What's up with the outlook email address?
If you are new you should really read posts here for at least a week before making any order.
If you are looking for the HTF PK items, over what you can find at the places Bentley mentioned, I don't think the southern vendors can help you out.
The shipping of normal everyday non med items to Canada is very monitored.
We have never received a box from family in Canada that was not re-taped shut with customs tape, and all we send up there is also checked.
My opinion is it's easier to cross the border with your own stuff then it is to mail it.
They stopped asking about drugs at the borders due to that causing stress reactions for those who have a small amount of pot, pill, or whatever for personal use when they are asked at the border. Then the guards waste time looking for suspicious items on people who don't have what they are really concerned about.
Things like guns, bombs, and the things they do ask about is their main concern and they don't want to waste time taking an 1/8 from someone going on vacation or whatever.
That change seemed to happen about 5 yeast ago.
So if you can get a mailbox in the states and drive down to get things, that may work.
The only vendor option I can think of that might work is a vendor that has very good shipping methods, so good that you often need to ask him where things are unless you like to break things. Hammer and chisel type break, it's well packed.
I don't know if he is listed here or even active anymore though, and I'm too lazy to go look right now /default_wink.png.