I thought I'd let people know how I prepare my kratom. I have tried many different methods and have arrived at this one cause it's the most consistent and potent for me.
I weigh out about 24g of kratom (in the beginning I only used 12g, but yeah) from canopybotanicals (hands down best supplier). I suggest using only green strains cause they are the strongest. The reds don't do anything for me. The top three (and I tried them all) are Super Green Jongkong, Wild Green, and Green Maeng Da. I use the wild green the most often cause it seems to last the longest for me. The super green is the top powdered one though. The top of all is the Crushed leaf Maeng Da.
Anyway, after weighing, I put six cups of warm water in a pot and then add the kratom powder. I put it on the stove on full power and wait for it to start bubbling. When it starts bubbling, I turn down the heat and keep stiring and smashing the bubbles so it doesn't boil over. It bubbles for about 2-3 minutes and then relaxes and you can leave it alone after that. I let it boil on medium for a half hour (it has to be a half hour - if you boil less, it is less strong). I don't cover the pot BTW, but you may want to to avoid the smell. Maybe put a couple less cups of water if you cover it.
When it's done, there's about four cups of water left. This is enough for my 2x daily dose. I agitate the solution to make sure the sediment is in solution. I then pour it into an Aero Press. You need to have the sediment in there to make it filter properly. You have to push hard on the press to squeeze it through. It takes about 5 minutes and will give you a bit of a workout on the one arm. The resulting Tea is a beautiful golden color with no cloudiness or bullshit in it. If you push too hard, it will pass the sediment. It took me a while to get the pressure correct. You'll just have to experiment to get a feel for how hard you can push it. The tea can be sweetened with honey or otherwise.
This is the #1 best way to take kratom. It is the most pleasant way and gives me very good effects compared to eating the powder which would often give me stomach aches and not feel as good.
I weigh out about 24g of kratom (in the beginning I only used 12g, but yeah) from canopybotanicals (hands down best supplier). I suggest using only green strains cause they are the strongest. The reds don't do anything for me. The top three (and I tried them all) are Super Green Jongkong, Wild Green, and Green Maeng Da. I use the wild green the most often cause it seems to last the longest for me. The super green is the top powdered one though. The top of all is the Crushed leaf Maeng Da.
Anyway, after weighing, I put six cups of warm water in a pot and then add the kratom powder. I put it on the stove on full power and wait for it to start bubbling. When it starts bubbling, I turn down the heat and keep stiring and smashing the bubbles so it doesn't boil over. It bubbles for about 2-3 minutes and then relaxes and you can leave it alone after that. I let it boil on medium for a half hour (it has to be a half hour - if you boil less, it is less strong). I don't cover the pot BTW, but you may want to to avoid the smell. Maybe put a couple less cups of water if you cover it.
When it's done, there's about four cups of water left. This is enough for my 2x daily dose. I agitate the solution to make sure the sediment is in solution. I then pour it into an Aero Press. You need to have the sediment in there to make it filter properly. You have to push hard on the press to squeeze it through. It takes about 5 minutes and will give you a bit of a workout on the one arm. The resulting Tea is a beautiful golden color with no cloudiness or bullshit in it. If you push too hard, it will pass the sediment. It took me a while to get the pressure correct. You'll just have to experiment to get a feel for how hard you can push it. The tea can be sweetened with honey or otherwise.
This is the #1 best way to take kratom. It is the most pleasant way and gives me very good effects compared to eating the powder which would often give me stomach aches and not feel as good.