Monero (dont hoard the info , this keeps us all safe)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Whoopiegoldburgg222
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Wheres the info? Wheres the convos? Its like it dosnt even exsist yet its the only truly trusted cryto right now. I even have vendors refusing to take btc at this point... time to learn before its too late.

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Theres an excellent subreddit about Monero (r/monero) that has heaps of useful info.  Also they have the weekly questions thread with a heap of pinned info: Monero  Ive bought monero via localmonero, and i use CakeWallet to exchange bitcoin to monero and vice versa. Really hope more vendors migrate to XMR!

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Wheres the info? Wheres the convos? Its like it dosnt even exsist yet its the only truly trusted cryto right now. I even have vendors refusing to take btc at this point... time to learn before its too late.
@Whoopiegoldburgg222 I can't imagine why no one will do a btc transaction. That is the only thing that they ask from me. Luckily I have a few vendors that help me with alternative payments. I know  you said @bwillia1 won't accept. Have you asked anyone that uses the vendor if they have to do CIM? And I know  flowers help you but I have stopped all mm edibles and feel so much better. I heard of anxiety stopping them it never effected me but I have never heard of being dope sick coming off mm. See if any other members are having problems.

Much love and feel bad for you I understand they do help you they make me sound mentally retarded and messy. But no one has ever died stopping them. 

You know I am wishing you the best. A little worried you sound like you are spiralling down and I honestly do not want that for any member here.

Lots of love to you


Can always use morphtoken dot com to send Bitcoin FROM Monero 

and if you have XMR and they want BTC you can use XMR dot to or morphtoken as well 

Thank you everyone one for your help.


will no longer take BTC but will take CIM thank god , now I just need to study and learn how to send in a safe discreet way, ive read mailing **** isnt recommended by anyone for theft reasons but im sure there's a right way to do it.
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@Whoopiegoldburgg222 You really expect people to get on board with Moreno when we aren't even using PGP email encryption like Mailvelope for non-secure email providers (gmail, yahoo, etc)?  And PGP has been around since the 90's.

@Whoopiegoldburgg222 I can't tell if that's sarcasm?  It's like one of the first crypto's you learn in Cryptography 101 (after the Caesar cipher and Vigenère cipher of course).  PGP is a good precaution for many vendors using commercial gmail, yahoo, etc. accounts.  If that still hasn't been adapted, then you may be out of luck for rallying the troops to use Moreno.  But @DoomKitty and @SpriteHamster had some pretty good suggestions for individual use.  It's difficult to convert everyone to a certain idea or method on a large scale.

@Clarissa  A lot of vendors already have switched to Monero or at least take it, but that's on DNMs.  Since LE operations focus on DNMs as far as online busts, more vendors are aware of just how many people have been arrested just by looking at the blockchain and doing analysis.  Ive been using PGP for at least 13 years!! A ton of vendors not on this site always use PGP, even when using end-to-end encrypted email providers like Protonmail or Tutanota.  But no, i dont see a lot of vendors on this site switching, but also most vendors on this site are not interested/knowledgeable in that level of opsec.  I mean even i recommend KYC bitcoin exchanges, but im assuming only customers buying for personal use are asking.  Anyone reselling/vending i hope would know better.  Alas.....

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@DoomKitty Have you used any DNMs before?  I feel like since silk road, LE has become better at surveillance on the DN.  Plus TOR is a hoax since it was created by Naval Intelligence.  If I were them,  I would have created a backdoor.

You know how long the blockchain is?  It takes LE months to track things down.  It isn't easy and I think it's being prioritized to track t3rr0ri$t activity.

I would love to use PGP, but it's a two-party algorithm.  So you are saying you have that many friends who also use PGP?  Using PGP is a little over the top for encrypted providers (I figured they had their own sort of PGP algo in their software).  Yeah but I'm saying it would be a good idea to use PGP for the commercial email providers like gmail etc. which are mostly used on this site.  I know vendors aren't interested in switching, but there are Gmail plugins for things like Mailvelope where you just press a button and it generates your crypto message.  If clients can figure out how to send bitcoin, then they can easily figure out how to use PGP.

@Clarissa Yeah i've used DNMs heaps and heaps.  TOR definitely isnt a hoax imo, but maybe im not sure what you mean by hoax lol.  A LOT has changed code wise since the Navy were involved with development.  Yes there are countless ways to be exposed when using TOR and exit node honeypots/analysis/etc are a constant and getting more advanced all the time, so as with pretty much everything being "anonymous" can be a bit of stretch.  No matter how secure/private/anonymous something is, user error/ignorance will always fuck everything, and zero-days are everywhere!  For instance, PGP is amazing, but means fuck all once your unencrypted computer gets seized and all your private keys are exposed.  Or relying on the end-to-end encryption when emailing between two Protonmail account, only to have your phone/computer taken and then anyone can just open yr email and everything is right there.  That's why i know lots of people who PGP encrypt their emails even when using an encrypted emailer, just because it adds that additional layer of security. 

Not sure what you mean about how long the blockchain is.  Its current size is only like 285GB.  I don't know how hard or easy it is to do blockchain analysis (never done it and don't know anyone who does, nor do i keep up with the current methods), i just know that a ton of vendors have been arrested because of blockchain analysis.  One of the people on the board at Coinbase was involved in the SilkRoad case, and was head of the investigation that caught the agents who stole all that bitcoin during the SilkRoad investigation.  Coinbase's blockchain analysis program is being used by numerous agencies by now, including the DEA, so i would assume there are many priorities.

And yes i know lots of people who use PGP! And not just for drug related reasons.  And i agree that every vendor who isn't using an end-to-end encrypted provider should be using it.  But i mean even the vendors who use encrypted emailers dont demand you use the same provider!  Sending an email from a protonmail account to a non-protonmail address wont be end-to-end encrypted.  I assume a lot of vendors who are using gmail and yahoo are probably very old school and not interested in upgrading and also get into that comfort zone of "well i haven't been caught so far so why change" mentality, but i have no idea. 

@Whoopiegoldburgg222 Using isnt as good just because you are relying on them to actually delete your messages and not keep any info on their servers.  Also a lot of people are highly suspicious of because they stopped updating their warrant canary last november and then suddenly started again in June. 

@DoomKitty My concern is that the government has all its focus on TOR, so it's almost safer to just use a regular desktop.  I feel like everyone on TOR is an LE agent posing as a vendor or phishing.  The US gov't has been funding TOR for years (I'm not sure if they still are).  Let's not forget the Snowden leak -- the N$A had privileged positions on the internet backbone so they can perform MITM attacks before your website has time to load (low-latency computing, that's pretty much my job).  I always tell people if they want to be truly "anonymous" they should get rid of every device that emits a signal, connects to a network or has bluetooth.  We leave digital breadcrumbs everywhere.  Or you can build a Faraday cage, create your own network (no ISP), create your own VPN, firewalls, and literally build your own computer.  But yeah your right, hacking and spying is only possible because you aren't defeating a computer, you are outsmarting the person who built the software or crypto or whatever you want to crack.  Computers are dumb and deterministic.  The best hackers in the world know how to outsmart the smartest people in the world.

They always say that Cybersecurity people are the most paranoid in the world (aka me).

Blockchain analysis used to be manual, but companies have created tools that identifies patterns and traces them back to accounts that are suspicious.  Then from there they follow linked accounts and so on and so forth.  All this does is generate some graphs and charts.  There's still a lot of leg work involved.  The blockchain is just a ledger of transactions.  It's not really providing that much information.  Or what's popular now is narrowing down specific "origins" of transactions.  But this all takes time and it's all based on patterns.

@Whoopiegoldburgg222 I think gives you a false sense of security and is just a lazy way to send a message that "seems" secure.  And everything @DoomKitty says.  Nothing ever gets "deleted" from the Internet/computer/server.  There is always a way to forensically retrieve "deleted" data.  There is one way to permanently delete data but it requires a really good microscope.  You have to take your hard drive and override all the 1's and 0's so it's unreadable.  You do this manually with some type of instrument.  (This is actually the truth, not sarcasm and I think this manual method is still done today).

People should be using TAILS for all their stuff that they desire privacy and security for, run Express VPN (they have been not only independently audited many times over but also have had servers seized by the Turkish government which were found to have NOTHING on them whatsoever, as in literally not a single bit of data period, and are the ONLY VPN proven to actually not log any data whatsoever as a result of these investigations into their code and servers), and use Bisq for all their crypto purchases and sales, which supports Monero. For a wallet, Incognito Wallet for mobile and Samourai Wallet for both mobile and desktop are options that show much promise for security (Samourai is not a typo, and they even run like Bisq, where you can optionally toggle a tool that has your transactions only broadcast over TOR). Also, people should pay attention to I2P, which is the Invisible Internet Protocol, as it shows more promise for security and stability than TOR. As for TOR, it was never developed by the Navy. It was FUNDED by the Navy, and the government stopped being involved with the project a decade ago. Also, let's not forget that the Internet at large was first initially developed by the Department of Defense, so don't be so fast to condemn TOR.

@LysergamideLandscapes1938 Dude I have chrome os laptop for school and it sucks!! is there anyway for someone like me to be able to download tails on a usb or do you think I just need to get a windows or something? 

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: We been rocking kinda hard since the day we begun, yo ready-c man, play Sanford and son....
  2. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: "Well his name is ready-c and im tellin u, he can play the beat forwards a d backwards too...
  3. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: @LatsDoodis maaan funk d.a.t!
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  5. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  7. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  9. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  10. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  11. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  12. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  13. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  14. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  15. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  16. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  17. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
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  19. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  20. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ