Modafinil From Ttm2U


Dec 3, 2013

I decided to try the above mentioned product for university. I ordered them in Jan and didn't try them until school started. 

The packaging looked legit, although the blisters broke a little too easily and was as if the product was a little to big and was squished tightly into the package.

The product smelled like nothing, so I decided to chew it for taste. It literally tasted like nothing. No taste whatsoever, no bitterness, it was just like chalk or something. Dry random tasteless white powder.

I decided to trial proper dosages over a week period and I felt nothing. These are definately fake and I don't understand why a top vendor would do this.

I also had similar suspicions last year when I ordered some anxiety medication that also had no affect on me..

What can I do about this?

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huh i have never had this problem with this vendor or these meds try messaging him but in the chance he will send you a new order i would not jump to the conclusion that they are fake i would think that you got a bad batch or they are old? but the agreement on there site is that order at your own risk so i would just measag him very polite and ask him what your options are. 

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Did the caps look like the picture?

They have a ton of contradictions, mainly benzos which may explain why neither worked for you?


I decided to try the above mentioned product for university. I ordered them in Jan and didn't try them until school started. 

The packaging looked legit, although the blisters broke a little too easily and was as if the product was a little to big and was squished tightly into the package.

The product smelled like nothing, so I decided to chew it for taste. It literally tasted like nothing. No taste whatsoever, no bitterness, it was just like chalk or something. Dry random tasteless white powder.

I decided to trial proper dosages over a week period and I felt nothing. These are definately fake and I don't understand why a top vendor would do this.

I also had similar suspicions last year when I ordered some anxiety medication that also had no affect on me..

What can I do about this?
@boomkin I'm REALLY surprised & sorry to hear this! ;( I got a bunch from ttmu & let's just say study girl needs to be reminded easy does it... And my tolerance for, well everything, is mega high. That being said, I do take 3-400 mG plus a 30 ire core study aid to start the day

I am wondering about this item too from TTM... Can anyone compare them to ModAlert made by Sun Pharma in the middle east?

@boomkin I'm REALLY surprised & sorry to hear this! ;( I got a bunch from ttmu & let's just say study girl needs to be reminded easy does it... And my tolerance for, well everything, is mega high. That being said, I do take 3-400 mG plus a 30 ire core study aid to start the day
Well I'm glad they work for someone /default_tongue.png Do you remember if they tasted like anything at all? When I chew mine, each one actually has 0 taste, I can dissolve the whole thing in my mouth without tasting anything at all. I also read that they are meant to smell like mint but I am not too concerned about the smell of something.. Also my dosages were 200 & 300mg a day on an empty stomach.

Also I don't have a tolerance to these sorts of things. I have used 5-10mg of valium 3 or 4 times in my 21 years of being alive and I definitely noticed and welcomed it in my system.

When trialing xanax purchased from this site for the first time ever, I'm not really sure I felt anything at all. From what I've heard and read, xanax is strong and 1mg could put an inexperience benzo user to sleep, and I managed to eat 4 (4mg) and feel nothing or little at all.

PS I really hope I am not sounding like a sook / cry-baby / whinger etc, that's definitely not my goal here and these previous experiences havn't deterred me from using TTm2u because I just feel like something isn't right, maybe its me.

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I am wondering about this item too from TTM... Can anyone compare them to ModAlert made by Sun Pharma in the middle east?
Hey, I saw on the tt thread you just made your first order. i want to apologise if I've made you scared / nervous about your order, most people generally have no issues with tt (hence why I shop with them too) but these have just been my honest experiences so far. I really hope you get exactly what you are expecting /default_smile.png

Well I'm glad they work for someone /default_tongue.png Do you remember if they tasted like anything at all? When I chew mine, each one actually has 0 taste, I can dissolve the whole thing in my mouth without tasting anything at all. I also read that they are meant to smell like mint but I am not too concerned about the smell of something.. Also my dosages were 200 & 300mg a day on an empty stomach.

Also I don't have a tolerance to these sorts of things. I have used 5-10mg of valium 3 or 4 times in my 21 years of being alive and I definitely noticed and welcomed it in my system.

When trialing xanax purchased from this site for the first time ever, I'm not really sure I felt anything at all. From what I've heard and read, xanax is strong and 1mg could put an inexperience benzo user to sleep, and I managed to eat 4 (4mg) and feel nothing or little at all.

PS I really hope I am not sounding like a sook / cry-baby / whinger etc, that's definitely not my goal here and these previous experiences havn't deterred me from using TTm2u because I just feel like something isn't right, maybe its me.
Yeah dude, 4mg of alp your first time shoulda put you lights out. Unless you were on a ton of kryst@l or something. Sounds like maybe you should shop somewhere else if their stuff don't work for you? Or go to the doctor cuz you might be like a superhuman or something and maybe you could use your powers to do some good in this world (job also comes with fancy cape & costume, bonus!).

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Moda is one of those drugs where the results are proportional to the user's will. You want to get 100 pages of physiology learned? Okay, you can, but you must WANT to do it, it won't happen on its own. It's distinctly different from the xanthines (caffeine) and the dopa/norepi ones that literally motivate you and can do the work for you (but really just burn the candle from both ends, which maybe some people prefer). I have spoken to a lot of people who actually take genuine moda and simply cannot feel the effects because they either don't understand what this drug can do for them, or they think the effects are automatic. The person who gets the most out of moda was going to work for 15 hours in a row anyway. Except now he will get a little more out of those 15 hours than otherwise. Moda is not a party drug, it's not a fun drug, it's literally just for being productive and offsetting fatigue in addition to its anti-narcoleptic effects. It can hardly be abused and we are lucky to have it. 

Oh I want to add: I would not jump to any conclusions, especially on a product coming from ttm2u.

The real way to test for genuine moda:  don't drink anything for 4 or 5 hours after taking the mod. Then when you next pee, smell your urine. If it smells like a gross sulfur smell that is abnormal for your urine, then it's the real deal. That's a lil secret for ya.

I hope you have more of these little secrets up your sleeve, very interesting thanks modup.


Moda is one of those drugs where the results are proportional to the user's will. You want to get 100 pages of physiology learned? Okay, you can, but you must WANT to do it, it won't happen on its own. It's distinctly different from the xanthines (caffeine) and the dopa/norepi ones that literally motivate you and can do the work for you (but really just burn the candle from both ends, which maybe some people prefer). I have spoken to a lot of people who actually take genuine moda and simply cannot feel the effects because they either don't understand what this drug can do for them, or they think the effects are automatic. The person who gets the most out of moda was going to work for 15 hours in a row anyway. Except now he will get a little more out of those 15 hours than otherwise. Moda is not a party drug, it's not a fun drug, it's literally just for being productive and offsetting fatigue in addition to its anti-narcoleptic effects. It can hardly be abused and we are lucky to have it. 
Yes, many think it is too similar to "add her all instantly" to my facebook.

Yeah too many people give up on it really quickly because it's simply nothing like other stims. Well, I'm quickly running out of secrets to share with this forum lol. Another feature of mod is that you become socially VERY awkward in large doses. At least this is how it goes for myself and 2 friends who use it. Good luck trying to have a normal conversation with someone who is not on the drug too. You'll also find that it is easy to go on an extended procrastination binge once you fall out of focus -- don't let this happen. Keep yourself focused. These issues are normal if you're trying to get used to using mod effectively, and these are additional "features" that let you know you got the real thing. That, plus the ability to figure out really difficult math, physics, or engineering design problems that you otherwise couldn't hahah -- this is the real reason to use mod, and it's starting to become common among software developers.

I've read that Mod is very dependent on the individual as it may work great for some, but not work at all for others. I have been prescribed @dderall, which I respond very well to for focus and concentration (and to which I owe my college degree, lol).. A friend of mine who is also prescribed Add swears by Mod and claims it works better for him than the @dderall; however, Mod has no effect on me what so ever even at increased dosages (taken from the same batch). I figure it can't soley be due to a tolerance to stims, since my friend uses the same medication yet responds well to Mod.

Some love it, and to some it's useless. You may just be one of those unlucky few who doesn't respond to it.

New here so sorry for necroing an old thread, but ttm has sold fake hydro and fake codeine (the ones that come in the sampler pack, loose capsules.) There are reports on two other boards of the codeine from the sampler pack making people sick, and being tested with reagent kits (two people separately tested) and found to contain no codeine at all. Obviously, they also sell Dovals which the manufacturer stopped producing several years ago.

I.e. they sell a ton to a lot of people but they are not above selling low quality and fake meds also.

New here so sorry for necroing an old thread, but ttm has sold fake hydro and fake codeine (the ones that come in the sampler pack, loose capsules.) There are reports on two other boards of the codeine from the sampler pack making people sick, and being tested with reagent kits (two people separately tested) and found to contain no codeine at all. Obviously, they also sell Dovals which the manufacturer stopped producing several years ago.

I.e. they sell a ton to a lot of people but they are not above selling low quality and fake meds also.
You might want to check your source of information on Dovals.   They are still produced today...

You might want to check your source of information on Dovals.   They are still produced today...
Actually, the manufacturer stopped producing them in 2010. You can go to their website and check. Don't wanna say too much about myself, but I work in the pharma industry. Some info:The brand name Doval is/was from the South African company, here is their website:

If you look in their annual report for 2010 you can see the comments on their discontinuation of the product.

While I am really ignorant in a lot of areas, there is a reason that I have access to and know how to run a GC/MS, LC, NMR, and other pieces of very expensive analytical found in the lab of a pharmaceutical company.
Doval was made by Pharmaceutical Enterprises in South Africa for many years, and they ceased manufacture of that product in October 2010. I think it doesn't give too much info up about me that I can say I was involved in one of their early ISO 9001 audits in their labs and one of their production facilities. I believe if you go to their web site (linked above) and search for Doval it will show "not found". On other forums this has been discussed and documented quite a bit.

I found one of the references on PTY LTD's discontinuation of the Doval manufacture back in 10/2010: The source of the data is from page 2915, and from page 3612, Volume B, of the Martindale 37th edition, for the year 2011/2012, page 3612, and, Volume A, page 1098, under, the subtitle, Anxiolytic Sedatives Hypnotics and Antipsychotics from the 131st year of publication of Pharmaceutical Press, 2011, the publishing division of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, covering forty one countries, in the modern industrialized world. ISBN 978-0-85369-933-0 and ISSN 0263-5364 by Pharmaceutical Press, 1 Lambeth High Street, London, SEI 7JN UK. I doubt most people have that in their bookshelves which is why I gave the ISBN and ISSN, you can look it up at your local library.

Don't wanna sound like the newbie know-it-all, just trying to contribute and as a long time insider in the pharma industry I hope I can be of some help on here.

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poppy13 said:
whos ttmu?been trying to figure it out.what does it stand for?thanks
Look for TopTen. Very popular for Benzos, they have shipped very suspect PKs so I'd avoid them for that, in the "relaxing" category you will read a lot of variability in their products, but very popular because they ship relatively quickly and take alternate payment methods than mg and wu.

Totally agree with this topic , I pay a bunch of dollars for nothing !All in all a good vendor but his modafinil is extremelly low quality 

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!