My Guide for Weight Loss, no exercise required


Feb 24, 2020
After 9 months of healthy weight loss (60+lb or 27kg and counting), thought you all would find this useful. Especially if you're like me and despise exercising! 

I'd like to note nothing here is groundbreaking, and works provided you don't have any health problems or use medicines which may cause weight gain. For reference, I have hypothyroidism and depression, and struggled managing my weight until I found meds to treat these conditions. Some medications, ie prednisone, are known for causing significant weight gain. Please talk with a doctor before beginning any diet, to ensure you're getting enough to meet your daily needs.

1. Find your BMR (basal metabolic rate) - can find on or similar websites. This number of calories is an estimate of what your body uses just from being alive. Remember this number.

2. Find your estimated calorie use for your height and weight. Calorie calculator on above site has a good estimate for what's needed to maintain your weight - remember this number too.

3. Download any free calorie counting app. Start getting into the habit of logging your meals, before you begin trying to implement any diet program. Yes, even if you eat a whole pizza and a case of beers, log it. Don't look so much at calorie counting yet.

3a. It's also worth investing in a weight scale and getting into the habit of weighing yourself every morning, and logging this into your app. You might feel ashamed, but forming these two habits before really getting into your health journey will be critical.

4. Remember those two numbers from above? Take 500 calories off the maintenance calories from step 2. So if 2200 is maintenance, 1700 should be your daily goal to lose a pound (roughly half a kilo) a week. For 2lb/1kg a week, take another 500 off. 

IMPORTANT: do not go below 1200 calories per day, as this is considered bare minimum to get your necessary nutrients! The amount you are able to lose per week, will decrease as you lose more weight. When I started I was able to lose 2lb a week, but now I can safely lose just over 1lb a week. Patience is key; learning these habits sets the foundation for success.

5. Here's where the hard part begins. Now you have your calorie goal. You put this goal into your calorie counting app. Now it's time to start eating less to meet it. Yes, sauces have calories too and should be logged.

Now just do this indefinitely, occasionally adjusting your calorie goal by repeating steps 1 and 2 based on your current (lower!) weight. Stay strong, keep below your BMR, and you WILL lose.

Yes, you're gonna be hungry. Yes, you will have days where you totally mess up. Log your meals and weight anyway. Don't be discouraged if your weight fluctuates by a bit each day, this is natural and normal!

But CAH, I'm freaking hungry! And tired! And irritable!

Yep. Getting used to the lower amounts of food takes awhile. My tip for first starting: as long as you're eating below your BMR (the number from step 1) it is impossible NOT to lose weight.

But CAH, this is a drug forum! There's gotta be a magic pill!

No such thing as a magic pill that's totally safe long term, but there are plenty of pills that can curb your appetite and make it easier in the short term. Pretty much any stimulant will do that. 

But CAH, I'm starving even with stimulants!

Either your goal is too low based on your activity level, or you're eating foods that aren't making you full. Some foods make you feel more full than others. Lean protein and veggies are your best friend, but that's not all you are allowed to eat. Eat whatever the fuck you want! But LOG IT and LOG IT CORRECTLY. 

I personally don't believe you should stick to any sort of fad diet, as they are generally unsustainable. If you want some ice cream, eat some fucking ice cream, IN MODERATION. Otherwise you will crave it til you binge it. There have been days I've eaten 2/3 my calories from chips. Just like, don't do it every day? And try and at least stay under your BMR. And if you eat like shit, like I do, take a damn multivitamin with your meals.

Your goal is to literally eat fewer calories than you burn. That's it! And it sucks, but it works. Drugs can help. Exercising can help increase the amount you're allowed to eat.

This guide is supposed to help change your lifestyle. There are psychology based programs you can use to assist in changing the mental processes behind eating, but I'm not gonna shill them here. Anyway thank you for coming to my stimmed out TED talk

Tl;dr: Calories in < calories out (CICO) is all you need. It's not as much a diet as it is simple math.

@CAHEpiphany I thought this was going to be a Keto diet topic lol.  I'm on Keto and don't exercise at all.  I did at first, but I found I was actually gaining MORE weight, so it's only recommended to exercise twice a week (like high intensity interval training for 15 mins) when on Keto.  But I'm just too lazy for that.  Since January, I lost 34 pounds.

But yes I agree with everything you said above (even if you aren't on Keto).  I always try to stay below my calculated daily calorie intake otherwise I notice slight weight gains.

I would also say that it's worth investing in a Fitbit watch so you can actually see how many calories you are burning per day.  This could help with your daily routine and determining whether or not that midday snack is a good idea.

3a. It's also worth investing in a weight scale and getting into the habit of weighing yourself every morning, and logging this into your app. You might feel ashamed, but forming these two habits before really getting into your health journey will be critical.
I use to be crazy about this when I first started dieting, but I've been getting advice from other people and doctor's that you should only really weigh yourself once a week because of fluctuations in water weight.  Especially for females (I'm not sure if this also applies to men).

Most scales come equipped with bluetooth and an iPhone/Android app so it will load all your stats to the app automatically.  There are a bunch on amazon and they aren't too expensive.  I have this one RENPHO Body Fat Scale. It's only $23 and there's a coupon now for an extra $2 off.  It automatically loads my weight to the app and it calculates all my stats like Body Fat %, BMI, Visceral Fat, Body Water, Muscle Mass, BMR, etc.

Also, one more helpful fact, DRINK LOTS OF WATER.  This will help you loose weight as well.  Especially cold water because your body burns more energy to process it.  Drinking a lot of water before a meal makes you feel more full and you will end up eating less.  Whenever I start to feel hungry I will start drinking water to help me feel more full.  It actually works.

If you really want to look good to in have to have some forms of physical resistance exercise. Nothing can tone the muscles better than a good work out (or/and good sex) either way, try to live your full life and love yourself. If you need some help with weightless be it medication assisted or in combination with novel methods like cavitation or freezing the fat cells, drop me a line I can help with some advice and more. 

@Olart Pharma I can neither confirm nor deny you've already helped a bit with that ;)

@Clarissa that's my strategy... get closer to goal weight before I start working out, ideally out of the obese BMI range (down 13 bmi points so far with 3 to go!) Not a great incentive because I hate working out, but given my energy levels have increased as my weight drops, I'll get there. Swimming is my favorite but as we know, pools weren't much of an option this summer.

How did I forget to include the water?? Water is so important. I have zero evidence to back me up but I've read if you're hungry, drink water and wait, it's probably just sneaky thirst.

We will agree to disagree with weighing yourself everyday, I've had to re-key my brain to not associate weight gain with failure. I really like seeing the trend line, and even though there are weeks of plateaus or jumping around the same 5lb span, it keeps me on track? 

I already use my fitbit daily, and it tells me, no snack for me unless it's healthy 😅 I'm not an active person. My thinking is if I want a snack, I either make sure to account for it, or allow myself a slip up. I'm only human!

If I could follow a diet like keto, I would, but I just don't feel like restriction of certain foods is sustainable for me. Much power to you for being able to do it!

@CAHEpiphany  Those last few BMI points felt like it was taking forever, but I'm now halfway to normal!  (Normal for my height is 130lbs which is ridiculous).  You'll feel so good once you hit that BMI range.  But congrats on the 13 points -- that's a huge achievement!!  I'm a software engineer so I'm literally the least active person ever because I sit in a chair for 16 hours a day.  It's not like you have to go to the gym or be on some crazy workout regime.  There are a lot of good videos on youtube where you can workout at home -- high intensity interval training type of things like jogging in place, squats, push-ups, sit-ups, just your basic run-of-the-mill activities.  So just start off small when the time is right.

How did I forget to include the water?? Water is so important. I have zero evidence to back me up but I've read if you're hungry, drink water and wait, it's probably just sneaky thirst.
I actually did research on this when I first started dieting because I was curious if drinking more water was making me gain more weight, but the opposite is true.  The more you drink the better.  Yeah there are numerous sources that say drinking a lot of water before a meal will make you feel full faster.  I'm sure you can find articles from the Mayo clinic or NIH that would back this claim up.  Before dieting, I only used to drink like 8oz water a day.  It's a miracle I'm still alive (for many reasons).

Yeah I had a "slip" the another night when I had 4 servings of Keto ice cream (aka the whole pint).  The next morning I was freaking out, but the scale said I actually lost a pound.  So it's hard to account for slips and how much of an impact they really have.

Honestly, the Keto diet is all the foods I normally eat just without the bread, carbs and sugar.  The point is you want your body to burn fat instead of glucose, so you remove all sugar from your diet (as bread is converted into sugar and so on and so forth).  So I can have all types of protein, eggs, bacon, cheese, certain nuts like macadamia and almonds are good (in moderation).  I just have to stay under 25 net carbs per day which isn't too hard.  Now that Keto is so popular, all these companies are coming out with frozen Keto waffles and ice cream which makes my life easier because I used to have to bake my own pancake/waffle batter or buy an ice cream maker.  I've made snacks like cakes, cookie dough, chocolate candies, etc. that actually tasted better than the sugary versions (you just have to swap out the sugar and flour for Stevia and Almond/Coconut flour).

But in either case, no matter which diet you choose, I think tracking calories is the most important.  That's where I see the most weight loss.  They don't really preach that in Keto, it's just something I learned from experience (trial and error).

I swear I'm not contradicting anything you said in the OP, but it's possible there is a "miracle" pill out there.  Have you ever heard of Contrave?  It's a combination of Naltrexone and Bupropion HCl.  I'm not really sure what the Bupropion is for, but I'm on pure Naltrexone injections now to restore my brain chemistry and get me through PAWS, and I'm literally never hungry and never have an appetite.  I'm not promoting it because I don't think it's healthy and I'm still only a few months out of Sub withdrawal.  Obviously you still need to stick to a diet, but it does seem to suppress food appetite and cravings.  I just wanted to put it out there in case anyone is struggling with over-eating or excessive food cravings and are unable to stick to a diet.

I'll reply more in-depth later, but regarding your last point @Clarissa, there IS a miracle drug that allegedly boosts your metabolism by 50%, but unfortunately has a high risk of death: 2,4-Dinitrophenol. Literally baking yourself from the inside out! And pretty much any stim'll help with cravings, some more than others... though I would ask a doctor before resorting to purely medicinal weight loss.

Those last few BMI points felt like it was taking forever, but I'm now halfway to normal!  (Normal for my height is 130lbs which is ridiculous).  You'll feel so good once you hit that BMI range.  But congrats on the 13 points -- that's a huge achievement!!  I'm a software engineer so I'm literally the least active person ever because I sit in a chair for 16 hours a day.  It's not like you have to go to the gym or be on some crazy workout regime.  There are a lot of good videos on youtube where you can workout at home -- high intensity interval training type of things like jogging in place, squats, push-ups, sit-ups, just your basic run-of-the-mill activities.  So just start off small when the time is right.
I definitely feel you it's taking forever! A normal bmi for my height puts me at like 145, max, and that seems crazy low. I've always had fat on my bones lol. And I'm honestly fine having an overweight bmi, better than morbid obesity, tight fitting plane seats and health problems growing worse by the day. Max 267. Fucking disgusted at myself for getting that bad. Started dieting weight at 260 so I'm close to 70lb now since January!

Like you, I sit in a chair for my office job so I don't get much exercise, so the way to get myself up is by tricking myself... I'll play DDR (stepmania) or ring fit because it's like a game, not exercise.

It's not a slip as long as you're not killing pints of keto ice cream nightly! I've definitely done something similar, and I'll give myself calorie cheat days, even then I find it hard to get to maintenance calories after dieting so long...

I've read about that med, and others like clen, and myself have tried phentermine and etc, nothing kills my hunger like good old stimulants. Caffeine and daily concerta, sometimes some Addy's help in the meantime.

Congrats on your weight loss!! Feels great getting healthy.

I'll reply more in-depth later, but regarding your last point @Clarissa, there IS a miracle drug that allegedly boosts your metabolism by 50%, but unfortunately has a high risk of death: 2,4-Dinitrophenol. Literally baking yourself from the inside out! And pretty much any stim'll help with cravings, some more than others... though I would ask a doctor before resorting to purely medicinal weight loss.
@CAHEpiphany Unfortunately, stims don't work for me.  I've been on Adderall since I was 16.  It literally has no affect on me other than to keep me focused on tasks.  But I don't get any of those "fun" side effects anymore.  I can pretty much take a handful of Adderall and fall asleep.  That's why I mentioned Contrave because it actually suppresses appetite and cravings permanently (day and night), whereas when stims wear off you are usually starving or have a headache from not eating, etc.  Since I've been on the Naltrexone, I've lost 14 lbs (since July).  I mean visceral fat is my main issue, but baking myself from the inside out sounds absolutely terrifying.  I have an entire closet labeled "Skinny clothes" and I'm not in THAT much of a rush to start wearing them again haha.  I used to be so skinny that I would have to go to the tailors to have an XXS small resized because it was too big for me.  My goal is to get into that skirt again hah.

Yeah I love DDR!  I just bought one of those under-desk elliptical machines from QVC.  It's like a seated elliptical, but it's better than nothing.  

Congrats to you as well.  You have accomplished way more than I have!!

P.S. Who sets these ridiculous "normal" BMI weights?!  They are crazy low.  We live in America.  There should be a BMI scale for America and a separate one for Europe where people are generally thinner hah.

Ah, gotcha @Clarissa on stims not helping. That's interesting, isn't naltrexone for alcohol tapering via opioid antagonism? I do remember reading about contrave, and if I'm remembering correctly that bupropion is a substituted cathinone, I can see how the two combined could completely eliminate hunger signals 😂 

Yeah the drug I mentioned that bakes you from the inside out has a 20% death rate if overdosed, soooo prob not safe. I also have my "skinny" clothes still, I guess as wishful thinking, but now that winter is coming, oversized clothes are no issue. 

Bmi certainly shouldn't be the way we define health, but in my case, it was sadly true given my comorbidities. Maybe america wouldn't be so fat if we didn't have the corn and dairy subsidies, giant food portions, and suburbia requiring cars... 

@CAHEpiphany Yeah Naltrexone is a full opioid antagonist, but it also reduces opiate/alcohol cravings and repairs damaged brain cells from before the substance abuse started.  It also helps to speed up Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms (depression, cravings, etc.) which can last for years.  Naltrexone can restore the brain cell function so it only lasts a few months.  However, I also find it completely reduces my appetite and cravings.  I just have one meal a day and that's all I need.  I'm not really sure what the bupropion is for either, but Contrave can be a good option for people who aren't taking Naltrexone for substance abuse reasons.  I think maybe the same receptors/endorphins that control hunger and appetite are somehow being treated by the Naltrexone.  There are so many uses for it.  It's crazy.  More and more research comes out everyday on its benefits.

I never really liked using Stims to control my appetite because while I wasn't hungry for a couple of hours during the day, I would binge at night because I was starving once it wore off.

Yeah weight loss is so inconvenient in that way.  I have my fat clothes, skinny clothes, and "now" clothes.  I need to get rid of some of my fat clothes, but I keep holding off and hoarding them "just in case".  I guess I can't let go yet.

The BMI chart is why I started dieting.  I was sitting in a doctor's office waiting and I was looking at the chart based on my height and weight.  When I saw I was in the "Obesity" category it was a huge wake-up call.  I'm like "how the fuck did I get here".  I guess I was sleeping for 3-4 years and just let the weight pile on while subconsciously ignoring it.

I've had several wakeup calls over the past few years, but the series of events that led to the ultimate push was as follows (in a period of like 2 weeks last November/december)

1. One doctor sat me down and had a serious discussion. She told me the rate I was gaining was unsustainable

2. Some old man at the pharmacy was asking questions about the same pills I was prescribed. Cholesterol and blood pressure

3. I needed a seatbelt extender on an airplane. Just one of four flights I took where I needed one. Embarrassing

4. My GP was about to refer me for a liver biopsy due to my liver enzymes being high and I did not want that. (Excessive drinking from untreated depression)

5. My self worth was so low and I needed a change.

I guess mental illness and booze caused me to ignore my physical self for years, just like with you @Clarissa... It snuck up on me in spite of being obvious in hindsight.

Yeah, I need to pull my skinny clothes from storage, but the goal this time is to not ever need my big clothes anymore.

@CAHEpiphany I think I was just so depressed at one point that I started gaining weight because I hated myself and I wanted to put up a barrier so no one would want to look at me or touch me.  My way of protecting myself from getting hurt I guess.  But yes, my doctor also had one of those discussions with me when he told me I was pre-diabetic and required bi-monthly A1C tests.  But still, that wasn't enough for me.  I think it was just seeing the word "Obesity" on the BMI chart really jogged something in me.  I was ignoring mirrors for so long that one day I took a good look and was just disgusted and knew I required a drastic change.

@Clarissa and CAHEpiphany

congrats on your success to date! You are both very brave, in my book.  These are helpful tips and resources, thank you  for posting

i am in need of some inspiration to get my ass moving again and make myself a priority. 
it is hard for me currently without any stoms, as I lost my addy script in March. 
my go to on the forum is Olart, who is awesome! However, I’m between supplies, currently. 

anyway I just wanted to say thanks!
this forum is good for so many things!

@Idaknowbetter Definitely look into Contrave.  It has Naltrexone in it.  I'm just on Naltrexone alone, but I have absolutely no appetite.  I have to force feed myself once a day.  I would look into that and give it a try.  It's not a controlled substance so you can get a prescription from any doctor.

I also have a script for Adderall, but I've been on it so long that it has no affect on my appetite.  If anything, it makes it worse because I'll end up binge eating at the end of the night because I'll be starving after coming off the stims.  On the Naltrexone, I have no appetite 24/7.  I think all that night eating was causing my weight gain in the first place.

Happy it works for you but naltrexone has done nothing for me. I also take Wellbutrin so basically contrave. AND adderall XR. 

I find my appetite becomes insane at night. Any tips? 

also what does nalt I’m on 9mg I believe 2 4.5mg tab

@catnsdogz I'm on the Vivitrol injection (that's 380mg of Naltrexone per month) and I'm also on Adderall.

I find the only time I can force-feed myself is at night, but it hasn't affected my weight loss.  I usually have my dinner around 9-10pm and then a snack right before bed.  I usually become hungry around snack time (11pm), but I have my snack and then go to sleep.

I just realized Contrave only has 8mg of Naltrexone in it.  That's a really small dosage.  I didn't realize that until lately.  It may not have the full appetite suppressant affects on you that it does on me since I'm at such a higher dosage.  However, Naltrexone is used to treat many types of cravings like alcohol and food.  Maybe you can get your doctor to increase your Naltrexone dosage?

Tara said:

Years ago, I took Contrave. It gave me suicidal thoughts.

Probably not that way for everyone. Just thought I would let you know. ❤️
@Tara Yeah it looks like Contrave has Bupropion in it which makes me a little nervous -- I generally try to stay away from anti-depressants as they always make things worst for me.  And I didn't realize until lately that it only has 8mg of Naltrexone in it.  That's a very low dose.  I'm not sure it's strong enough to give people the complete appetite suppression that I benefit from on the Vivitrol injection (380mg Naltrexone per month).  It's probably just better to take a higher dose of Naltrexone to get the appetite suppression benefits.  It comes in a pill form that can be taken every 24 hours.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!