Methadone Withdrawal

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I dont know ANYTHING about kratom, I dont even know how you take it so all that info is kinda needed also but mainly I am trying to withdrawal/detox from methadone high dose (105 mg) and was wondering if kratom would help and if so is there a particular kind?Thanks for the info! PMs VERY Welcome!

Yes, kratom could be immensely helpful even though methadone is one of the worst opiates to withdraw from and that's a super high dose.  I prefer red-vein strains, as they're best for pain relief, relaxation & have the most typical opioid effects.  White veins are the most stimulating and greens are in the middle in terms of sedation/stimulation.  Yellow and Gold strains are variations of white and red-vein varieties that have been dried differently.  Many people like to make "blends" with several different strains, myself included. 

Some popular strains are:

White Horn Kali

Green Ketapang

Red Hulu Kapuas

Yellow Vietnam


White Maeng Da

Green Elephant

Red Bali

(Don't get too hung up on strain names.  Focus more on finding a reliable vendor with quality product instead). 

Most new users start at 1-2 grams of kratom powder and work their way up.  It can cause vomiting and "wobbles" if you take too much, so it's better to start with a low dose until you know how it affects you.  Some people prefer brewing it into tea while others do a simple "toss 'n wash" with the dry powder.  And some prefer using capsules to get it down.  It's not going to give you a buzz with that tolerance, so set your expectations low and you'll be pleasantly surprised. 

If I were you, I'd taper to a lower dose of methadone before quitting and switching entirely to kratom (assuming that's your plan).  If not, you should definitely be able to reduce your dose of methadone with the help of kratom.  Just don't combine them, as they act on the same on the same receptors to an extent.

Hello my fellow buddies, hope you guys and women are having a great day :)  

I heard sooo much about Kratom but it just seems like a hoax. So I recently got off Subs which I was on for 6 years. I was doing great on subs, my life was back to normalcy. It's been about 3 weeks off of subs. I know 6 years is a long time. Im having the hardest time get off subs and I dont know what to do?? :)  Im close to going back to my Sub Doc to get more Subs.I have been on opiates like OCs and other opioides.  So my question to the good ppl at DBG is,,if you were in my situation what would you do? Thanks.

@Dr-Octagon  your a god send lol.. A long time ago I heard of Kratom for WD,s and I was like wtf. How could this be because I was looking for anything to not get on subs cause I always thought the Doctors  are only in the money. My sub Doctor never ever mentioned to me, "Hey lets stop and start tapering you off." So I wanna get my soul back and be the person I use to be. I feel like I'm in mental prison that doesn't go away. I'm in my twenties and lost half it. Those are the great times to be a man but i ruined it. I dont want to have regrets when I'm 35 or 40 and be a looser living in my car.

Do you have any Kratom from a reliable vendor. Iwould be very appricated if you could help me out. Thanks

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@Art_vandelay funny i just posted my sub story no joke, like an hour or so ago.  We have a us vendor here who I've spoken to who seems well-versed in kratom. My first experience with it was probably 5-6 years ago kickin ox.  Then more recently when i came off subs.  I am that 35-40 who wished he could get that time back. At any rate, i take it every day. I prefer green vein strains. A red may be more suitable but feel free to gather info on the particulars.  I posted the kratom vendor i use. They list active ingredient test levels on their products on their site for what it's worth. I only use them. I think i got a kilo once for 130 something shipped.  Local headshop stuff ive used were from remarkable herbs. Headshops are not the ticket bit they work in a pinch

the best thing for the liquid handcuffs is go back to were you were before on methadone ( crazy i know) about 3 months away from the big green giant juswt do a turkey, thats what my cousin did after 15 years been told what and how to behave by doctors ,

If not, you should definitely be able to reduce your dose of methadone with the help of kratom.  Just don't combine them, as they act on the same on the same receptors to an extent.
Maybe i'm being dumb, but don't understand what you mean. It can help taper your meth use. But you can't take it together? Do you mean don't mix the kratom in your measured out dose of meth? Or taking kratom straight after drinking your meth? How else can you avoid combine them together? You got to take your daily dose of meth or you'll be living in hell. You can't substitute kratom one day then take less meth the next day. Im not sure what you're suggesting? 

the best thing for the liquid handcuffs is go back to were you were before on methadone ( crazy i know) about 3 months away from the big green giant juswt do a turkey, thats what my cousin did after 15 years been told what and how to behave by doctors ,
I've heard people say go back on H or whatever you were using and do a shorter rattle. It kind of makes sense. 

@Conceited   That's me on subut3x right now..  I go up and down on my dos3, right now, I'm at 8mg a day and I just want off!  I feel like a zombie and after 4 years of being on it, I now have severe anhedonia too.  I just keep thinking about stopping all at one and I do have kr@tom and p3rc's on hand.  Instead of a 3 week wd, 3 days just sounds so much better to me.  I know it's a slippery slope though and so that's why I havn't taken the leap yet.  I feel like I'm losing more and more of myself everyday.  I don't want to do anything because I just get no pleasure out of it..  Just playing with my kitten feels like a chore....  I need off these now.. 

@sweetmelissa589 I feel you. I have come of subys before. I wrote about it on here. I feel meth is a lot harder to do. Or i've done to many rattles and don't have the mental strength to go through it all again. 

@Conceited I agree..m3th was harder.. the wd was so bad, that that was the reason I switched to subut3x in the first place.  Wish I never stayed on them so long.  I wish I could turn back time and have taken them for just a few weeks and got off them too.  It's hard and I feel so bad for those who are trying to taper..  It's such a deep hole of dark depression and anxiety and than of course the physical symptoms.  It's hell..

@sweetmelissa589 so you swapped to subys after doing the week or whatever it is off mdone. I've considered doing that because i've successful stopped subys, but waiting that amount of time needed to switch over seems like making the transition to being  "Clean" harder then it already is. I don't really mind using either, just know i got off subys. And don't want to take something every day anymore.

The fucked up part of me thinks once im off the stuff i can just go back to using some op8 type once a week. lol Until or if it's possible to change that mind set i'm never going change, so i often think fuck it this me till the end. Why make myself suffer. Its really weak minded.

Methadone is a hell of a ride in my experience suboxone has a lingering effect that drives me insane unfortunately I'm on methadone so I gotta wake up feeling like shit every morning I feel like the soma I take drains the methadone for some reason

@Conceited   I was on 140mg m3th a day for 4 years and very slowly weaned to 25 mg.  zThat's the dod3 they need you to be on to make the transition.  After that, you must be on 24 to 48 of nothing to begine taking subut3x.  I was then swiched, after 2 weeks to subox0n3, which made me feel terrible, so they put me back on subut3x.  It was so hard.  Anything below 80 mg.. I stryggled hard.  I dont want to take anything everyday any more either.  I' so sick of it.  I've been mostlt focusing on b3nz0 rc's for my SA and GAD.  things are oking out okay, but I have brutally depression.  Doc just started me on Trint3llix 5 mg a day.. we'll see haow it goes.. But I reading a lot of stories about it making their anxiety worst, which she promisd me it wouldn't.  Anyway, sorry for all the misspellings.. Im cl,ed out and don't have the patience right nwo to fix

@Dickslapperman i've never really noticed any negative effects from a stable dose of either suby or mdone. Might be because i often abused both because the H was shit and couldn't get anything else consistently that would leave you high as a kite. And most of the time i got it all free.

@sweetmelissa589 i thought it was aroud 20-30 to switch. I heard people wait longer than 24-48 hours though before using subtx. Literally about 5-7 days. Maybe it's different how long it takes people to get the shit out their system.

@Conceited  I switched at and thank goodness, I don't think here was anyway I could have waited 7 days!  By the next mornign, I was having goosebumps, enlarged pupils, and high tempurature.   It was unbearable at just 1/2 days. I am a fast metabolizer, so much so that after taking my dos3, I was sick by dinner time.  I couldn't sleep. or eat and it was so hard to even get ready in the morning to drive to get my next dos3.  I've head of people forgetting to take their daily dose..  I use so confused at at all this.... why I was so sick waiting for my next dos3. My doctor explained to me that a handful of people or just fast metabilizers  and that they to used have keep them come in twice a day to dose.. that is, after they had their blood work showing their levels going down.  When I was there, that program has ended and I suffered.   Hence the switch to subut3x.. 

@sweetmelissa589  I went down to 30 for about ten days the first 5 days sucked but I had some liquid codeine to ease then next day after my last dose of methadond I went to suboxone no problem was on it for almost two years I got out of jail and I was always sick and had to go be a methadone junkie

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!