I'd let them put a pump in me but not a spinal cord simulator, not my spine. Relaxants are strange, flexeril knocks most out, but I know many who say it makes em feel jittery?

While you have to be careful with s0m@, it at least can make you feel good. Mepro just made me stagger around with no pleasant feelings at all.  When I say stagger I mean like 3-4 times over the DUI limit. S0m@ can do that too, but also has some recreational, for me anyway.

While you have to be careful with s0m@, it at least can make you feel good. Mepro just made me stagger around with no pleasant feelings at all.  When I say stagger I mean like 3-4 times over the DUI limit. S0m@ can do that too, but also has some recreational, for me anyway.
But I'm not looking for any "feeling" I hate how they ALL feel, Mebrob included.. I take a 1/2 then a 1/2 later so that doesn't happen.. baclofen does nothing like he said, but it DOES relax the muscles around the spinal cord.. Thus, why I am partial to it.. least side affects and other than the sciatic help Meproba gives.. baclofen does the same.. Zanaflex didn't help me much.. Not like baclofen does but, could be cuz my pharmacy gets name brand IDK.. but like your name.. getting anything now a days is a PITA!! I'll stick w/ what works and keep some Millt0n around for flares. I'm on a 12 day prednisone trip.. 6 tabs, 6 more today.. and on antibiotics.. my whole body aches and I over maxed on my 'Done today.. took all 6 at once.. I'd wish this upon NO one.. Only my sis' ex.. who prolly won't live any longer than I.. cuz he's got their kids so scared of him... ahhhh... I've never had so much hate for someone.

Sorry but after reading your quote I realized I said Mepro when I meant baclofen. Meprobamate is what your body metabolizes sewmah into. I'd run from baclofen myself, but if it works for you it isn't hard to find and I don't think it's very expensive at all.  

I am rx'd 20mg of Baclofen at bedtime for RLS. Works great for that, but I wouldn't take it for a muscle injury. V@ls work much better for muscle spasms. Sadly, it didn't help my RLS, so baclofen it is.

Soma is my choice for muscle spasms. It's getting almost impossible to find really good quality anymore.

baclofen is a weird drug. Sometimes I feel it working but other times I feel nothing, and other times I think it's not working but when I get in social situations I'm a bit more fluid, relaxed and natural. Since I don't have muscle spasms I can't comment on it for that indication. It's not sedating to me like z@n@flex is though.

andrew did you try baclofen? If so how did it compare to v@ls? I heard baclofen is very good for muscle spasms.

I have tried pretity much every muscle relaxer. and then when my doctor prescribed me soma, I was so excited because I heard it was the best thing in the world to help with major stiffness. and I've been reading that a lot of doctors don't like to prescribe it because of its addictive properties. my doctor told me he's willing to give me three 350mg a day iF 2 a day don't work. so far I really like the soma. it takes all the stiffness away for me. and as we know stiffness also causes pain. but my first script from him was made by sun pharma. those were awesome and lasted a good four hours. then I go to the pharmacy to pick up my second refill, and it's made by qualitest. and those aren't working for me at all As well. they work for maybe 2 hours. but don't take all the stiffness away. And I now have to 2. and they make me have tremors. so they are either weaker then sun Pharma, or its just my body and the way it metabolizes it. but right now I'm pretty bummed.

has anyone else experienced this?

The z@m@ and a pk always work good for me wish I had something now lol bone dry and hurting

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I can't live without my z@m@ they work better than any other muscle relaxer for me & I tried them all. My pain doc up & quit prescribing them but was ok if I was able to get my PC or spine doc give them to me. Luckily my spine doc gives me a script but I always have to have a back- up supply. 

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  1. K @ knofflebon: @KingKong2 Keep this on the d/l: The admin's username is admin.
  2. MOD @ MOD: @ontovzik Thanks!
  3. MOD @ MOD: Thanks all for the support! I checked there are many brands but as quality is the concern I need to further research and order a few brands myself to understand the difference between the many. Let me come back after I order a few and share my experience.
  4. KingKong2 @ KingKong2: I need the admins username to report a scammer
  5. ontovzik @ ontovzik: Shilajit really impressed me. Had me bouncing off he walls with basically no negatives. Except you have to find something constructive to do. Good luck!! luck my friend!
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  8. ontovzik @ ontovzik: Hi MOD. I researched Shilajit and have used it. It's not fake or pseudomedicine it really works. and is strong stuff. Imediately after taking it my grandma's veins would light up from blood circulation.
  9. R @ Rx4health: Hi All...Wish you all a Great Day ! !
  10. MOD @ MOD: Hello All, SHILAJIT in demand I was thinking on investing on some stocks in and offer global shipping from IN. Any advice on this?
  11. J @ justsayno: Who has bin #s?
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: hello mod
  13. MOD @ MOD: Hi All
  14. iamgroot @ iamgroot: On 7th Sky DBG
  15. Alkazar @ Alkazar: Always test your stash :)
  16. Telp @ Telp: Happy Thursday everybody. Stay safe.
  17. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: They know a thing or two about drying stuff
  18. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @Robotanical actually I've been on the South Korean microfiber bandwagon lately
  19. Robotanical @ Robotanical: @timyboy Yeah, that's probably what's going on.
  20. Robotanical @ Robotanical: @SeaDonkey There are some pretty absorbent towels out there. Maybe if your towels weren't from Chi-NUH, you wouldn't need as many!