Anyone used this site? Claims to ship from Mexican pharmacy. Prices on the product are really good. Any info would be appreciated...Thanks!
I wouldnt touch it. When prices are too good to be true ----they are.Anyone used this site? Claims to ship from Mexican pharmacy. Prices on the product are really good. Any info would be appreciated...Thanks!
There seem to be a group of associated side effects and dangers. Besides if a patient reaches this stage I'm sure they aren't keen on broadcasting it to the world. It must be scary knowing that even the cure will end as the doctor cuts you off.It has many many merits as a pain reliever for thousands of CP patients. Yup, you won;t hear much about that in the media, but it is very often prescribed for CP.
Agreed 100%.Methadone has more controls on it than Morphine as it is a highly stronger drug hence the fact it is given to people with an opiate addiction. It is a very dangerous drug and not something to played around with do not touch this site with a barge pole. If you need this go see your local service and get it not from these cowboys!!!
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I don't have any direct knowledge of him supplying Methadone to German troops, but I do know that his primary drug of choice for the infantry was Pervitin, which was essentially a methamphetamine pill. In fact, historians generally agree that the entire Blitzkrieg operation was executed by pilots torqued out of their mind on crystal meth. No kidding. Also, both the German and Russian armies employed extensive use of what was termed the "Trench Cocktail", which was vodka and cocaine. The German military machine was actually quite the innovator in drugging up its troops long before Hitler arrived on the scene. By the time their soldiers and officers returned from the Franco-Prussian War in 1871, a very large percentage of them had developed a raging morphine addiction."Oh, just got your leg blown off? No problem, take this. No get back out there!" Also, the French were known for taking byproducts of cola nut extraction production and modifying them into psychotropics that they then baked into cracks for troops that were included in their field ration kits. They were created to enable soldiers to endure 50KM marches through the African desert in full pack.In Canada, when a meth addict or heroin addict becomes an inmate, they are automatically assigned a nurse/doctor who will make sure the convict continues getting their meds, be it methadone, benzo's, SSRI's, etc, so as to NOT create an animal within the fortress.
My very close relative, who has been in and out of prison for over a decade now, has never been able to kick her methadone habit as the doctors there prefer to increase her dosages, rather than decrease so as to not cause any distress among the inmates. So when she comes out of prison, she's no longer on 100ml per day, but close to 200ml.
They are not aloud to smoke cigarettes, but they stay high as a kite on prescription meds for the entire duration of their sentence. Once they are let out and try to adjust to society, they find themselves not only addicted from the meds in prison, but also tempted by the street drugs so readily available and cheap as heck.
It's a never ending battle that almost always ends in death. Despite numerous attempts in private and public treatments centers at $200 a day for 2 month stints at a time, and in and out of community detox centers almost every second month, there does NOT seem to be a rock bottom for my relative to hit, as the experts say there is. For her, bottom is death.
Not sure if it's just a rumor or not, but I remember hearing that Hitler used to provide his troops with daily doses of methadone just to make sure they did not defect to the other side.
Can anybody confirm or deny this?
My pleasure John. No one knows so little about so many things as I!Very interesting and informative post jewy...
I believe your last sentence should be rephrased. Best drop the part "about so many things as I !", and end it right after "little". PeriodMy pleasure John. No one knows so little about so many things as I!
How about, "Not bad for a middle aged hairy moron"? Now that's got a real ring to it!I believe your last sentence should be rephrased. Best drop the part "about so many things as I !", and end it right after "little". Period
Yeah, that's better.
I had heard that in fact Hilter did have his scientists come up with Methadone its purpose was to keep his troops fighting when wounded. Methadone is synthedic so it goes directly to the receptors. Personally after 3 major back surgeries, was a never ending prescriptions for Morphine, Dilaudin Oxy slow release and instant release 40's 80's anyway I tried Methadone and I would choose it long term over all of those, it is increasing being prescribed for cancer patients. Cost is next to nothing compared the others. It has a 24 hr half life however because it mostly known and associated to herion addicts its acceptence for use by patients was slow in usage for pain especially from the Dr office.Very interesting and informative post jewy...